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Silicon Valley Leadership Group | The Silicon Valley Perspective Carl Guardino President & CEO, Silicon Valley Leadership Group Cupertino Rotary.

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Presentation on theme: "Silicon Valley Leadership Group | The Silicon Valley Perspective Carl Guardino President & CEO, Silicon Valley Leadership Group Cupertino Rotary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Silicon Valley Leadership Group | The Silicon Valley Perspective Carl Guardino President & CEO, Silicon Valley Leadership Group Cupertino Rotary Visit March 30, 2011

2 Silicon Valley Leadership Group | “Our job, as CEOs, is not to sit on the sidelines, to cheer or jeer. Our job is to get into the game and move the ball forward.” David Packard Hewlett-Packard CEO and Silicon Valley Leadership Group Founder

3 Silicon Valley Leadership Group | 2.4 million people 1 million jobs 10.6% unemployment Feb. 2011 7000 high-tech employers Silicon Valley - Current Status

4 Silicon Valley Leadership Group | 1.153 CEO Respondents 2.$1.7 trillion in annual global revenue 3.Special Section: 304 Venture-Backed, High-Tech CEOs – what do they need? 7 th Annual CEO Business Climate Survey 8 th Annual Survey is currently in the field

5 Silicon Valley Leadership Group | –By more than 3:1 CEOs see more job growth in their business cluster –By more than 8:1 CEOs see more job growth for their company CEO's Speak Out: Silicon Valley Business Climate Job Growth in 2010

6 Silicon Valley Leadership Group | TalentTechnologyTemperamentTrainingTreasureTemperature CEO's Speak Out: Silicon Valley’s Core Strengths

7 Silicon Valley Leadership Group | CEO's Speak Out: Silicon Valley’s Core Strengths 53% of engineers >50% of CEOs & founders of tech companies >50% of U.S. college professors (advanced technical subjects) Access to Skilled Labor CEO's Speak Out: Silicon Valley’s Core Strengths TalentTechnologyTemperamentTrainingTreasureTemperature

8 Silicon Valley Leadership Group | TalentTechnologyTemperamentTrainingTreasureTemperature >50% of U.S. college graduates earning advanced technical degrees are foreign born 51.2% of U.S. full- time workforce are women, and more than half of U.S. college graduates are women Access to Skilled Labor CEO's Speak Out: Silicon Valley’s Core Strengths

9 Silicon Valley Leadership Group | CEO's Speak Out: Silicon Valley’s Core Strengths TalentTechnologyTemperamentTrainingTreasureTemperature Sergey Brin, Google Andrew Grove, Intel Jerry Yang, Yahoo! Examples CEO's Speak Out: Silicon Valley’s Core Strengths

10 Silicon Valley Leadership Group | Aerospace \ Defense Semiconductors Personal Computers Software Internet Green Tech Smart Phones Electric Vehicles CEO's Speak Out: Silicon Valley’s Core Strengths TalentTechnologyTemperamentTrainingTreasureTemperature Entrepreneurial Mindset CEO's Speak Out: Silicon Valley’s Core Strengths

11 Silicon Valley Leadership Group | “Frenemies” “Co-opetition” TalentTechnologyTemperamentTrainingTreasureTemperature Proximity to Customers and Competitors CEO's Speak Out: Silicon Valley’s Core Strengths

12 Silicon Valley Leadership Group | Three of top 15 universities in the world are in Silicon Valley (Economist Magazine) TalentTechnologyTemperamentTrainingTreasureTemperature World Class Universities CEO's Speak Out: Silicon Valley’s Core Strengths

13 Silicon Valley Leadership Group | Nationally, venture capitalists (VC) invested $5 billion in U.S. companies in the fourth quarter of 2010 Bay Area companies received 40 percent of all nationwide Venture funding The number of venture capital deals increased by 12 percent to 3,277 in 2010 TalentTechnologyTemperamentTrainingTreasureTemperature Access to Venture Capital CEO's Speak Out: Silicon Valley’s Core Strengths

14 Silicon Valley Leadership Group | 300 Days of Sunshine Avg. temp: 72F TalentTechnologyTemperamentTrainingTreasureTemperature Climate / Weather CEO's Speak Out: Silicon Valley’s Core Strengths

15 Silicon Valley Leadership Group | Housing Costs Business Taxes Recruitment Costs State Budget Structure Health Care Costs A CEO’s view: Businesses Challenges

16 Silicon Valley Leadership Group | Housing Costs Business Taxes Recruitment Costs State Budget Structure Health Care Costs Housing Costs High Taxes Traffic Congestion Health Care K-12 education A CEO’s view: Employees Businesses Challenges

17 Silicon Valley Leadership Group | Housing Costs Business Taxes Recruitment Costs State Budget Structure Health Care Costs Housing Costs High Taxes Traffic Congestion Health Care K-12 education A CEO’s view: Employees Businesses Challenges Improve K-12 Education Continue R&D Tax Credit Invest In Traffic Relief Create Affordable Housing Improve Higher Education Actions State Can Take

18 Silicon Valley Leadership Group | $37.8 million invested $1.8 billion of total leverage 8,963 total housing opportunities Solutions: Housing Trust of Silicon Valley: Affordable Homes for Silicon Valley Housing Trust of Silicon Valley: Affordable Homes for Silicon Valley

19 Silicon Valley Leadership Group | 16.1 mile extension 100,000 daily trips Solutions: Traffic Congestion Solution: Bart Extension Traffic Congestion Solution: Bart Extension

20 Silicon Valley Leadership Group | 79-mile corridor ~40,000 daily riders $30M Deficit for 2011/12 Solutions: Traffic Congestion Solution: Keep Caltrain Running Traffic Congestion Solution: Keep Caltrain Running

21 Silicon Valley Leadership Group | 74 Teachers trained this year We trained 275 over four years This year we began a 12 hour "Professional Learning Community" component that will take place after the 80 hours of professional development where teachers will meet in small groups to talk about how they are using their new content knowledge to inform their instruction in the classroom We hope to train 100 teachers next year and pilot a measurement for student growth Solutions: Math Initiative: Teacher Improvements Math Initiative: Teacher Improvements

22 Silicon Valley Leadership Group |





27 White Paper Recommendation: Strategic Plan

28 Silicon Valley Leadership Group | White Paper Recommendation: Education Reform

29 Silicon Valley Leadership Group | White Paper Recommendation: Reform – Pension, Budget & Governance

30 Silicon Valley Leadership Group | White Paper Recommendation: Infrastructure / Resources and Revenue

31 Silicon Valley Leadership Group | White Paper Recommendation: Energy/Environment

32 Silicon Valley Leadership Group | White Paper Recommendation: Developing Markets

33 Silicon Valley Leadership Group | ‘Siliconia’ USA

34 Silicon Valley Leadership Group | Thank you!

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