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Presentation on theme: "OSTEOMYELITIS INFECTIOUS ARTHRITIS D.Goldberg WRAMC."— Presentation transcript:


2 Osteomyelitis Laboratory Tests Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
White blood cell count Erythrocyte sedimentation rate C-reactive protein Bone aspirate Blood culture Antigen Assay

3 Osteomyelitis Etiologic agents by age
Organism Total < >10 S. aureus (50%) Streptococci (9%) HIb (4%) CNS (3%) Ps. aeruginosa (3%) S. pneumoniae (2%) Salmonella (2%) E. coli

4 Osteomyelitis Specimen site No. done No. Pos Blood 381 138 (36%)
Needle aspirate/surg spec (38%) Joint fluid (65%) Wound drainage (70%) Nelson IDCNA 1995

5 Osteomyelitis BONE MONOSTEAL POLYSTEAL Femur 92 12 Tibia 89 18
Humerus Fibula Phalanx Calcaneos Radius Ischium Metatarsal Ulna Ilium Vertebra

6 Osteomyelitis Neonatal Osteomyelitis Nonspecific signs absent
Indolent process Nonspecific signs absent Swelling/tenderness Multiple sites in 50% Secondary joint space involvement S. aureus, group B strep, coliforms

7 Osteomyelitis Sickle Cell Disease GNR’s 6% Staphylococcus 8%
Salmonella 60% GNR’s 6% Staphylococcus 8% Pneumococcus 5%

8 Radiologic Diagnosis X-rays: soft tissue swelling periosteal elevation
focal osteopenia 2 week lag

9 Radiologic Diagnosis Tc scan: accumulation in areas of
inc blood flow and bone formation positive in 48 hrs Three-phase scan false-neg due to poor blood flow

10 Radiologic Diagnosis gallium scan: inc uptake in areas
of PMN’s, macrophages do not show bone well imaging at 24h and 72h high sens/high radiation MRI scan: bone vs soft tissue T2-inc signal in bone not for screening

11 Septic Arthritis S.A. Inf Arth Non-IA Volume +/+++ +/+++ +
Color turbid turbid sl turbid Viscosity reduced reduced normal WBC’s > PMN’s >80% >60-80% <50% Glucose < > >0.80 Bacteria %

12 Distribution of Infected Joints
Septic Arthritis Distribution of Infected Joints Knee 30% Hip Ankle 17 Elbow 11 PIP/MCP 7 Shoulder 2 Nelson PED 1972

13 Septic Arthritis Organism 0-1m 1m-5y >5 (4%) (70%) (26%)
(4%) (70%) (26%) S. aureus % 11% 33% Hib % 31% 1% Streptococci 21% 11% 18% GNR % % 3% N. gonnorrhea 7% % 7% Unknown % 34%

14 Therapy Initial regimes: Neonates nafcillin and cefotaxime
children < cefuroxime children > nafcillin/cefuroxime Sickle cell nafcillin and ceftriaxone

15 Therapy: Minimal duration- (clinical response, dec ESR)
Gram negative 4-6 weeks Staph weeks H. influenzae 2-4 weeks N. meningitis 2-4 weeks streptococci 2-4 weeks Dagan JPID 1992

16 Contraindications to oral therapy
Inability to swallow Etiologic agent not established Inability to perform bacteriocidal levels No effective oral therapy Failure of parental abiotics


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