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Principals of Research Writing & Design Educational Series Reviewing Scientific Literature & Grants 101 Alaina Boyer, PhD Senior Research Associate.

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Presentation on theme: "Principals of Research Writing & Design Educational Series Reviewing Scientific Literature & Grants 101 Alaina Boyer, PhD Senior Research Associate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Principals of Research Writing & Design Educational Series Reviewing Scientific Literature & Grants 101 Alaina Boyer, PhD Senior Research Associate Meharry-Vanderbilt Alliance 19 June 2015

2 Reviewing Scientific Literature
Literature review relevance Resources Critically reviewing scientific literature Tips

3 Why conduct a literature review
Helps determine where excess research exist and where new research is needed Provides a solid theoretical framework; a proposed study Justify a proposed study as one that contributes something new to the body of knowledge Framing valid research methodologies, approaches, goals, and questions Identify areas of controversy in the literature Audience question- Any other reasons?

4 Resources Pubmed - About 20 million citations for biomedical literature in the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, health care systems, and preclinical sciences. CINAHL-literature related to nursing and allied health professionals. Cochrane Library-collection of six databases for systematic reviews, registry of controlled trials, health technology assessments, to name a few Medline- research articles in all areas of medicine, including dentistry and nursing, (Medline falls under Ovid) Ovid Databases- Suite of primarily medical databases including Evidence-based Medicine resources, Ovid Medline, Embase, and alternative and complementary medicine. Links to full-text journals and e-books. Web of Science- Access the world’s leading scholarly literature in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities and examine proceedings of international conferences, symposia, seminars, colloquia, workshops, and conventions. No full text, but comprehensive coverage. [audience question]- does anyone have any other research databases they use and would like to share with the group

5 A database you can enter a title or abstract – this database can be helpful if you want some ideas on where to submit your paper (caveat) your literature review process should also inform this decision and may work better May be helpful to help you find relevant articles to cite in your paper (perhaps a good starting point- may not be a good ideal to rely solely on this database) as it pulls only from Medline Jane will then compare your document to millions of documents in Medline to find the best matching journals, authors or articles.

6 Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS)
Insert screen shot* Funded by NIH- provides access to reliable, precise measures of patient–reported health status for physical, mental, and social well–being. PROMIS measures can be used as primary or secondary endpoints in clinical studies of the effectiveness of treatment, and PROMIS® tools can be used across a wide variety of chronic diseases and conditions and in the general population. The uniqueness of PROMIS® lies in four key areas: Comparability—measures have been standardized so there are common domains and metrics across conditions, allowing for comparisons across domains and diseases. Reliability and Validity—all metrics for each domain have been rigorously reviewed and tested Flexibility—PROMIS can be administered in a variety of ways, in a different forms Inclusiveness—PROMIS encompasses all people, regardless of literacy, language, physical function or life course.

7 NIH Toolbox NIH toolbox website
*fees may apply for using toolbox for studies not funded by the NIH* Description - multidimensional set of brief measures assessing cognitive, emotional, motor and sensory function from ages 3 to 85, meeting the need for a standard set of measures that can be used as a “common currency” across diverse study designs and settings This facilitates the study of functional changes across the lifespan, including evaluating intervention and treatment effectiveness

8 The literature review process
[stages of the literature review process] illustrates the sequential steps to collect, know, comprehend, apply, and analyze synthesize, and evaluate quality literature in order to provide a firm foundation to a topic and research method the output of the literature review process should demonstrate that the proposed research (i.e. your study) contributes something new to the overall body of knowledge Levy & Ellis, 2006, vol 9, Informing Science Journal

9 Literature Review Tips
Cite recent literature, unless a seminal body of work Be organized- utilize bibliographic management software (endnote, mendely (free), zotero (free), etc) Keep records of your findings (template example) Title & Year Authors Topic Key Points Relation to your topic

10 Questions

11 Grants 101 Major grant sponsors Where to look for grant announcements
Knowing your audience Major sections of a grant Grant resources

12 Grant Sponsors Federal Sponsors Foundation Sponsors
Noted are some the most common (well known ) federal and foundation sponsors of grants, note there are many more Major differences between federal and foundation sponsor Federal- big splash, focus mostly on big topics that meet “national needs” (e.g. cancer, Alzheimer disease), have a fairly systematic way of obtaining information about grants and how to apply for them Foundation sponsors-tend to have very specific interests (HIV, malaria), includes several types “national, family, special purpose, corporate, community” , tend to have a non—systematic way of obtaining information about them and applying for their funds

13 Foundation Sponsors
Insert screen shot of web page here Approximately 100,000 foundations in the USA Highlight some of the features of the webpage

14 Federal Sponsors
26 grant making agencies, thousands of programs Highlight some of the features of the webpage NIH is made up of 27 Institutes and Centers, each with a specific research agenda, often focusing on particular diseases or body systems. NIH leadership plays an active role in shaping the agency's research planning, activities, and outlook. Will focus on NIH grants

15 NIH Grant Process- At a glance

16 Know your audience Keep in mind many topics can be addressed from many perspectives- be strategic

17 NIH Institutes & Centers
1. NCI Cancer Institute 14. NIDA Drug Abuse 2. NEI Eye Institute 15. NIEHS Environmental Health Sciences 3. NHLBI Heart Lung and Blood 16.NIGMS General Medical Sciences 4. NHGRI Human Genome Research 17. NIMH Mental Health 5. NIA Aging 18. NIMHD Minority Health & Health Disparities 6. NIAA Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism 19. NINDS Neurological Disorders & Stroke 7. NIAID Allergy & Infectious Disease 20. NINR Nursing Research 8. NIAMS Arthritis, Musculoskeletal, & Skin Diseases 21. NLM Library Medicine 9. NBIB Biomedical imaging & Bioengineering 22.CIT Center for Information Technology 10. NICHD Child Health & Human Development 23.CSR Center for Scientific Review 11.NIDCD Deafness & other Communication Disorders 24. FIC Fogarty International Center 12. NIDCR Dental & Craniofacial Research 25. NCCIH Center for Complementary & Integrative Health 13.NIDDK Diabetes, Digestive & Kidney Diseases 26. NCATS Center for Advancing Translational Sciences For example- you maybe interested in (obesity- attitudes toward obesity, health outcomes associated with obesity, healthcare implications associated with obesity, cognitive outcomes associated with diabetes in older adults), “framing” your research interests to “fit” the mission and initiative of a specific NIH center/institute Note- each institute and center has a mission and detailed description of what type of research they support

18 NIH Grants- The Basics 1- Start by re(reading) the grant website and request for applications (RFAs) 2-Take note of deadlines 3- Take note of NIH contact people 4- Engage the program officer- his/her job is to assist you with the grant process Begin with an Arrange a meeting (by phone, at a conference, when you are in DC, etc) #4- depending on your questions the program officer will ask for a draft of your “specific aims” prior to meeting with you, the specific aims will provide the program officer with some insight in to your grant proposal, allowing him/her to provide more effective assistance to you

19 Types of NIH Grants R03 R21 Provides limited funding for a short period of time (2 years maximum) Supports variety of projects: pilot studies, collection of preliminary data, secondary data analysis. Budget generally up to $50,000 per year Not renewable Exploratory/discovery research Encourages new, exploratory and developmental research projects Limited to up to two years of funding Combined budget for direct costs for the two year project period usually may not exceed $275,000. No preliminary data is generally required Focus on some of the smaller grants often sought after by early career investigators (R03)-If your question requires pilot data its nice option, a stepping stone to a larger grant, the expectation is that the investigator will collect and analyze the data Collect and analyze the data time frame (R21)-High risk/ high gain, Taking something tried and true to a new population

20 Secondary Data Analysis
Types of NIH Grants K99/00 Secondary Data Analysis Up to five years of support consisting of two phases 1-2 years mentored support for postdocs 3 years of independent support Awardees expected to compete successfully for independent R01 support during transition period Budget generally up to $249K (R00 phase) R21 –type of grant Focus on facilitating research that explores innovative hypotheses through the use of existing data sets 2 year maximum Great way to increase publication record Budget vary by NIH institute/center (K99/00) 1-2 yrs kind of a postdoc type position, developing new expertise, then you jump and do an independent project Very competitive ,*Only for emerging scholar (so many years after receiving our degree) – 4 years* For the extramural K99 phase, Indirect Costs (also known as Facilities & Administrative [F&A] Costs) are reimbursed at 8% of modified total direct costs. The total cost for the independent phase (R00) may not exceed $249,000 per year. This amount includes salary, fringe benefits, research costs, and applicable indirect costs. Indirect costs will be reimbursed at the extramural sponsoring institution’s indirect cost rate. Indirect costs requested by consortium participants are included in the total cost limitation. [secondary data analysis] direct funds vary by institute/center. For example National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute budget max is $150K over 2 yrs (not to exceed 75K per year). Comparatively, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases budget max is $275K over 2yrs

21 Diversity Supplements
Goal is to enhance diversity and re-entry in to the research workforce (two different grants) Administrative supplement (provides salary support) for a race/ethnic minority investigator Research project must work within the scope of the parent grant (larger NIH grant such as an R01) Provides short-term and long-term funding support 1.    Short-term Investigator Research Supplement: This supplement provides short-term support for faculty members to conduct full-time research in the biomedical, behavioral, clinical or social sciences for three to five months each year during the summer or another portion of the academic year, over a maximum period of four years. 2.    Long-term Investigator Research Supplement: This supplement provides long-term research support for faculty members to conduct research in the biomedical, behavioral, clinical or social sciences. Support is usually provided for up to two years at a minimum of 9 person months (equivalent to 75% effort) during each 12-month period.

22 Renewal, Resubmission, Revision
NIH Standard Due Dates New Applications Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 RO3 February 16 June 16 October 16 R21 K99/00 February 12 June 12 October 12 Renewal, Resubmission, Revision Generally these are absolute but you should always check and confirm Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 RO3 March 16 July 16 November 16 R21 K99/00 March 12 July 12 November 12

23 NIH Application –Major Sections
Specific Aims Research Strategy Sub-sections (Significance, Innovation, Approach) Environment Protections for Human Subjects Inclusion of Women, Minorities, and Children Targeted Planned Enrollment Table Budget Budget Justification Biosketches References Letters of support* Key personnel documents Depending on the grant Focus on the specific aims and research strategy

24 Specific Aims & Research Strategy
Specific Aims (1 pg) Research Strategy- Significance (1.5pg for R03) Opening paragraph, current state of the knowledge and summary of gaps Innovation of proposed research and how it fills some gaps List objectives e.g., test hypotheses, create a novel design, solve a specific problem, challenge an existing paradigm, address barrier in the field, or develop new technology. Finish with summary of the potential broad impact of the proposed research will have. Explain the importance of problem or critical barrier to progress in the field Explain how proposed project improves scientific knowledge. Describe how concepts, methods, treatments, or preventative interventions that drive this field will be changed if the proposed aims are achieved. Cite seminal, persuasive work from high impact factor journals [specific aims]- provides essential info to summarize the proposal- * most important aspect of the grant, reviewers often draw their “initial” conclusion about your grant based on the specific aims

25 Research Strategy Innovation (approx. 1.5pg) Approach (2.5-3pgs)
Explain how the application challenges and seeks to shift current research Describe novel/improvements methods, advantages over what currently exists State why you are so enthusiastically proposing the research and why the work should be done State what is novel and gaps that will be filled Describe the overall strategy, methodology, and analyses to be used to accomplish the specific aims The data to be analyzed – source, descriptive for sample, etc, Variables to be used Analysis strategy and procedures Discuss potential problems, alternative strategies, and benchmarks for success anticipated to achieve the aims Approximate page parameters for an R03

26 Tips for Early Stage Investigators
Describe institutional investment in the success of the investigator, Resources for classes, travel, and training Collegial support such as career enrichment programs Availability of organized peer groups Logistical support such as administrative management , oversight ,and best practices training Describe in environment section

27 Overview of how grants are scored
Scored on a 9-point scale 1 indicates exceptionally strong application with essentially no weaknesses. 9 indicates an application with serious and substantive weaknesses with very few strengths 5 considered an average score Scale used by all study group review members to provide overall impact/priority score for each application. Scale used by assigned reviewers to score five individual criteria (e.g., Significance, Investigator(s), Innovation, Approach, Environment)

28 Grant Writing Tips 1- Start early- at least 4-5 months to write a grant proposal 2- Use short declarative sentences, minimize use of complex sentences 3- Cite sparingly in the specific aims section 4-Recruit reviewers (experts in the field, in statistics/methods, style (English, grammar, etc) to review your grant prior to submission 5- Obtain a copy of a funded grant application 6- Become familiar with the grant submission process at your institution 7- Avoid jargon 8- Include a schematic of grant timeline (even if not requested) * Additional tip- avoid (if it all possible) submitting a final proposal (and manuscript) on a Friday. People make more errors and “rush” the process whether or not they know they are doing it – advice from a tenured full professor who has served on a NIA grant committee for many years

29 Determine the association between measures of PA and brain health.
Examples of timelines Top example- a figure depicting the study design with the intervention timeline included Bottom example-simple timeline for different phases of a study Aim Research Activities Pre-award ’14-‘15 ’15-‘16 16-’17 Determine the association between measures of PA and brain health. Cohort development Data collection Data Analysis & preparation of results for publication

30 Additional Resources (Literature review)- The Literature Review: A Few Tips On Conducting It (word document) (Grants) NIH Website (Grants) YouTube video of a NIH grant review session (Grants) NIH Reporter

31 Please complete evaluation forms prior to leaving- Thanks!

32 All sessions held at the MVA from 12pm-1pm
Session Schedule All sessions held at the MVA from 12pm-1pm Date Topic June 19 Literature Reviews & Grants 101 June 26 Writing a Scientific Manuscript (Part 1) July 10 Writing a Scientific Manuscript (Part 2) July 17 Fundamentals of Study Design July 24 Fundamentals of Biostatistics (Part 1) July 31 Fundamentals of Biostatics (Part 2) Slides will be loaded to the MVA website To RSVP call (615) or

33 NIH Centers & Institutes
Know your audience NIH Centers & Institutes 1. NCI 14. NIDA 2. NEI 15. NIEHS 3. NHLIBI 16.NIGHMS 4. NHGRI 17. NIMH 5. NIA 18. NIMHD 6. NIAA 19. NINDS 7. NIAID 20. NINR 8. NIAMS 21. NLM 9. NBIB 22.CIT 10. NICHD 23.CSR 11.NIDCD 24. FIC 12. NIDCR 25. NCCIH 13.NIDDK 26. NCATS * Print list of full NIH institutes and centers* Keep in mind many topics can be addressed from many perspectives- be strategic For example- you maybe interested in (obesity- attitudes toward obesity, health outcomes associated with obesity, healthcare implications associated with obesity, cognitive outcomes associated with diabetes in older adults), “framing” your research interests to “fit” the mission and initiative of a specific NIH center/institute

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