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©Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. 2003. All material is copyright protected. It is illegal to copy any of this material. This material may be used.

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2 ©Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. 2003. All material is copyright protected. It is illegal to copy any of this material. This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook. An Introduction to Health and Physical Education Ted Temertzoglou Paul Challen ISBN 1-55077-132-9 Exercise Science Section 20: Exercise Science Section 20: The Psychology of Sport

3 ©Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. 2003. All material is copyright protected. It is illegal to copy any of this material. This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook. Sport Psychology  Sport psychology  Study placed within context of sports  How people think, feel, and behave in sporting situations  The mental processes that motivate the way they behave in training and competition ©”jbpcpa”

4 ©Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. 2003. All material is copyright protected. It is illegal to copy any of this material. This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook. The Mental and Physical Connection  Connection between brain activity and workings of muscles, joints, limbs, and bodily systems  In athletic performance, cerebral cortex plays key role  Generates general mental state prior to athletic event  Nervousness might lead to extra stimulus being placed on muscles and the development of “nervous tension”  Controllable through relaxation exercises and techniques

5 ©Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. 2003. All material is copyright protected. It is illegal to copy any of this material. This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook. Performance States  Ideal performance state  The complete absence of doubt and fear of failure, and a general lack of inhibition  A very narrow focus of attention with little or no signs of distraction from the goals of competition  A sense of effortlessness and simply “letting it happen”  Powerful feelings of being “in control” of one’s performance

6 ©Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. 2003. All material is copyright protected. It is illegal to copy any of this material. This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook. Key Terms in Sport Psychology  Arousal  “Being psyched up”  Athlete feels ready physically and psychologically  Anxiety  General sense of uncertainty  Muscular tension/“Butterflies”

7 ©Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. 2003. All material is copyright protected. It is illegal to copy any of this material. This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook. Key Terms – cont’d  Relaxation  Mind-body state with no anxiety  Concentration  Ability to keep one’s focus without being distracted  Determine what is relevant and irrelevant to performance  Motivation  Direction and intensity of effort  Direction refers to attraction to certain sport situations  Intensity refers to amount of physical and mental energy given

8 ©Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. 2003. All material is copyright protected. It is illegal to copy any of this material. This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook. Audience and Fatigue  Role of the audience  Some react positively to large crowds  Encouragement  Others better suited to settings of isolation  Tools to control responses to audience  Fatigue  Mental state where feelings of tiredness can lead to decreases in performance  “push through pain to realize new performance levels ©”LordRunar”

9 ©Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. 2003. All material is copyright protected. It is illegal to copy any of this material. This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook. Factors Affecting Performance  Self-Talk  Internal monologue going through athlete’s mind before competition  Can be encouraging or discouraging  Athletes need to regulate and control internal talk in a “positive” way to use it to achieve peak performance  Imagery and Visualization  Tools used to assist seeing oneself succeed  A powerful impetus for success

10 ©Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. 2003. All material is copyright protected. It is illegal to copy any of this material. This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook. Factors Affecting Performance – cont’d  Hypnosis  Two types  Heterohypnosis  Placed under hypnosis by another person  Self-hypnosis  Placed under hypnosis by self  Three phases  Induction  Create feeling of relaxation  Subject feels sleepy  Hypnotic  Able to carry out suggestions  Waking hypnosis  Wake-up  Coming out of “trance” upon therapist’s signal

11 ©Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. 2003. All material is copyright protected. It is illegal to copy any of this material. This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook. Factors Affecting Performance – cont’d  Relaxation/Arousal Regulation  Enforce a state of relaxation over mind and body leading to enhanced performance by removing anxiety  Tools include:  Breathing exercises  Meditation  Imagery  Developing concentration  Selective attention  Tools include:  Positive self-talk  Duplicating distractions during practice  Cue words

12 ©Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. 2003. All material is copyright protected. It is illegal to copy any of this material. This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook. Factors Affecting Performance – cont’d  Improving Motivation  Four basic principles that relate to athletes:  Personal traits vs. environment  Multiple Motives  Staying Motivated  Leadership ©”amygdala_imagery”

13 ©Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. 2003. All material is copyright protected. It is illegal to copy any of this material. This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook. Factors Affecting Performance – cont’d  Goal Setting  Objective goals  Empirically quantifiable  Subjective goals  Outcomes harder to quantify  S.M.A.R.T. Principle  Specific  Able to be precisely defined  Measurable  Able to be quantified  Attainable  Within an athlete’s limitations  Realistic  Attainable within constraints  Timely  Achievable within a set time frame

14 ©Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. 2003. All material is copyright protected. It is illegal to copy any of this material. This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook. The Quest for Excellence  Orlick’s wheel of excellence suggest seven key elements of excellence:  Commitment  Focused connection  Confidence  Positive images  Mental readiness  Distraction control  Ongoing learning

15 ©Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. 2003. All material is copyright protected. It is illegal to copy any of this material. This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook. Sport Psychology and Children  Can have significant impact on approach to sports from a physical, social, and mental perspective  Children respond well to praise and encouragement  Enjoyment of activities will help them build skills and confidence  Children benefit from participation during both games and practices

16 ©Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. 2003. All material is copyright protected. It is illegal to copy any of this material. This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook.

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