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Participative Methods on Cultural Value Management in Rural Areas György Fekete Central Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency Nonprofit Ltd. Budapest,

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Presentation on theme: "Participative Methods on Cultural Value Management in Rural Areas György Fekete Central Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency Nonprofit Ltd. Budapest,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Participative Methods on Cultural Value Management in Rural Areas György Fekete Central Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency Nonprofit Ltd. Budapest, 09. April 2014

2 Content of the presentation What is the SY_CULTour? What was our main objective? Methodology Guidelines Results

3 What is the SY_CULTour? Transnational Cooperation Framework South East European Project 17 partners from 6 countries 39 month „Synergy of culture and tourism: utilization of cultural potentials in less favored rural areas“

4 What was our main objective? Top-down principle does not work! Many projects just on paper and lack of communication among public officials and local communities Real questions for local communities: What kind of development is good for us/we want? How do we wish to present our culture to tourists?

5 Our main ideas (1/2) cultural values can contribute to new growth and new employment opportunities as well as social re-vitalisation of rural communities 1.Cultural values as a tool for development values = traditional arts, cultural heritage, events, popular culture, natural heritage with cultural significance…, which are VALUED and RECOGNISED by the local community as having developmental potential

6 Our main ideas (2/2) 2. Bottom-up approach as the key concept Involvment of local stakeholders from the very start Activation of local communities Taking responsibility of your own development Ensuring that actions have a longlasting effect

7 Methodology – participative approach „Specific tool which are meanings from a simple information transfer to build up an active pertnership… (Reitbergen-McCracken – Narayan 1998).” Participative technics: – Brainstorming; – Charrette; – Citizen Jury; – Consensus Conference; – Delphi Expert Panel; – European Awareness Scenario Workshop; – Focus Group; – Goal-Oriented Project Planning; – Open Space Technology; – World Café. Used for obtaining: ―Conflict resolution; ―Knowledge creation; ―Knowledge sharing; ―Rule sharing; ―Communication; ―Quality improvement.

8 Main output: Guidelines of managing cultural values with developmental potential in rural communities A model (set of rules/recommendations) on how to activate locals and involve them in the process of new development The end user: local communities, municipalities, NGO‘s, developmental agencies, individuals, tourism workers, …

9 Guidelines: The guidelines help the people who want to contribute to the development of rural areas by utilizing its cultural values. Step by step manual lead the reader through the key phases from the first idea to the realization. It consists of six steps Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Designate a work team Reach a common vision Form a clear idea Territorial context Cultural values Stakeholders Defining the priorities Specific objectives Work teams Detailed tasks C ommunicatio n strategy Action plan Implement the steps Coordinate the action plan Evaluation

10 Guidelines: – This is the moment of „moulding” and shaping the vision. – Form a team of people who wish to carry out the given idea. – Common consensus on the vision. – What we want to achieve? – The main activities. – The results. – The indicators; – Transfer of good practices.

11 Guidelines: – The work team has to produce a general overview of the area and the existing cultural values. – Demographical, geographical, social, environmental, economic, political overview – Identification of the cultural values with development potential – Identification of the relevant stakeholders.

12 Guidelines: – Staregic plan making – The work team has to tailor the chosen idea according to the stakeholders needs. – 1 st Workshop – Define clear objectives and goals. – 2 nd Workshop – All the stakeholders who care about the implementation of the idea should be divided into smaller work teams. – 2 nd Workshop

13 Guidelines: – Preparing the action plan. – Clearly define the tasks and determine the timeframe. – 3 rd Workshop – Set up a communication strategy to guarantee the effectiveness. – The action plan must be prepared in accordance with the local, regional and national strategies.

14 Guidelines: – Managing and implementation. – Each work team starts to implement its own tourist package. – Coordinate and manage the proposed action plan.

15 Guidelines: – Monitoring and evaluation. – Evaluation of the implementation of the proposed tourist packages.

16 Main results Social effects most evident, short-term – Revitalization, empowerment, social cohesion Economic effects more long-term – Diversification of tourist supply, community resilience (responsible) tourism can help preserve cultural heritage

17 Thank you for your attention! György Fekete Project manager Central Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency Nonprofit Ltd. E-mail: Mobile: +36-20/275-7652

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