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Overeating and Underachieving:
The Effects of Physical Fitness on the Academic Achievement of Minority Students An Action Research Project Chevonne Byas EDUC 7021 T Fall 2010
Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Method References
Statement of Problem Review of Related Literature Statement of the Hypothesis Method Participants Instruments References
Abstract Purpose: to investigate the effect of physical activity on academic ability. Related Research: Recent studies show a correlation between physical education and cognitive and academic ability. Similarly, theorist believe recess has a positive effect on cognitive ability. Research Design: This is an empirical study was designed to compare the benefits on physical education to the benefits of recess on student achievement. Students in the experimental groups were given a pre-test and a post-test. The post test was preceded by the variables. Their were two hypothesis in the experiment. The t-test technique was applied to determine if there were any significant differences between students who participated in physical education and students who participated in recess.
Introduction According to the U.S. surgeon general America has an obesity crises. One in every three American children is obese or overweight (Ogden& Carroll, 2010). The U. S. government invests millions yearly on childhood obesity Hospital cost alone are estimated at $127 million (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Tunnicliffe et al, 2006). Children who suffer from obesity have several health risk including high blood pressure high cholesterol type 2 diabetes sleep apnea depression And more (Taras &Potts-Datema 2005; Wittberg et al 2009). Obesity disproportionately affects minority populations (Ogden & Carroll, 2010; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services).
Causes of obesity Diet Lack of physical activity
Only 21% of children eat the recommended five or more servings of fruits and vegetables each day Portion sizes increased Lack of physical activity One third of adolescents are not getting recommended levels of moderate or vigorous activity Socio-Economic Status and Race/Ethnicity Caucasian children of lower SES are more likely to be overweight African American and Latino children are more likely to be overweight regardless of SES African American and Latino children are more likely to be overweight than Caucasian children (Ogden & Carroll, 2010; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). In 1998, 21.5 percent of Black children and 21.8 percent of Latino children were overweight, while 12.3 percent of White children were
Graphs on weight Figure 1. Prevalence of overweight among children and adolescents ages 2- 19 Figure 2. Comparison between childhood obesity in 1980 and 2008. Obesity has more than doubled in the last 20 years. Between 1986 and 1998, obesity prevalence among African Americans and Hispanics increased 120 percent, as compared to a 50 percent increase among non-Hispanic Whites
Introduction (Continued)
When compared to other countries the U.S. students are mediocre (U.S. Department of Education). The education system has an achievement gap That is minority students do not perform as well as other students (Burton, L.J., & VanHeest,J.L.;2008, James B Hunt, Jr. Institute for Educational Leadership and Policy). Poor grades can be detrimental Low self esteem (James B. Hunt Jr. Institute for Educational Leadership and Policy). Depression (Herman et al, 2008). Behavioral problems (Johnson et al, 2005). And more
Statement of the Problem
20 to 50% of children do not receive the daily recommended amount of physical activity (Fedewa &Clark, 2010). Physical education classes are being eliminated in the hopes of improving grades (Chomitz et al 2009,Taras & Potts-Datema 2005, Wittberg et al 2010). despite the fact that studies suggest exercise improves cognitive ability.(Chomitz et al 2009,Ellemberg et al, 2010;Hillman et al, 2009; Tomporowski et al, 2008; ). According to the School Health Policies and Programs study 2000 Only 50% of 1-5 schools require Physical Education Only 8% of elementary schools have daily physical education(Sibley & Etnier 2003 & Coe et al). This is particularly concerning when it comes to minority students, as they are typically are risk for both obesity and lower grades. (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services).
Statement of the Problem(Continued)
Similarly Recess periods are being removed from the school schedule or reduced (Sibley & Etnier 2003,Pellegrini & Bjorklund 1997,Fedewa & Clark 2010, Burton & VanHeest, 2007). In % of schools in the U.S. modified, removed or considered reducing recess. (Pellegrini & Bohn 2005, Jirikovic et al, 2005). Studies find that both the physical rigor and the unstructured nature of recess improve cognitive performance and physical fitness(Jirikovic et al, 2005, Pellegrini & Bohn 2005,Townes 2008, Guinhouya et al., 2005). Studies associate the free play in recess with several health benefits Higher self-esteem, Lower anxiety and depression Improved social skills Behavioral intervention for students with ADHD (Jirikovic et al, 2005; Pellegrini & Bohn 2005 & Fedewa & Clark 2010).
Review of Related Literature
History of Physical Education In the 1820’s American schools began to offer physical education. Catherine Beecher founded 2 schools for women that taught P.E.. The Normal College for training teachers in gymnastics (physical education) and in schools and clubs was established in 1865. In 1866 California was the first to mandate physical education. 1972 Title IX banned sexual discrimination in schools regarding sports and academics. History of Recess 1950’s three recess a day was the norm 1959 The United Nations’ Declaration of the Rights of the Child Article 7, “The child shall have full opportunity for play and recreation which should be directed to the same purposes as education; society and the public authorities shall endeavor to promote the enjoyment of this right;" In 1990 the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the Convention of Rights of the Child. Article 31. “The right to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts.“(Jirikovic et al, 2005)
Review of Related Literature Pros
Theorist Piaget The cognitive immaturity hypothesis Children need a mental break in order to process information Albert Bandura and Walter Mischel Social Cognition Theory Children learn from seeing the benefits of others actions Ron Miller Holistic education Edward L. Deci and Richard Ryan Self-determination theory (Sibley & Etnier 2003)
Review of Related Literature Pros
Practioners Alicia Moag-Stahlberg Action for Healthy Kids A nonprofit group dedicated to addressing childhood obesity. Work with school to encourage better nutrition and exercise. Paul Rosengard Sport, Play, and Active Recreation for Kids(SPARK) (Vail, 2006) A complete physical education curriculum Jill Vialet Sports4Kids is a non-profit organization that promotes healthy recess and play time in urban-based schools (Townes,2008). The American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (AAHPERD), and the National Association of Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) Physical Best: Created to supplement physical education programs Dennisonm founders. Rosengard, executive director
Review of Related Literature Pros
Studies have shown a positive relationship between fitness and academic achievement. The more physically fit a student is the higher they score on exams.(Burton et al 2007; Castelli et al 2007;Chomitz et al, 2009; Grissom 2005;Taras et al 2005; Vail, 2006, Wittberg et al 2009; Wittberg et al 2010) Studies have shown a positive relationship between physical activity and cognitive ability. Students perform higher on cognitive test taken after aerobic exercise (Boyle-Holmes et al 2010; Ellemberg et al, 2010; Fedewa &Clark, 2010;Hillman et al, 2009;Pesce et al, 2009; Tomporowski et al, 2008; ) Studies have shown a positive relationship between physical education and academic ability (Coe et al, 2006, Chomitz et al 2009,Taras & Potts-Datema 2005, Wittberg et al 2010) Studies have should a positive relationship between recess and academic and cognitive ability ( Fedwa & Clarck, 2010; Guinhouya et al, 2005; Jirikovic et al, 2005,Townes, 2008;Pellegrini & Bohn, 2010; Pellegrini & Bjorklund, 1997). Studies have shown a relationship between obesity and academic achievement (Taras & Potts-Daterma, 2005, Roberts et al, 2010)
Review of Related Literature (cons)
Studies are unable to show causality Studies can prove a relationship , but not a direct correlation (Chomitz et al. 2009; Jirikovic et al, 2005 , Tomporowski et al, 2008; Wittberg et al 2010) There are a limited amount of studies with large samples of minority students. (Wittberg, et al. 2010) Recess is not uniform even with in a school time spent during recess may vary greatly. This makes studies based on self reporting subjective (Guinhouya et al, 2005;Pellegrini & Bohn, 2010; Pellegrini & Bjorklund, 1997). Practitioners Karyn Clarke: Tacoma, Washington’s Assistant Superintenddent for Elementary Schools “If we want students learning to high standards we need them in the classroom not the playground (Jirikovic et al, 2005)
Physical education, recess and government
Only 5 states (Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Mexico and Vermont) require physical education for kids in every grade. Just three states--Alabama, Florida, and Louisiana--require that kids get at least 150 minutes of PE every week in elementary school. Daily recess only required in nine states. (Shape of the nation report, 2010) Annual hospital costs related to childhood obesity in the U.S. are approximately$127 million (Tunnicliffe et al, 2006).
Hypothesis Hypothesis 1: 20 minutes of aerobic exercise during physical education will raise the scores of low income, minority first grade students attending Urban School X in reading on the Terra Nova exam. Hypothesis 2: 20 minutes of free play during recess will raise the scores of low income, minority first grade students attending Urban School X in reading on the Terra Nova exam.
References Boyle-Holmes, T, Grost, L, Russell, L, Laris, B.A., & Robin, L., Haller E., Potter S., Lee S. (2010). Promoting elementary physical education results of a school-based evaluation study. Health Education & Behavior, 37(3), Burton, L.J., & VanHeest, J.L. (2007). The importance of physical activity in closing the achievement gap. Quest, 59, Castelli, D.M., Hillman, C.H., Buck S.M. & Erwin, H.E. (2007). Physical fitness and academic achievement in third and fifth grade students. Journal of Sport Exercise Psychology, 29, Coe, D.P., Pivarnik, J.M., Womach, C.J., Reeves, M.J. & Malina, R.M. (2006). Effect of physical education and activity levels on academic achievement in children. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 38, Childhood obesity and academic outcome. (2008). James B. Hunt, Jr. Institute for Educational leadership and Policy Chomitz, V.R., Slining, M.M., McGowan, R.J., Mitchell, S.E., Dawson, G.F. & Hacker K.A. (2009). Is there a relationship between physical fitness and academic achievement? positive results from public school children in the northeastern united states. Journal of School Health, 79(1), Ellemberg, D., & St-Louis-Deschenes, M. (2010). The effect of acute physical exercise on cognitive function during development. Psychology of Sport and Exercise , 11, Grissom, J.B. (2005). Physical fitness an academic achievement. Journal of Exercise Physiology, 8(1). Guinhouya C., Hubert, H., Dupont H., Durocher1, A. (2005). The recess period: a key moment of prepubescent children’s daily physical activity? The International Electronic Journal of Health Education, 8, Herman, K.C., Lambert, S.F., Reinke, W.M., & Ialongo, N.S. (2008). Academic competence in first grade as a risk factor for depressive cogitations and symptoms in middle school. Journal of Counseling Psyhchology , 55(3),
References (continued)
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References (continued)
Hillman, C.H., Pontifex, M.B., Raine, L.B., Castelli, D.M., Hall, E.E & Kramer A.F. (2009). The effect of acute treadmill walking on cognitive control and academic achievement in preadolescent children Neuroscience , 159, Pellegrini, A., & Bjorklund, D. (1997). The role of recess in children’s cognitive performance. Educational Psychologist, 32(1), Pellergrini, A., & Bohn, C. (2005). The role of recess in children’s cognitive performance and school adjustment. Educational Researcher. 34(13), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation. (n.d.). Childhood obesity Washington, DC: Retrieved from Department of Education, Institute of Education Services. (2009). Special analysis 2009 international assessments. Washington, DC: Retrieved from Wittberg, R., Northrup, K., & Cottrel, L. (2009). Children's physical fitness and academic performance. American Journal of Health Education, 2009(40), 1.
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