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Mein Deutschland Mein Deutschland A Lumos Student Traveler’s Experience of Germany.

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Presentation on theme: "Mein Deutschland Mein Deutschland A Lumos Student Traveler’s Experience of Germany."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mein Deutschland Mein Deutschland A Lumos Student Traveler’s Experience of Germany

2 What are we doing here? Lumos Student Travel Award My Lumos project in Germany Tips for planning a trip abroad

3 What is Lumos? The Lumos Foundation provides Belmont students with the opportunity to travel with a purpose. Fund volunteer and service-focused projects abroad that make a real difference in a local community Longer than 6 weeks Must have partner organization

4 What kind of projects? Teaching English Abroad Volunteering at… o Nursing homes o Daycares o Non-profit organizations o Charities o Homeless Shelters o Farms o Anywhere you don’t get paid! Most important: that you volunteer your skills to help improve a local community!

5 My Lumos Project Taught English for 9 months in Enkenbach- Alsenborn, Germany Partner Organization: Experiential Learning International From October 5 th, 2012 to June 26 th, 2013

6 Where did I stay? First five months: Host Family in Enkenbach- Alsenborn

7 Where did I work? Enkenbach-Alsenborn Integrierte Gesamtschule (IGS)

8 What did I do? Worked with students, mostly grades 9-13, improving reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. Small conversation groups Tutored individual students who were struggling Acted as a resource for teachers and students

9 What did I do?


11 Took a German as a Foreign Language course at Karlsruhe Institut für Technologie (KIT) During Summer Semester, attended lectures

12 What did I do? Explored Germany and Europe!

13 What did I do? Explored Germany and Europe!

14 What did I do? Explored Germany and Europe!

15 Challenges No precedent for my job o Had to create and provide almost all materials o Was on my own while teaching, no formal training Lived in rural location o Nature is nice, but so are people Had to speak German, no native English speakers nearby

16 Things to consider Location Food Accommodations Duration of stay Social opportunities Emergency support Language/communication Transportation

17 Location Are you staying in a city or in the country? Are you close to public transport? What is the weather like, on average, throughout the duration of your project? Are there interesting things nearby to visit in your free time?

18 Food What is the typical diet? Do you like that kind of food? Do you have any dietary restrictions? Will you eat meals with your host family? How many? Is food cheap or expensive? Is eating out cheap or expensive?

19 Accommodations Will you be staying in a house or apartment? Will you have your own place or will you share it with a roommate or host family? What kind of furnishings will be provided? Can you move or change rooms if there is problem with your roommate(s)/host family? Internet, heating, A/C, electricity, hot water, washer/dryer… what will you have?

20 Duration of Stay How much time do you have? Just one summer? A whole semester? A whole year? What time of the year will you be there? If you are working at a school, what is that country’s school year? Are there holidays or days off for you to travel and take a break? Note: in my opinion, if you intend to improve language skills, at least 3 months!

21 Social Opportunities Are there other volunteers/interns where you will volunteer/work? Are they your age? Are you living in a city? Are there any clubs/sports teams you can join? Are you taking a language course to make interactions with locals easier? Are there bars, restaurants, movie theaters, etc. nearby? Is there a church or other religious institution nearby?

22 Language/Communication Do people speak English where you are going? Do you already know some of the language? Are you going to take a language course?

23 Transportation Will you have a car? Do you need a special license? How is the public transportation system? Is it easily accessible where you will live? How much will bus tickets and public transport passes cost? (Important for budget!!) Will you have a bike provided? Roller blades? Do people still do that?

24 Emergency Support Do you have someone you can call in an emergency situation who actually lives (somewhat) nearby and knows emergency procedures in your country? How is the healthcare system in the country?

25 How do I apply? Find a partner organization Create a budget o BE THOROUGH! Put everything you can think of on there! Fill out the application o Essays o Letters of recommendation o Description of project Be aware of deadlines! Visit website for all materials and info:


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