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TPR “ Total Physical Response ” Learning English through Actions To help EL 98 & EL 99 Students avoid using their native tongue.

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Presentation on theme: "TPR “ Total Physical Response ” Learning English through Actions To help EL 98 & EL 99 Students avoid using their native tongue."— Presentation transcript:

1 TPR “ Total Physical Response ” Learning English through Actions To help EL 98 & EL 99 Students avoid using their native tongue

2 Inspirational Quote: "The lasting measure of good teaching is what the individual student learns and carries away" Barbara Harrell Carson, 1996, Thirty years of stories

3 Introduction: Total Physical Response is a stress-free technique which can play an essential role in developing language skills. With a dialogue, a pattern drill, a story, a game or a skit help your students move smoothly from one activity to another and keep them motivated all the time.

4 HOW !!! Use the lessons in your book as a dramatic script in which you are the director of the play and your students are the actors.

5 ACT 1 Utter directions in the target language and act with the students for the first part of the lesson so that they instantly understand the meaning of what you are saying. “ Stand up, sit down, switch off your mobile ……”

6 ACT 2 Later in Act 2 of the play, students will be ready to reverse roles with you and utter directions in the target language to produce actions from you and other students in the class.

7 WHEN & WHY !!! EARLY STAGES: To allow the Ss to respond without fear or hesitation To relieve the pressure on the Ss to speak before they are ready to do so ALL STAGES: To develop language skills To build vocabulary To clarify verb tenses & Q/A patterns

8 Best wishes for lifelong enjoyable learning

9 MAIN REFERENCES: TPR World TPR World TPR World using the Total Physical Response method developed by Dr. James J. Asher for learning languages, math and science. - 17k - TPR World Total Physical Response: bilingual education,TPR,ESL,Language... Total Physical Response: bilingual education,TPR,ESL,Language... Offers total physical response materials, videos, and teacher training workshops. - 6k - Total Physical Response: bilingual education,TPR,ESL,Language...

10 MAIN REFERENCES: TTTT oooo tttt aaaa llll P P P P hhhh yyyy ssss iiii cccc aaaa llll R R R R eeee ssss pppp oooo nnnn ssss eeee S S S S tttt oooo rrrr yyyy tttt eeee llll llll iiii nnnn gggg ::::Article by Valeri Marsh explaining the employment of this communicative teaching technique in the classroom. - 16k - TTTT PPPP RRRR SSSS P P P P uuuu bbbb llll iiii ssss hhhh iiii nnnn gggg800-TPRISFUN 800-877-4738 local: 480-821- 8608 fax: 480-963-3463 PO Box 11624 Chandler, AZ 85248. Important notice: It has been brought to our attention by... - 7k -

11 MAIN REFERENCES: What is TPR - 2003 & 2004 Update: bilingual education, ESL... What is TPR - 2003 & 2004 Update: bilingual education, ESL... TPR is based on the premise that the human brain has a biological program... My answer, however, is that TPR is a powerful right-brain tool at all levels... - 27k - What is TPR - 2003 & 2004 Update: bilingual education, ESL...

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