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Sustainable Energy Conference 2003 CITY OF CAPE TOWN ISIXEKO SASEKAPA STAD KAAPSTAD Presentation by Bastian Monwabisi Booi.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainable Energy Conference 2003 CITY OF CAPE TOWN ISIXEKO SASEKAPA STAD KAAPSTAD Presentation by Bastian Monwabisi Booi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainable Energy Conference 2003 CITY OF CAPE TOWN ISIXEKO SASEKAPA STAD KAAPSTAD Presentation by Bastian Monwabisi Booi

2 Presentation outline 1. Introduction: 2. Urban SEED Programme: 2.1 Aims & Objectives: 2.2 Implementation Strategy: 3. Environment / Context: 3.1 Challenges 3.2 Opportunities 4. Programmes & Projects: 5. SEED Programme Outcomes / Achievements 6. Way forward CITY OF CAPE TOWN ISIXEKO SASEKAPA STAD KAAPSTAD Presentation by Bastian

3 1. Introduction: Seek to show the importance of capacity building & information dissemination in shifting from ‘business as usually’ to innovative ways of doing things. Use Urban SEED Programme as a case study. CITY OF CAPE TOWN ISIXEKO SASEKAPA STAD KAAPSTAD

4 2. Urban SEED Programme: A national capacity building programme on energy & environmental issues. Funded by DANIDA & South African partner organisations. Currently being implemented by selected South African Metropolitan Cities in partnership with either Housing or Environmental NGO’s. Have links with small SA municipalities & strategic National Departments through network meetings, seminars and periodic publications. CITY OF CAPE TOWN ISIXEKO SASEKAPA STAD KAAPSTAD

5 2.1 Aims & Objectives: To build capacity of implementing agencies so that they plan & implement their projects integrating energy & environmental principles. To encourage communities to use safer, affordable, convenient & environmental sustainable energy options. To raise awareness generally on energy & environmental issues among community, government, private sector, etc. CITY OF CAPE TOWN ISIXEKO SASEKAPA STAD KAAPSTAD

6 2.2 Implementation Strategy: Train & place SEED Advisors into selected municipalities & NGO’s. Establish a SEED Office to support SEED Advisors and to co- ordinate the programme. Lobbies & provide info to PPC’s so as to influence regs / policy development. Produce posters, flyers and videos as conduits for disseminating information. Develop & conduct trainings, seminars, workshops and competitions on energy and environmental issues. CITY OF CAPE TOWN ISIXEKO SASEKAPA STAD KAAPSTAD

7 3. Environment / Context: Presented both opportunities & challenges to the SEED brief. CITY OF CAPE TOWN ISIXEKO SASEKAPA STAD KAAPSTAD

8 3.1 Challenges Resistance to change / Comfort zones. Lack of Awareness in energy & environmental issues. Cheap electricity discouraged efficient use & diversification of energy sources. High initial costs of renewable energy interventions eg: Solar Water Heaters, efficient lights, etc Pressure to deliver on basic needs, resulting in compromising of quality/sustainability in favour of quantity. Long lead time of capacity building impacts. CITY OF CAPE TOWN ISIXEKO SASEKAPA STAD KAAPSTAD

9 3.2 Opportunities National Electrification Programme. National Housing Development Programme. Similar Initiatives, eg, CCP, CDM,etc. Numerous sustainable development initiatives. CITY OF CAPE TOWN ISIXEKO SASEKAPA STAD KAAPSTAD

10 4. Programmes & Projects: Greening Projects, eg Kuyasa Greening project, Westrich Soil Stabilisation project, etc. Waste Management & Water conservation projects. Awareness Raising Programmes, eg; Schools’ Energy 2001 programme, Demonstration Centre, ‘Home Sweet Home’ video, etc. Info dissemination using posters, pamphlets, workshops and road-shows. Demonstration Projects, eg Kuyasa Pilot CDM Project, DAG Demo House, Green-house environmental-centre, etc. Capacity building projects, eg ; BI’s training on Sustainable Housing, CBO’s training on energy issues, DAG Housing practitioners’ training. CITY OF CAPE TOWN ISIXEKO SASEKAPA STAD KAAPSTAD

11 5. SEED Programme Outcomes / Achievements CITY OF CAPE TOWN ISIXEKO SASEKAPA STAD KAAPSTAD Using the SEED Brief as the yardstick, SEED Programme has been successfully. Built the capacity of SEED Advisors, CBO’s, NGO’s, Government officials and a spectrum of other implementing agencies. Built Partnership with a spectrum of organisations, eg; SALGA, SACN, SSN, Government, etc. Institutionalised energy issues in SEED Partner organisations, eg; employment of SEED Advisors, CCT’s energy strategy. Made energy issues visible in partner organisations. Equip & supported partner organisations to deal with initiatives related to the SEED Programme, eg LA21, CDM / Climate Mitigation.

12 6. Way forward CITY OF CAPE TOWN ISIXEKO SASEKAPA STAD KAAPSTAD SEED Programme be extended to other municipalities Complete CCT’s Integrated Energy Plan and replicate it to other municipalities. Use CDM and other climate mitigation interventions as conduits for promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy.


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