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Tetrology of Fallot Cyanosis Decreased Pulmonary Vascularity Normal Cardiac size 8 percent of Congenital heart disease 4 Components.

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2 Tetrology of Fallot

3 Cyanosis Decreased Pulmonary Vascularity Normal Cardiac size 8 percent of Congenital heart disease 4 Components

4 VSD Large and located just below Aortic Valve Pulmonary Infundibular Stenosis Overriding Aorta – Straddles VSD Right Ventricular Hypertophy – from elevated RV pressure


6 Hemodynamics Pulmonary resistance greater than systemic so right to left shunt and cyanosis Exercise decreases systemic vascular resistance so greater right to left shunt


8 Cyanosis brought on by exercise, hot weather, meals Tetrad spells – sudden increase in Rt to Lt shunt and severe hypoxemia. May be relieved with squatting- increases systemic resistance so rt to left shunt decreases Pulmonary Systolic Ejection Murmur

9 Xray Decreased Pulmonary Artery Vascularity Large Bronchial collaterals Boot shaped heart from RVH, enlarged aorta and concave PA Rt Aortic Arch in 25%


11 Management- Palliative vs. Corrective Palliative – bring blood to PA Potts – Lt PA to Descend Aorta Waterston –Rt. PA and Ascending Aorta Blalock Taussig- Older Children – Subclavian Art. Opposite Arch anastamosted to Ipsilateral PA Central Shunt- Synthetic Graft Ascending Aorta to PA Corrective Close VSD Alleviate Rt Ventric Outflow Obsrtuction Pulmonary Valvotomy, Resection of infundibular myocadium and outflow patch



14 Pseudo Truncus Tetrology with Aortic Artesia



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