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Palestinians for Peace and Democracy Presents “Israeli Settlement Activity Roadblock on the Roadmap to Peace”

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Presentation on theme: "Palestinians for Peace and Democracy Presents “Israeli Settlement Activity Roadblock on the Roadmap to Peace”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Palestinians for Peace and Democracy Presents “Israeli Settlement Activity Roadblock on the Roadmap to Peace”

2 Palestinians for Peace and Democracy Jewish-only colonies situated in the Occupied West Bank, the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem. Residents of the settlements may refer to them as “Jewish communities" or “Jewish neighborhoods." What are the Settlements?

3 Palestinians for Peace and Democracy In 1967, right after the Israeli occupation of the West Bank. The first Settlement, Kfar Etzion, was established three months after the occupation of the West Bank. When did the Settlements start?

4 Palestinians for Peace and Democracy The settlements in the West Bank vary widely, from full-blown cities to enclaves of a few trailers and a generator.

5 Palestinians for Peace and Democracy Settlement growth was slow until 1977, when the conservative Likud Party took power.

6 Where are the settlements? Palestinians for peace and Democracy

7 195Settlements In West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem Palestinians for peace and Democracy

8 The effect of the Settlements on the Geography of the West Bank Palestinians for peace and Democracy

9 "Everybody has to move, run and grab as many hilltops as they can to enlarge the settlements because everything we take now will stay ours... Everything we don't grab will go to them." (Ariel Sharon A.F.P Nov. 15, 1998) Palestinians for peace and Democracy

10 "The very point of Labor's Zionist program is to have as much land as possible and as few Arabs as possible!" --Yitzhak Navon ex-Israeli president (1978-82) and a leading left wing party politician

11 Palestinians for Peace and Democracy By capturing the hilltops with a chain of settlements, the interconnecting infrastructure and military outposts, Palestinian villages in the valleys become inhabitable ghettos.


13 Palestinians for Peace and Democracy The footprint of the settlements takes about 2% of the Palestinian land, when the land used for military installations, security, bypass roads, the Wall and reserves is added in, 42% of the Palestinian land is off- limits to Palestinians. Settler population in the West Bank, Gaza, & East Jerusalem & East Jerusalem About 400,000 Half of them are in East Jerusalem

14 bypass All the bypass roads have a 50 – 75m buffer zone on each side of the road in which no construction is allowed.

15 There are 340 km of bypass roads. There are 340 km of bypass roads.

16 Israeli settlers in the Gaza strip have access to 699 times more land per capita than refugee camp residents.

17 111 111 1111 1111 1111 1 Refugee camps Gaza Settlement 55.500 per km2 26.400 per km2 665 per km2 Population Density

18 Settlers consume six times more water per capita than Palestinians. (FMEP March 2002)


20 1,000 Cubic 172 Cubic The annual per capita consumption of water among settlers in the Gaza strip is 1,000 cubic meters, compared to 172 cubic meters per Palestinian. Settler Palestinian

21 By signing the Oslo agreement 1993, Israel committed itself to freezing settlement expansion and to preserving the “integrity and status” of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Contrary to this, the settlement population doubled during this period. 65 new settlements during Oslo


23 From February 2001 when Prime Minister Ariel Sharon took office, until the end of June 2002, 44 new settlement sites were established. ( Peace Now June 2002)

24 Illegal under international law Article 49 of the 4th Geneva Convention – the occupying power "shall not deport or transfer part of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies."

25 Settlers have killed at least 54 Palestinians since September 2000. Settler Violence Settler Violence Palestine Monitor September 2003 Palestine Monitor September 2003

26 The burning of Palestinian olive trees. The burning of Palestinian olive trees.

27 Settlers also leave their mark on the faces of Palestinians.

28 Hebron

29 Attacks on Palestinians are a daily reality for the people of Hebron. Attacks on Palestinians are a daily reality for the people of Hebron.

30 If you wake up and see the Israeli flag over your home, that means “Leave.” If you wake up and see the Israeli flag over your home, that means “Leave.”

31 The graffiti and illustration, scrawled over the wall say "Mohammed is a pig." I.S.M Photo by Dave I.S.M Photo by Dave


33 Photo by the Christian Peacemaker Team in Hebron.

34 Photo by the I.S.M Photo by the I.S.M


36 This is what the Settlers did to this young man in Hebron.


38 The annexation wall

39 “Zionist colonization must either stop, or else proceed regardless of the native population. Which means that it can proceed and develop only under the protection of a power that is independent of the native population – behind an iron wall, which the native population cannot breach.” Vladimir Jabotinsky November 1923

40 The route of the wall is 670 Km. The route of the green line (Border) is 350 km.

41 Annexation wall

42 The Ghetto of Qalqilya

43 WHY Qalqilya is a Ghetto 92% of the Settlers will end up on the Israeli side of the wall Qalqilya




47 For any state to survive it must be (1)Sovereign (2) Geographically contiguous (3) Economically sustainable Is the two state solution still possible?

48 HOW can you be a Sovereign state When you don’t have control over Your Border Your Water Your Sky And no Army And 42% of your land is controlled by another country?

49 Geographically contiguous

50 Economically sustainable Tourism and Agriculture are the leading industries. Jerusalem Jordan valley The bread basket

51 What does Sharon have in mind?

52 Palestine pre 1947

53 1947 1967 2000 The future

54 The facts on the ground show how the settlements are making the two state solution impossible. Unless Israel removes ALL its Settlements and dismantles the wall, the future of a viable Palestinian State looks bleak.

55 For the sake of PEACE stop the Israeli colonization of Palestine

56 ResourcesBBC Peace Now The Palestinian Center for Human Rights The Foundation for Middle East Peace (FMEP) United Nations OCHA Palestine Monitor U.S State Department

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