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Design Patterns CS 124 Reference: Gamma et al (“Gang-of-4”), Design Patterns.

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1 Design Patterns CS 124 Reference: Gamma et al (“Gang-of-4”), Design Patterns

2 Pattern: some definitions a combination of qualities, acts, tendencies, etc., forming a consistent or characteristic arrangement: the behavior patterns of teenagers. an original or model considered for or deserving of imitation: our constitution has been a pattern for those of many new republics. anything fashioned or designed to serve as a model or guide for something to be made: a paper pattern for a dress. Definitions extracted from

3 Design Pattern The notion of pattern as it applies to OO software development Solution to a particular kind of problem How to combine classes and methods Based on design experience Use requires understanding of the appropriate problem and being able to recognize when such problems occur Reuse solutions from the past It is not code reuse, it is experience reuse

4 Patterns in other professions Other professions have developed patterns and jargon for these well-tested patterns Example: writers/novelists: “Tragically-flawed hero”, “romantic novel” Other professions Architects/building engineers Con-artists (see Ocean’s 11 movies)

5 Design Patterns: the highest form of reuse and abstraction Specific concrete Code Code Snippets Functions / Methods Generalized and Reusable Code Classes, Templates, Code library, API Reusable concepts Data Structures, Algorithms Patterns How / When to apply these concepts, Design Patterns

6 Design Patterns Name Intent/Problem Situation (problem) and context When to apply the pattern; conditions Solution Elements that make up the design, relationships, collaboration; more a template rather than a concrete solution How the general arrangement classes and objects solves it UML diagrams (class relationships and responsibilities) Consequences variations, tradeoffs, cost-benefit

7 How to select design patterns Consider how the design patterns solve design problems Scan intent section Consider how patterns interrelate Study patterns of like purpose Examine cause of redesign Consider what should be variable in design (what you might want to change without redesign): Encapsulate the concept that varies

8 How to use a design pattern Read up on the pattern Study structure, collaboration, participants Look at sample code Choose names of participants meaningful in the application context Define classes Define application specific names for operations in the process Implement the operations

9 Some Patterns for Discussion Singleton Factory Method Adaptor Iterator

10 Singleton Intent ensure a class has only one instance, and provide a global point of access to it Motivation Important for some classes to have exactly one instance. E.g., although there are many printers, should just have one print spooler Ensure only one instance available and easily accessible global variables gives access, but doesn’t keep you from instantiating many objects Give class responsibility for keeping track of its sole instance

11 Design Solution Defines a getInstance() operation that lets clients access its unique instance May be responsible for creating its own unique instance Singleton -uniqueinstance Singleton data… +getInstance() Singleton methods… Recall that an underlined method means “static”

12 Singleton Example (Java) Database -Database DB instance attributes… +Database getDB() instance methods… public class Database { private static Database DB;... private Database() {... } public static Database getDB() { if (DB == null) DB = new Database(); return DB; }... } In application code… Database db = Database.getDB(); db.someMethod();

13 Implementation Declare all of class’ constructors private prevent other classes from directly creating an instance of this class Hide the operation that creates the instance behind a class operation (getInstance) Variation: Since creation policy is encapsulated in getInstance, possible to vary the creation policy

14 Singleton Consequences Ensures only one (e.g., Database) instance exists in the system Can also use this pattern to control fixed multiple instances Much better than the alternative: global variables

15 Factory Method Intent: provide an interface for creating objects without specifying their concrete classes Example: Stacks, Queues, and other data structures Want users to not know or care how these structures are implemented (separation) Example: UI toolkit to support multiple look-and-feel standards, e.g., Motif, PM Abstract class for widget, supporting class for specific platform widget

16 Design Solution for Factory Method Factory createProduct():Product > Product abstract methods ConcreteProdA methods ConcreteProdB methods Client Note: this is an abbreviated design

17 Participants Factory implements the operations to create concrete product objects (Abstract) Product: declares an interface for a type of product object Concrete Product defines a product object to be created by the corresponding concrete factory implements the abstract product interface Client: uses only Factory and Abstract Product

18 Factories in Java Stack is an Interface ArrayStack and LinkedStack implement Stack StackFactory returns objects of type Stack through its factory methods Select the appropriate concrete Stack class class If using info from requesting client, can hardcode selection logic and choice of product objects Use Hashed Adapter Pattern to separate selection logic for factories from the data it uses to make the selection

19 Factory Method Consequences Factory class or method can be altered without affecting the application Concrete classes are isolated Factory class can be responsible for creating different types of objects e.g., DataStructure factory that returns stacks, queues, lists, etc. “product families” (see Abstract Factory pattern) creational logic determining object type based on certain criteria

20 Coupling One of the goals of Design Patterns is the idea of loose-coupling or de-coupling reducing or removing class dependencies throughout the system For example, Factory removes the dependency on the specific subclasses generated by the Factory from the rest of the system instead the system is dependent on the single interface type that is generated by the Factory Loosely coupled or decoupled code is easier to reuse since the code has fewer dependencies on other code

21 Kinds of Patterns Singleton and Factory Method are examples of Creational Patterns Other kinds of patterns Structural: concerns object structure; e.g., Adapter Behavioral: concerns object interaction and distribution of responsibilities; e.g., Iterator

22 Adapter Intent: Adapter lets classes work together that couldn’t otherwise because of incompatible interfaces. Motivation: Sometimes, a class that is designed for reuse isn’t reusable only because its interface doesn’t match the domain- specific interface an application requires. e.g. drawing editor that allows users to draw and edit shapes. Has a TextShape subclass that is hard to implement. Fortunately there are pre-existing classes like TextView that implements the complexities; problem is incompatibility. It would not make sense if we have to modify the reusable class so as to conform to the client interface. Built-in; no source code

23 Two forms of the Adapter Pattern Object Adapter pattern Concerned with object composition. Implements the interface that the client expects and creates an adaptee instance within the adapter class Implements client’s methods by making calls to a physical instance of the adaptee object. ClientExpected + expectedMethod() ObjectAdapter + void : expectedMethod() - Adaptee : adaptee void expectedMethod() { adaptee.specificMethod(); } 1 Adaptee + void : specificMethod() 1

24 Two forms of the Adapter Pattern Class Adapter Pattern A class adapter uses multiple inheritance to adapt one interface to another. Inherits the client interface and the adaptee’s implementation. ClientExpected + expectedMethod() ClassAdapter + void : expectedMethod() + void : specificMethod() void expectedMethod() { specificMethod(); } 1 Adaptee + void : specificMethod()

25 Comparison of Applicability & Consequences Use adapter pattern when: Using an existing class that does not match with the one you need (object adapter only) reusing several existing class Impractical to adapt each by subclassing every one of them Consequences: Object Adapter - Lets a single adapter work with many adaptees (adaptee itself and subclasses) - Harder to override adaptee behavior Class Adapter - Class adapter won’t work with adaptee’s subclasses - Easier to override adaptee’s behavior, since adapter is a subclass of adaptee - Can have unforseen consequences, Adapter can be placed anywhere the Adaptee can due to inheritance

26 Iterator Pattern Intent: provide a way to access the elements of an aggregate object sequentially without expressing its underlying representation Example: iterators for Java collections or C++ STL containers Note that you can have several iterator objects for a container and that the iterators are separate classes

27 > Collection iterator() : IteratorIF … > IteratorIF hasNext() : boolean next() : Item CollectionIterator Fetches from Creates

28 Iterators in Java Iterators are used a lot with Java collection objects e.g. Lists, Sets and Maps By calling the iterator() method on the List/Set or on the result of Map.values() you can go through all the elements via the next() method Note: order of insertion is not necessarily going to be followed by the iterator, it only guarantees that everything will come out.

29 Creational Patterns Abstract Factory Builder Factory Method Prototype Singleton

30 Structural Patterns Adapter Bridge Composite Decorator Façade Flyweight Proxy

31 Behavioral Patterns Chain of Responsibility Command Interpreter Iterator Mediator Memento And a few more …

32 Summary Main point: to recognize that there are proven solutions to problems that a designer/ programmer may encounter Solutions are results of others’ experiences Towards “standard approaches” Search for such solutions first Although there is some merit attempting to create the solution yourself Becoming a design architect Up Next: More patterns

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