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FIRE SAFETY. Some Facts (2004): 4000 people died 18,000 injured $9.8 Billion due to damage from a fire.

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Presentation on theme: "FIRE SAFETY. Some Facts (2004): 4000 people died 18,000 injured $9.8 Billion due to damage from a fire."— Presentation transcript:


2 Some Facts (2004): 4000 people died 18,000 injured $9.8 Billion due to damage from a fire

3 What does fire need? Fire needs 3 things in order to continue burning: –Fuel (ex: wood, gasoline, tree branches) –Air Flow –Heat (lighter, matches, Oven) Fuel + Air + Heat = FIRE

4 What does a fire need to burn?

5 Other Causes of Fire Forgetting about food that is cooking Falling asleep with a cigarette burning A frayed wire from an appliance Leaving dish towel on the stovetop

6 Types of Fires Class A- Fires with trash, wood, paper Class B- Fires with flammable liquids Class C- Fires involving electrical equipment

7 Fire Extinguishers “A” Fire Extinguishers for Class A Fires “B” Fire Extinguishers for Class B Fires “C” Fire Extinguishers for Class C Fires “ABC” Fire Extinguishers can be used for all 3

8 How to use a Fire Extinguisher P – Pull the Pin A – Aim at the Base of the Fire S – Squeeze the Handle S – Sweep from Side to Side





13 In Case of a Fire … Don’t Panic and Don’t Hide Feel the door with the back of your hand to see if it is hot (If it is hot use your backup exit) If your room is filled with smoke, stay close to the floor because HEAT RISES

14 Escape Plan Know the exits from each room Be sure that you have a backup exit just in case you can not escape the first exit Have a fire drill at home (Just like School) Have a meeting place outside

15 If you Catch on Fire If you catch on fire you should: STOP  DROP  ROLL

16 Smoke Alarms Should be installed on every level of your house (including basement) On the wall 6-8 inches below ceiling for earliest warning


18 Types of Burns First Degree- Getting burned on the outermost layer of skin These usually just leave your skin red and tender

19 Types of Burns Second Degree – Burn deeper down into the skin Often leave a blister

20 Types of Burns Third Degree – Most severe; Burns you the deepest (can reach your muscle and bone)

21 Treating Burns DO NOT: –Put butter on burn –Put ice on burn –Put ice water on burn DO: –Soak the burn in cool water –Gently apply aloe vera gel –Put a cool rag on the burn –Put a dry gauze or bandage over the burn


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