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Networking updates: Westnet 1 Marla Meehl Network Engineering Manager UCAR/NCAR 2013-06-12.

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Presentation on theme: "Networking updates: Westnet 1 Marla Meehl Network Engineering Manager UCAR/NCAR 2013-06-12."— Presentation transcript:

1 Networking updates: Westnet 1 Marla Meehl Network Engineering Manager UCAR/NCAR 2013-06-12

2 2 Acronym soup University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR; –National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) –Front Range GigaPoP (FRGP) –UCAR Point of Presence (UPoP) –Bi-State Optical Network (BiSON) Questions and discussions throughout as needed – and as for acronym soup ingredients, please ask if I miss one or check decoder page at

3 3 Front Range GigaPoP (FRGP) Netflow replacement coming FMC/FTC agreed to purchase icmynetflow Continued LANDER support Other CSU projects: support for Rover, NDN, BGPmon too PerfSonar deployments complete Hosted Internet2 Network Performance Workshop April 3-4 at NCAR 38 member attendees

4 FRGP 4 Installing new 10/100Gbps interface card to support growth Colocation updates - None –1850 Pearl –1200 Larimer –910 15th peering –10G Google peering active at 910 –Comcast –TR/CPS – largest single FRGP/UPoP usage –Akamai –Netflix active at 1850 Pearl – carrying ~2Gbps of traffic –Considering Bresnan and other peering

5 BiSON 4 Bi-State Optical Network (BiSON) Major fiber move on BiSON-owned Mcleod fiber 10/13 Contract awarded for move Still working with Windstream/McLeod on shared funding options ~$450K move Received IRU and O&M pricing from Zayo – prohibitive Timing of EAGLE-Net build and lack of Fort Collins support eliminates this option

6 6 UCAR Point of Presence (UPoP) 10G MOE coming – on order National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) joining UPoP via Colorado School of Mines fiber path Discussions with I2 on membership options - $10K/yr affiliate membership + $23.4K/yr participant fee National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) – in discussions The Geological Society of America - in discussions

7 Internet2 4 New cost model Increases for Level1 schools - $30K/yr starting in 2014 SEGP increase 7/1/13 - $5K/yr starting on 7/1/14 NET+ roll out Non-member support and cost in question Where to run NET+ traffic – research, TR/CPS, new path Attended I2 Member Meeting – NET+ dominated

8 NLR/CBREC 4 CBREC meeting regularly Considering interconnecting east/west via NLR existing lambdas/transponders Looking at NLR versus I2 performance issues Face to face meeting in July planned to discuss direction and plans

9 CDOT 4 Lots of fiber activity in various parts of the State I-25 build – restarted by EAGLE-Net US36 fiber into Boulder of great interest – ongoing discussion Southern Colorado

10 CO Broadband Roundtable 4 Some ongoing (irregular) meetings Jeff Custard is going to stop attending Mountain Connect coming up – 6/16 – 6/17/13 ( ml) ml

11 Internet2 K20/SEGP 4 good interactions and links between content providers and K-20 groups looking for content UCAR education and outreach involvement as one of the SEGP reps for CO - please let Jeff know about any K-20 interest, content or user side questions or issues –will coordinate with EN (other two reps there) Jeff is also serving as liaison between this k20 group and Quilt –(e.g., SEGP connectivity survey). –SEGP connectivity survey submitted

12 WRN 4 Regular WTC and WPC calls LEARN has joined WRN WRN I2 KC Move to Chicago Exchanging the backhaul circuit to KC in exchange for Starlight backhaul 100G ports pending I2 for same cost this year and decreased costs next year (revenue neutral this year)

13 13 Big Data Marla participated in Advanced Regional & State Networks (ARNs): Envisioning the Future as Critical Partners in Data-Driven Science –All whitepapers and presentations available here: –Problem facing entire scientific community –Also discussed at I2 Member Meeting

14 14 Quilt items NOAA: Federal Government OMB Mandate for Trusted Internet Connections (TIC) and Potential Opportunities for Regional Networks all Federal Civilian Agencies will be impacted connections connections Large impact to RONs – will shift traffic and funding FRGP monitoring closely

15 15 Quilt items Discussing intra-RON peering using AL2S Other uses for AL2S for RONs AirWatch Mobile device, application, content, applications, and learning management Quilt pricing program including FRGP/UPoP authorized buyers

16 16 Quilt items CIS survey highlights –Bandwidth growth 5.5 to 7.5Gbps inbound –73% growth in 10Gbps circuits –~150Gbps actual inbound bandwidth for the program –Cogent, Level3, CenturyLink, Hurricane Electric (top bandwidth) top providers –Jeff Custard participated in process again showing great leadership

17 FRGP/UPoP Traffic – 1 – 5/13 percent commercial 14.44 percent peering 59.59 percent other 25.97 17

18 Futures/Challenges New agreements and new algorithms in 2014 BiSON growth, upgrade, funding Supporting/funding services – NET+, etc. Replacing expiring fiber IRUs Supporting/funding 40/100Gbps 18

19 U.S. Women as % Total STEM Degrees, 1980 – 2007 David Bressoud, National Center for Education Statistics. 1990–2009. Digest of Education Statistics. US Department of Education. 37  19% 42  60% 49  57% 9  19%42  44% 24  41% Reck, IU Dept. of Chemistry, 2013

20 NCWIT Nonprofit community with 450 companies, universities, government agencies, other nonprofits Focused on increasing women’s participation in technology and computing K-12, higher education, industry, entrepreneurism “Community, evidence, and action” Based in Boulder, CO McRobbie 20

21 NCWIT Pacesetters NCWIT Pacesetters is a fast-track program in which senior executives from startups, corporations, universities, and government commit to increasing their numbers of technical women. Pacesetters organizations work to recruit previously untapped talent pools of technical women and retain women who are at risk of leaving, resulting in "net new" women for their organizations. McRobbie 21

22 Aetna, AT&T, Bank of America, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Carnegie Mellon University, Cisco Systems, Facebook, Georgia Tech, Google, Intel, Indiana University, Michigan Tech, Microsoft, Purdue, Qualcomm, University of Nebraska, Return Path, Symantec, Syracuse University, University of California at Irvine, University of California Santa Cruz, University of Texas at Austin, University of Virginia, University of Washington, Villanova, Virginia Tech McRobbie 22

23 Discussion 18  Any follow up questions or feedback?  Other items ?

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