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Triangles and Art Alden Caron-O’Neill Vasili - 4 th Period Sunday, October 24, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Triangles and Art Alden Caron-O’Neill Vasili - 4 th Period Sunday, October 24, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Triangles and Art Alden Caron-O’Neill Vasili - 4 th Period Sunday, October 24, 2010

2 TRIANGLES AS HUMANS  Morocco - Cave Drawing  Greece - Pottery Vase  Egypt - Stone Relief

3 Morocco This painting is from a cave with paintings dating as far back as 6500 B.C.E. Rock or cave paintings are well persevered due to the desert climate. The person on the right especially has a triangular body. www/web%20103/ ml

4 Greece This is a Greek vase likely depicting a race between men. The men’s body shapes are that of a triangle. The vase is ceramic and has the colors of black and orange typical to Greek art.

5 Egypt The man or god depicts is Tehuti or Thoth by the Greeks. Tehuti was worshipped as the god of learning and was said to have created hieroglyphs. This relief is on a stone plaque and his body is in the shape of two triangles.


7 ABSTRACT & MODERN ART The Use of Geometric Shapes, Especially Triangles in:

8 Vague Ideas  Geometric shapes may come in a variety of sizes, angles and curves but they are not quite as definite as a drawing  Such ‘vagueness’ leads to a piece of art that is more open to interpretation  For Example: The two pictures below basically have the same shape, the one on the left however, is rather obviously a collie whilst the one on the right could be any dog, cat or many four legged animals

9 Emphasis  Some shapes could be used to be a simple background to bring out what the artist is emphasizing  Something could easily get lost in a crowd of complicated looking things  If a banana were to be surrounded by triangles, the banana would stand out better than a banana surrounded by other fruits

10 How Are These Shapes Used?  Most of the shapes used now are triangles, rectangles and circles because they are simple and they go together well  Collages  Similar type shapes but different colors  Around a central idea

11 EXAMPLES Examples of Modern Art Using Triangles

12 Multicolor Triangles by “Cat Fish” This piece of artwork collages many different triangles and creates new ones by changing the colour scheme around. This piece also is arranged by lines that appear to be parallel. This is a scalene, obtuse triangle.

13 Triangles + Walls This painting uses congruent triangles or figures made of the congruent triangles and changes the lighting to give a party effect. This is an isosceles triangle, it may be equilateral in real life. It is also an acute triangle.

14 Triangle Copper Weaving This piece of art is not a painting but a copper weaving. It uses one big triangle and lots of different colours caused by the copper. This is an equilateral triangle and thus is equiangular. The distortion on the computer may make it look slightly out of proportion.

15 Triangles - Tim Odom This piece uses shading to bring out different triangles. The one I outlined in red has many others inside of it. The intersections of most of the triangles form more triangles. odom.html&usg=__PQJssuwEw00TWFHha0FyUy42_B8=&h=600&w=600&sz=66&hl=en&start=0&sig2=wvvTdjo6F_uJOELwF25NTg&zoom=1&tbnid=1cDZjtDdsKJtMM:&tbnh=134&tbnw=134&ei=0ZnITKvLGYL88AaR- tSqDw&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dtriangles%2Bart%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26rlz%3D1C1CHNG_en___US371%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D685%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=201&oei=0ZnITKvLGYL88AaR- tSqDw&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=19&ved=1t:429,r:10,s:0&tx=121&ty=45 This triangle is a right scalene triangle.

16 Sierpinski Triangle - 3D The Sierpinski Triangle has been taken into 3-D to give a more wondrous appeal. The triangle is filled with similar triangles of different sizes. This figure is a computer generated image. The triangles in this picture should be equilateral and equiangular, however, due to the angle, they are scalene acute triangles.

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