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Thursday 1.Please get out your HW: “3-piece person” (If you turned in a HW pass, it’s due tomorrow) 2.Grab a handout from the front table 3.Grab a blank.

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Presentation on theme: "Thursday 1.Please get out your HW: “3-piece person” (If you turned in a HW pass, it’s due tomorrow) 2.Grab a handout from the front table 3.Grab a blank."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thursday 1.Please get out your HW: “3-piece person” (If you turned in a HW pass, it’s due tomorrow) 2.Grab a handout from the front table 3.Grab a blank index card from the front table

2 Let’s Recap A.What is a tenement? B.Who can give me a rough mapping of who lived where in early cities? C.Who can explain to me why these people lived where they did? D.What are the definitions & differences between “immigration” & “in-migration?”

3 Solving City Problems Fires are a constant danger in cities – Great Chicago Fire 1871 strong dry winds + factory grease & oil = 300 dead, 100,000 homeless

4 Overpopulation as people crowded into cities Lack of sanitation as garbage filled the streets Solving City Problems

5 Air pollution from factories pumped out smoke Crime flourishes as living quarters are so close and not secure Deaths from spread of disease and fires in tenements Solving City Problems

6 Activity: On your index card, watch the following pictures SILENTLY and write down adjectives or words that come to mind… As many as you can think of, no limit necessary.

7 Jacob Riis: “How the Other Half Lives” “Step carefully over this baby—it is a baby, spite of its rags and dirt—under these iron bridges called fire-escapes, but loaded down…with broken household goods, with washtubs and barrels, over which no man could climb a fire”















22 So…. Once the “rich” and the rest of the country sees the way the other half lives, we realize it’s time to do something about it But what?... What would you make the push to do?

23 Urban Reforms Building Codes: regulations that set standards for construction and safety. New buildings required to have fire escapes & decent plumbing

24 Cities hired workers to collect garbage & sweep the streets (jobs) Urban Reforms

25 Zoning laws kept factories out of neighborhoods where people lived (reduces pollution) Urban Reforms

26 Cities set up professional fire companies & police forces (jobs) (safety) Urban Reforms

27 – Street lights put in cities for nighttime (safety) – Public transportation is built in most cities (jobs) (safety) – Engineers & Architects hired to design new water systems for clean water (sanitation) (jobs) Urban Reforms

28 For Homework – 10 points tomorrow Make a “half-page” from scratch paper -TOP: If Jacob Riis could come and visit Newtown, or where you live today…what would he say about the living conditions & social classes? -BOTTOM: Interview mom or dad. Have them reflect the environment where/ when they grew up regarding living conditions & social class stratification

29 Happy Friday!!!! Day Two – Early City Slums *Please get out your ½ sheet assignments* **HW passes for the poetry assignment is due today**

30 Social Gospel: movement within American Protestantism in the late 1800s that attempted to apply biblical teachings to society’s problems A calling on Christians to do “their duty” in helping the poor Work with employers to get workers a ½ day off on Saturdays Religious Organizations Help the Poor

31 – Mother Cabrini – Italian born nun that founds dozens of hospitals for the poor – Salvation Army: an international charitable organization Food, shelter, Christian-based education to the poor

32 YMHA YMHA- Young Men’s Hebrew Association: organization founded in Baltimore in 1854 to provide community services to Jewish neighborhoods Helped Jewish families acculturate while preserving their culture/ traditions Spawned the YWHA

33 Settlement House Movement Settlement houses: community centers that offered services to the poor Jane Addams leads the movement in Chicago Came from a prevalent home & moved to the Chicago slums Opens her home, an old mansion & creates the Hull House

34 Many women came to live there and help the movement – Education: government & English language – Health care – Recreational activities: sports, choir, acting Settlement House Movement

35 Pressing for Reform – Women knew the only way to make an impactful change was to ban together and unite – HOWEVER…women’s rights were still lacking, without the right to vote, they couldn’t make an impact or ask for help from the government – This starts the women’s suffrage movement…

36 Chapters 6 & 7 ay.php?keyindex=31624&location=local ay.php?keyindex=31624&location=local

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