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Passport to Learning: Teaching Social Studies to ESL Students.

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Presentation on theme: "Passport to Learning: Teaching Social Studies to ESL Students."— Presentation transcript:

1 Passport to Learning: Teaching Social Studies to ESL Students

2 Overview Part one: Getting to know the ELL student Part Two: Teaching the Social Studies: Challenges and Prospects Part Three: Internet resources

3 Getting to know the ELL student

4 What can I expect?  Increasing presence of ELL’s in the United States.  Familiarize yourself with the jargon  Become familiar with the background and level of English proficiency of each ELL student.  Lau vs. Nichols

5 Getting to know the ELL student Focus on language  Provide comprehensible instruction  Promote English language development  Stages of Second Language Acquisition

6 Teaching ELL students: Effective Communication  Modified input- altering the way that information is conveyed, including simplifying language, gesturing, or providing visual cues.  Modified interaction- altering the way that information is exchanged, including checking for comprehension, re-stating and paraphrasing each other’s utterance, or asking for clarification

7 Teaching ELL students Where do I begin?  Understand the second language acquisition process and effective communication  Scaffolding  Contextual support in primary grades  Build cognitive academic proficiency  Cooperative learning: “jigsaw” technique

8 Teaching ELL students: Questioning and Discussion V: voice- quality and pitch I: intonation- proper enunciation P: pausing- for comprehension and response S: speed- giving time to process the language

9 Celebrating Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Strategies to make ELL students feel welcome and included in your classroom: 1.Learn to pronounce their name correctly. 2.Invite student to make a presentation about their culture to entire class. 3.Labeling items in the language of ELL students and in English. 4.Setting high expectations 5.Provide visuals for class routines

10 Teaching the Social Studies: Challenges and Prospects

11 Teaching the Social Studies United States History World History Geography Government and Civics Economics

12 Internet Resources Provides professional resources and Internet websites. Lesson Planning, Learning Activities, and Printable Materials: Boggles' World: ESL lounge: ESL Party land: English Learning Fun Site:

13 Critique/Recommendation Format of book: Question/Answer Clear and provided examples Resources Incorporates the stages of language proficiency Really organized and helpful!

14 Correlation to class Background knowledge Cultural background of ELL CALP BICS Use of visuals in classroom Individual needs

15 Reference: Cruz, B. C., Nutta, J., & O’Brien, J. (2003). Passport to learning: Teaching social studies to ESL students. Silver Spring, MD: National Council for the Social Studies.

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