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Matthew Moiczek Environmental Science Anderson August 23 rd, 2010.

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1 Matthew Moiczek Environmental Science Anderson August 23 rd, 2010

2 Birth  April 19 th, 1994  Lynchburg Hospital  Doreen White and William Moiczek

3 Growing Up  Mom, Brother, and Sam (family dog) in the house  Grandparents, Aunt, and Uncle not far away  Live around SVCC

4 Siblings  Brandon Moiczek (Brother)  Jessica Freeman (Step Sister/oldest sibling)  Grace Freeman (Step Sister/ youngest sibling)

5 Music Interest  6 th Grade  My first instrument was a Trumpet  My first music teacher was Mr. Mowery  Classical, Classic Rock, Jazz, old country, Metal

6 Karate  Seijitsu Dojo  Started around age 13  Did it for about 2 years  Made it to Black Belt and Dojo went under for awhile  Moved on to do Muay Thai before Dojo went away

7 Muay Thai  About 2 years  Thailand fighting= Utilize Elbows & Knees  No ranking system/ Belt system (Not a “Martial Art”)  Took my test for my Muay Thai shorts Oct. 23 rd, 2009  Pictured (Left to Right): Ken Armstrong (Instructor), Me (Me), Jihad (Co-instructor), Brandon Moiczek (The reason I’m in pain right now)

8 Video Games  Sega Genesis -> NES -> N64  First game: Mighty Morphing Power Rangers  Pokemon (Still playing because it’s still awesome)  The older I got the more I missed the originals

9 Rock  My dog  Found him on the side of the road when I was 9 with his 8 other brothers and sisters  We were allowed to pick one to keep and we kept him  Mom named him after Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson (Wrestler)

10 Now  Living with Mom, stepdad Monty, Brandon, and Rock  Still doing Muay Thai  Marching Band and Jazz Band  Video Games  Same House  Sam, unfortunately had passed away July 4 th at 5:34 p.m.

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