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Table of Contents Introduction to the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict Geography Israel Palestine Christian Ancient timeline UN Partition Plan 1967 War 1973.

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Presentation on theme: "Table of Contents Introduction to the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict Geography Israel Palestine Christian Ancient timeline UN Partition Plan 1967 War 1973."— Presentation transcript:

1 Table of Contents Introduction to the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict Geography Israel Palestine Christian Ancient timeline UN Partition Plan 1967 War 1973 War Camp David Accords Rise of the PLO First Intifadah Oslo Accords Second Intifadah The Issues Links

2 Palestinian-Israeli Conflict

3 Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: Introduction The conflict between Israel and the Palestinians is one that is: Extremely dangerous Long-lasting Complicated Impacted by religious bias

4 Jews and Palestinians Essential Question: What is the historical context to the two claims to Palestine? Objective: to understand the historical background to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and prepare for a debate on the claims to the land

5 Jews and Palestinians: two claims to Palestine Person 1: Predict I think ____ will happen next because ___ Person 2: Clarify ______ is confusing because_____ I don't understand the word __________ I'm confused why ______ Person 3: Ask Questions Who, What, When, Where, Why, How Person 4: Summarize The main ideas of the text are _________ They are important because ________

6 US Interests: Why should we care? This conflict is destabilizing and could lead to a major world war. Many wars have already been fought Israel possesses nuclear weapons and its enemies would like to develop such weapons to gain a military advantage Many in the Middle East perceive the Palestinian-Israeli conflict as the most important issue which makes progress in other areas impossible. Unless peace is reached, the US is perceived as biased, and it is difficult to get cooperation from other countries in the region America has oil interests in the region The War on terrorism Promote Democracy: Israel is a democratic, capitalistic state US citizens have close ties to Israel and Arabs.

7 Israeli Palestinian conflict poster Poster Must Include the Following: – Title – All the event cards attached – The following notecards (each person does one) Card 1: Explanation of how and why your group organized the info the way you did. Card 2: Connections to either something we have learned about or a personal connection. Card 3: At least 5 Questions about the topic we can use for the debate.


9 The Geography Israel is at the crossroads between Asia, Africa, and Europe. Today, it is in the heart of the Arab Middle East The area’s small size limits its capacity to be a homeland for all the people who want to live there.

10 Israel: Land for Jews Israel is a modern, democratic nation created in 1948. It was conceived as a homeland for Jews who had experienced discrimination worldwide. Israel includes Jews and Arabs, who have rights of citizenship. Israel was the historic homeland of the Jews first promised by God to Abraham around 2000 BCE. Israel was the site of several kingdoms and independent states until the Romans finally exiled the Jews in 135 AD. During the Diaspora, Jews remembered their homeland and dreamed of returning to it.

11 Population by Religion in Israel Jewish population in Palestine: 1880: 10,000-24,000 1917: 56,000 Late 1930s: 400,000 / 1.3 million total

12 Israel: The Western Wall Jerusalem is the site of the holiest site in Judaism, remains of the earliest Temples. The Western Wall is part of the retaining wall supporting the temple mount built by Herod in 20 B.C. After the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 A.D., Jews were not allowed to come to Jerusalem until the Byzantine period, when they could visit once a year on the anniversary of the destruction of the Temple and weep over the ruins of the Holy Temple. Because of this, the wall became known as the ‘Wailing Wall.

13 The Western Wall

14 Palestine: Homeland for Palestinians Palestinians are the Arabic speaking people that live in Palestine. Most Palestinians practice Islam which came to Palestine around 638 AD, although some are Christian. Jerusalem is one of the most holy cities for Islam because Moslems believe that Muhammad ascended to heaven here

15 Dome of the Rock

16 The Holy Land for Christians Israel and Palestine have been major sites for Christian pilgrimage and crusades. Jesus is said to have been born in Bethlehem and raised in Nazareth. He is said to have been crucified and resurrected in Jerusalem.

17 Zionism Coined by a Jewish writer in 1882 after the beginning of migration to Palestine by Jews with the following goals: – Escaping anti-Jewish prejudice, discrimination and pogroms (organized massacre) – Establishing a homeland in Palestine for Jews

18 Jewish Immigration to Israel

19 British Mandate for Palestine 1917-1923 Transjordan recognized as separate entity in 1922

20 Balfour Declaration 1917 The establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people. ‘understanding’ that ‘nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine’.

21 Palestine Under British Mandate 1923-1948


23 1947 UN Partition Plan In 1947, the UN proposed a partition plan for Palestine which would create an Arab and an Israeli state. Under the plan, Jews (who accounted for 33% of the population) would receive 55% of the land. Jews accept partition, Palestinians reject it May 14, 1948 Israel declared independence


25 1920-1948 Jewish Settlements and UN Partition Plan

26 First Arab Israeli War May 15, 1948: Neighboring Arab nations (Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq) attacked Israel August 1949: Israel won the war and occupied 30% more of land the UN had given to Palestinians Egypt and Jordan occupied the rest of Palestinian land Egypt took control of the Gaza Strip Jordan annexed the West Bank. 700,000 Palestinians became refugees Most fled to Jordan, the West Bank or the Gaza Strip Over next few years 900,000 Jews immigrated to Israel

27 First Arab Israeli War

28 Israel borders after 1949

29 Palestinian Loss of Land 1946-2000

30 1967 War: The Six Day War May 1967: Arab countries began moving armies close to Israel’s borders. June 5 Israel launches surprise attack on Egypt. Syria, Jordan and Iraq joined in fighting Israel.

31 Results of the 1967 War Israel captured the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Sinai Peninsula, the Golan Heights and East Jerusalem. 1 million Palestinians came under Israeli military control. Less than 1,000 Israeli deaths / 20,000 Arab deaths 300,000 more Palestinians became refugees. Jewish minority communities were expelled from Arab nations.

32 Land occupied by Israel after 1967 War

33 1973 War (Yom Kippur War) Iraq, Egypt, Syria, and Jordan attacked Israel to regain lands lost in the 6 day war. The Arab nations were initially successful as the Israelis were celebrating Yom Kippur and had not anticipated an attack. After several weeks, Israel recovered its occupied lands and a cease fire was reached. No change in territories.

34 Yom Kippur War

35 1978 Camp David Accords The first peace treaty between Israel and an Arab state (Egypt 1978) Egypt first Arab state to recognize Israel’s right to exist Israel returns Sinai to Egypt “Land for Peace” can work Egyptian leader Anwar Sadat was assassinated in 1981 by the Egyptian Islamic Jihad organization.

36 Camp David Accords Land Agreement

37 1978 Camp David Accords

38 Rise of the PLO The Palestine Liberation Organization is an umbrella organization for many groups which represent the Palestinian people. Currently, its officials control many positions in the Palestinian Authority which governs Palestinian territory. Its most famous leader was Yassir Arafat. In 1974, the PLO was recognized by the United Nations as the representative of the Palestinian people. The PLO has also fought militarily against Israeli occupation of its land and has been involved in numerous terrorist acts against Israeli citizens.

39 Jewish Settlements What are settlements? – Jewish neighborhoods in Palestinian territory – Protected by Israeli military – Settlements currently exist in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Golan Heights.


41 First Intifada, 1987-1993 Means uprising A whole generation of Palestinians had been living in refugee camps controlled by Israelis (20 years since the 6 Day War). Palestinians were angry that they couldn’t return to their homes, did not have easy access to jobs, schools, medical care. Palestinians were also angry about the growing number of Jewish settlements. By 1993, 1,162 Palestinians and 160 Israelis had died.

42 First Intifada Palestinians fought against the Israeli military with stones as their weapons

43 Oslo Accords (1993) In 1993, the PLO and Israel signed a peace agreement to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Secret talks between Israelis and Palestinians Israeli military would withdraw from Gaza Strip and West Bank over the course of five years A Palestinian government would be set-up to lead the West Bank and Gaza strip Signed at the White House by Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat

44 Oslo II (1995) The agreement divided the West Bank into three zones: Zone A comprised 7% of the territory (the main Palestinian towns excluding Hebron and East Jerusalem) going to full Palestinian control Zone B comprised 21% of the territory under joint Israeli- Palestinian control Zone C stayed in Israeli hands Israel also released Palestinian prisoners Neither Palestinians or Israelis were strongly supportive of the agreement

45 Oslo II

46 Second Intifada (2000) Second uprising Led by Hamas Use of suicide bombers (Palestinians) to attack Israelis (civilians and soldiers) Israel launches counter strikes against Palestinians

47 Gaza Withdrawal (2005) Israel announced it would leave the Gaza Strip Israel also said it would build a wall/fence to defend itself against suicide bombers and separate the Palestinian territories (Gaza Strip and West Bank) from Israel Hamas gains control of the Gaza Strip

48 War with Gaza (2009) Israel attacked the Gaza Strip in retaliation for Hamas strikes against Israel Lasted 3 weeks Over 1,000 Palestinians (Hamas and civilians) died and 13 Israelis

49 U.S. – Israeli Relations Since 1976, Israel has been the #1 recipient of US foreign aid (25% of the total foreign aid budget). Israel buys high tech military equipment from the U.S. Israel creates sophisticated computer and other military technology, making it one of the most powerful militaries in the world. Israeli has the fifth most powerful nuclear arsenal in the world. From 2000-2006, there were 9 vetoes in the U.N. Security Council, eight of them were cast by the U.S. to prevent the U.N. from criticizing Israel. Israel is a dependable democracy in the Middle East. So, when the U.S. leads peace talks between Arabs and Israelis, who do Arabs think the U.S. sides with?

50 US – Israeli Relations The United States is the first country to recognize Israel as a country. Since its creation the US has provided financial support for Israel.


52 The Issues The right of Israel to exist as a nation on land previously occupied by Moslems Refugees and the right of return The building of settlements in the West Bank and Gaza Strip Status of Jerusalem Terrorism Israeli occupation of the Golan Heights and the West Bank. Water rights Defensible and safe borders. Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails International and Arab recognition of Israel and normalized relations

53 Links An excellent site on the Arab Israeli conflict. This contains primary documents and a wealth of excellent resources and links. A diversity of perspectives is represented. Israeli_Conflict.htm#Docs Israeli_Conflict.htm#Docs palestinians/default.stm BBC site palestinians/default.stm PBS special

54 2 nd Intifadah, 2000-Present The Oslo Peace Accord failed to achieve a final settlement despite great efforts by Bill Clinton in the last months of his presidency. Israel and the US claimed that Israel made historic offers for peace which Yassir Arafat rejected. Palestinians claimed that they could never sign an agreement that didn’t give complete Palestinian control over the Temple Mount and holy sites in Jerusalem. The Second Intifadah, or uprising, began in September 2000 following the visit of Israeli politician Ariel Sharon to the Temple Mount. The second Intifadah has been far bloodier than the first as suicide bombing has become a common tactic. Israel has responded by assassinating leaders that order the suicide attacks and entering Palestinian towns with tanks and strong force to search for terrorists. Death tolls are estimated at 4,000 Israel believes that Yassir Arafat was not a true partner for peace as it has gathered evidence that he has been involved in terrorist activity. His forces have refused to arrest Islamist militants like Hamas members. Palestinians have grown frustrated by the lack of progress and continuing brutal occupation.

55 Timeline of Events: A short history which doesn’t mention all 28 nations that occupied Palestine 1250 BC: Israelites began to conquer and settle the land of Canaan 961-922 BC: Reign of King Solomon and construction of the first Temple in Jerusalem. Solomon's reign was followed by the division of the land into two kingdoms. 586 BC: The southern kingdom, Judah, was conquered by the Babylonians, who drove its people, the Jews, into exile and destroyed Solomon's Temple. After 70 years the Jews began to return and Jerusalem and the temple were gradually rebuilt. 333 BC: Alexander the Great's conquest brought the area under Greek rule. 165 BC: A revolt in Judea established the last independent Jewish state of ancient times. 63 BC: The Jewish state, Judea, was incorporated into the Roman province of Palestine. It remains under Roman rule until 638 A.D. 70 AD: A revolt against Roman rule was put down by the Emperor Titus and the Second Temple was destroyed. This marks the beginning of the Jewish Diaspora, or dispersion. 118-138 AD: During the Roman Emperor Hadrian's rule, Jews were initially allowed to return to Jerusalem, but - after another Jewish revolt in 133 - the city was completely destroyed and its people banished and sold into slavery. 313-638 AD: The Byzantine Christian Era. Palestine was ruled by the Byzantine Emperors in Byzantium. 638 AD: Conquest by Arab Muslims ended Byzantine rule (the successor to Roman rule in the East). The second caliph of Islam, Omar, built a mosque at the site of what is now the al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem in the early years of the 8th Century. Apart from the age of the Crusaders (1099-1187), the region remained under Muslim rule until the fall of the Ottoman Empire in the 20th Century. 1897: First Zionist Conference agreed to work toward establishing a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Jewish immigration to Palestine picks up pace. 1920-1947: British Mandate period. Britain administered the area and promised a homeland to both Jews and Palestinians 1947-48: United Nations controlled 1948: Israel is given its independence. Arab nations attack. At the end of the war, territory that would have gone to Palestinians is claimed by Egypt and Jordan.

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