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Combatting Exploitation: Protecting Our Youth Joy Smith, B.Ed., M.Ed. Member of Parliament - Canada The BE AWARE Coalition (Perth) October 9, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Combatting Exploitation: Protecting Our Youth Joy Smith, B.Ed., M.Ed. Member of Parliament - Canada The BE AWARE Coalition (Perth) October 9, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Combatting Exploitation: Protecting Our Youth Joy Smith, B.Ed., M.Ed. Member of Parliament - Canada The BE AWARE Coalition (Perth) October 9, 2014

2 How I got involved Corporal Edward Riglin Virden RCMP Detachment

3 Mainstream pornography today is not “just” pictures of topless women like in Playboy Much harder and more violent Available, Anonymous and Affordable Pornographers’ tactics have evolved Todays Pornography: What are we talking about?

4 Tactics of Pornographers No one knows marketing better than pornographers Targeting kids Innocent keywords, misspelling Expired or similar domain names Get you hooked with free and “softer” images Using bait and switch tactics MindGeek (Previously Manwin) owns most of the biggest adult sites in the world, including YouPorn and Pornhub: it is one of the top 5 bandwidth consumers in the world MindGeek’s sites boast over 100 million daily visitors and over 3 billion daily ad impressions

5 It’s About Money The porn industry makes more money than Hollywood. 13,000 adult videos are produced annually, amassing over $13 billion dollars in profit. By comparison, Hollywood released 507 movies and made only $8.8 billion. They also make more than: The National Football League, The National Basketball Association and Major League Baseball combined and more than NBC, CBS, and ABC combined. In addition, they have larger revenues than the top technology companies (Microsoft, Google, Amazon, eBay, Yahoo, Apple and Netflix) combined.

6  Trafficking in Porn  Many professional performers in pornography are sex trafficked into a hostile environment of sexual exploitation, forced labor and physical abuse.  Victims Made to Produce Porn  Traffickers produce pornography of sex trafficking victims to diversify their profit and advertise victims for prostitution. Clients may also create their own pornography of victims.  Porn Trains Victims  Traffickers show pornography to sex trafficking victims to train them and desensitize them to the sex acts they will be forced to perform.  Porn Increases Demand  Porn users often seek to act out what they have viewed in pornography. In order to keep up with this demand, more women and children become prostituted and trafficked Pornography & Sex Trafficking

7 Men, women and children are becoming addicted to pornography Destroys families Early exposure among children effects psychological, physical & social development Exploits women and children Increases demand for child pornography Harm of Pornography to Public

8  Women are recruited, coerced and forced to do sex acts they never agreed to.  Women are given a false sense of security about their health and safety  Women are lied to about the risks of STDs  Women are threatened by agents, porn producers, directors DEATH - 207 porn stars died prematurely between 2003 – 2014 THE AVERAGE LIFE EXPECTANCY OF A PORN PERFORMER IS ONLY 36.2 YEARS WHEREAS THE AVERAGE LIFE EXPECTANCY OF A CANADIAN IS 81.2 YEARS. Harm of Pornography to Women in Porn AIDS: 18 DRUGS: 33 SUICIDES: 38 HOMICIDES: 19 ACCIDENTAL: 12 MEDICAL: 77 UNKNOWN:10

9 A recent content analysis of the 50 best-selling adult videos revealed that across all scenes:  94 percent of aggressive acts were committed against women  3,376 verbal and/or physically aggressive acts were observed.  On average, scenes had 11.52 acts of either verbal of physical aggression, ranging from none to 128.  48 percent of the 304 scenes analyzed contained verbal aggression, while more than 88 percent showed physical aggression.  72 percent of aggressive acts were perpetrated by men. Portrayal of Violence Against Women

10 Pornography Rewires Your Brain  Research shows pornography is worse than cocaine addiction. Makes longer-lasting connections in your brain. It can be more difficult to over come a pornography addiction then drug addiction.  Pornography disrupts normal release of chemicals in the brain – Dopamine, Norepinephrine, Oxytocin and Serotonin.  Every time a person views porn, or eventually even thinks about porn, the burst of dopamine strengthens the connections between cells. The stronger the connection, the easier it becomes for cells to communicate on that path. This idea of the brain changing itself is called neuroplasticity.  The good news is, your brain can be rewired from addictive patterns. However, rebooting your brain may be the most difficult thing you’ve ever done.

11 Pornography and Youth

12  In 2010, 14-16-year-olds from a UK secondary school were surveyed. They found:  Nearly a third looked at sexual images online when they were 10 years old or younger.  81% look at porn online at home.  75% said their parents had never discussed Internet pornography with them.  A 2007 study published in Pediatrics, found that of youth exposed to pornography:  66% reported ‘unwanted exposure’ and that filtering ‘reduced the risk of unwanted exposure’;  75% of 16-17 year olds were accidently exposed to pornographic websites, found in a similar study

13 Pornography and Youth  Recent research discovered that early exposure to pornography online for boys in grades 7 and 8 was a predictor of the perpetration of sexual harassment and led to negative attitudes towards women.  A 2009 report found that boys who frequently view pornography are more likely to be ‘supportive of sexual coercion’.  90% of youth ages 12-18 use the Internet. It has arguably become the leading sex educator rather than parents and school education programs.

14 Changing Our Society – Opt-In Filter  Having a filter installed on your home desktop computer is not enough anymore. Most children have laptops, tablets and smart phones that they can use to access adult content.  July 2013 - British Prime Minister David Cameron announced new measures that their government was taking to protect children including protecting them from exposure to adult pornography through an Internet Service Provider (ISP) based filter  Anyone over 18 in the UK would still have full control or their access to legal pornography.  British ISPs have developed a filter to block legal adult pornography and this will be applied to all customers unless they choose to turn it off.  Turning it off will be as simple as logging into your ISP account and unchecking a box.  All other forms of adult content require us to opt-in or produce ID except for the internet.  Example: we have to opt-in to adult channels on Cable/Satellite

15 Thank You Perth

16 Family Response  Purchase an Internet filter. Some companies offer this service for as low as $5 per month per computer. The filter will allow your children to use the Internet without fear of accessing unwanted pornographic material.  Have a conversation. Talk about internet pornography with your children.  Pay attention. 80% of unwanted exposure to pornography happens in the home.  Be an Example. Community Response  Meet with your children's teachers  Investigate your school board’s policy & strategies  Raise awareness in your workplace, church, community centres Many people do not know the magnitude of the problem and will not act until they do. What You Can Do

17 National Response  Write to our leaders  Prime minister  Cabinet Ministers  Members of Parliament & Senators  Premier  Mayor & City Council  Sign a Petition calling for Canada to adopt an opt-in adult filter  Contact Internet Industry & Ask For Change What We Can Do

18 Resources Websites & Resources to help you educate your family & community:       

19 Joy Smith, M.P. 635-S Centre Block House of Commons Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6 Phone: (613) 992-7148 Email: Web: Contact

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