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A Cross-Battery Approach to Assessment of Psychological Processing Disorders Milton J. Dehn, Ed.D. Winter 2011 Schoolhouse Educational Services.

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Presentation on theme: "A Cross-Battery Approach to Assessment of Psychological Processing Disorders Milton J. Dehn, Ed.D. Winter 2011 Schoolhouse Educational Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Cross-Battery Approach to Assessment of Psychological Processing Disorders
Milton J. Dehn, Ed.D Winter 2011 Schoolhouse Educational Services

2 Copyright Notice; Copyright, 2010
The content of this PowerPoint presentation and accompanying handouts is copyrighted by Schoolhouse Educational Services, LLC and Milton J. Dehn. It is not to be reprinted, copied, or electronically disseminated without permission. To obtain permission, contact Milton J. Dehn at

3 Workshop Topics Processing overview and MN’s criteria
Processing and learning Organizing a processing assessment Cross-battery testing and analysis Interpreting results Determining eligibility Evidence-based interventions overview

4 What is psychological processing?
Brain’s processes, operations, functions Any time mental contents are operated on When information is perceived, transformed, manipulated, stored, retrieved, expressed Whenever we think, reason, problem-solve Can’t learn and perform without processing Doesn’t include knowledge base, skills, or what is stored in long-term memory Topic limited academic learning processes

5 Problems with Past Processing Assessment
Not enough known about processing Not sure how to test processing Assessment too informal (grad. example) Over emphasis on low level processes Memory seldom assessed Some ineffective interventions

6 Now Is the Time Better understanding of psych processes and their relations with specific academics Neuroscience and neuropsychological evidence on brain and learning Neuropsychological influence on assessment Research on processing, memory, academics More assessment of memory New research on interventions Better assessment options

7 Why Processing Assessment is a Good Idea
Process. deficits underlie (“cause”) SLD Identifying a processing deficit differentiates SLD & slow learning Understanding of the learner Interventions for the processing deficits Identifying processing deficits provides direction for academic interventions Assessment benefits the learner

8 Processing and RTI Compatibility
RTI purists are not current; too behavioral Processing model consistent with problem-solving and early intervention Evidence-based processing interventions Why do “blind” general academic interventions Different causes of disabilities Processing and academics are compatible Which academic interventions succeed? Those that address processing problems

9 “Resistance” to Intervention
Successful achievement depends on adequate psychological processes Process deficits impede learning A processing deficit can cause an academic intervention to fail---example When severe; When not addressed When intervention options limited Processing testing can determine whether failure to respond to RTI is due to a processing deficit, adding more support for LD placement

10 Processes and IQ Processes underlie intelligence
Processing versus content (e.g. verbal) Global IQ versus specific processes Processing problems can pull down IQ

11 IQ-Achievement Discrepancy Model and Processing
Discrepancy model misses some SLD Deficient processing “pulls down” IQ Poor achievement “pulls down” IQ With processing, use a consistency approach, not a discrepancy approach Low process + low academic skill = SLD NOT high process + low academic skill

12 Psychological Processing Model
Cognitive psychology theory of learning Input – output memory model of processing Link More parallel, complex, and integrated than can be represented Neuroscience supports model: these are brain-based processes Memory functioning is the core

13 Psychological Processing, General Characteristics
There’s a flow of information Mostly automated Parallel, complex, and integrated Executive functions exert control; affected by effortful, conscious control Some input is internal from memory Neuroscience supports cognitive model Link

14 What the Brain Needs for Learning
Attention Organized information to input Both visual and auditory Metacognition and strategies Repetition Sleep, glucose, oxygen

15 Brain Lobes and Processes
Frontal Lobes: Attention, Exec. Functions, Fluid Reasoning, Working Memory Temporal Lobes: Long-Term Memory, Auditory, Short-Term Memory Parietal Lobes: Fine motor, Working Memory, Auditory, Phonological, Occipital Lobes: Visual The Hippocampus, absolutely essential for learning

16 MN SLD Definition “Specific learning disability means a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, that may manifest itself in the imperfect ability to listen, speak, read, write, spell, or do mathematical calculations, including conditions such as perceptual disabilities, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia, and developmental aphasia”

17 MN Processing Criteria
“The child has a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes which includes an information processing condition that is manifested in a variety of settings by behaviors such as inadequate …. (next slide)

18 MN Processing Criteria
….acquisition of information; organization; planning and sequencing; working memory, including verbal, visual, or spatial; visual and auditory processing; speed of processing; verbal and nonverbal expression; transfer of information; and motor control for written tasks.” (list is not exhaustive; essentially covers all major aspects of information processing) See Handout

19 Minnesota SLD Criteria
A basic psychological processing deficit must be documented across multiple settings using a variety of sources under the IQ severe discrepancy option or the inadequate rate of progress (RTI) option Two prior interventions required Observation required

20 Dehn’s Recommended Processes for SLD Assessment
Attention Auditory Processing Executive Functions Fine motor Control Fluid Reasoning Language Processes Long-Term Memory Recall Phonological Processing Processing Speed Visual-Spatial Processing Working Memory (See Handout)

21 Attention Frontal lobes Cognitive levels of attention; not arousal
Types: Selective, focused, divided, sustained Necessary for acquisition The problem is attentional control Lack of inhibition Under executive control Interest of material is a factor Attention weakness often part of SLD Learning: A necessary prerequisite for all learning and memory

22 Auditory Processing Ability to perceive, analyze, synthesize, and discriminate auditory stimuli, e.g. speech Phonological processing may be a subtype Learning: Perceiving and comprehending instruction; being able to understand words with background noise

23 Executive Functions More to do with performance than skills
Involves management of cognitive functions and psychological processes and also skills Complex; difficult to assess as a whole Includes planning (easiest to assess) Organization depends on executive functions Effectiveness depends on self-monitoring, self-regulation, and metacognition Related to use of learning strategies Learning: Knowing how much you need to study material

24 Executive Control Processes
Self awareness (metacognition) Awareness of strengths and weaknesses Awareness of the task requirements Awareness of which strategies work Self regulation (metacognition) Monitoring; evaluating; planning Detecting errors, problems Deciding which strategy to use Fixing the problem

25 Fine Motor Control Is it perceptual or motor?
Seems related to attention Does it interfere with learning or just written performance? Interventions for it do not improve learning but may improve performance Learning: Be able to copy letters accurately

26 Fluid Reasoning A higher level process (close to IQ)
Inductive and deductive reasoning Learning: problem-solving, math reasoning, comprehension

27 Language Processes Not the content (vocabulary) or the written output but the oral processes May acquire knowledge but have difficulty expressing it Retrieval may be part of the problem Learning: Oral expression of thoughts, ideas

28 Long-Term Memory Not specifically part of MN criteria but important part of info. processing & learning Some students learn well initially but can’t retain; others learn poorly but retain well Difficult to measure Not known what has been learned Intervals in tests not long enough Deficits due to hippocampal damage

29 Rapid Automatic Naming (RAN)
Naming facility for commonly known objects Highly predictive of early reading achievement May be associated with slow long-term retrieval speed or slow processing speed

30 Phonological Processing
Processing of phonemes, e.g. blending Phonemic awareness is part of Related to language and literacy development Related to phonological short-term memory Learning: Recognizing rhyming words, segmenting words into phonemes

31 Processing Speed How quickly information flows through the processing system; a matter of efficiency Too slow: info. lost, process not completed Speed increases significantly until adolescence Adolescents 2x faster than 8 year olds, 3x than 4 years Related to retrieval speed, RAN Learning: Rapidly computing and retrieving the answer to simple math calculation, reading fluency Case example

32 Visual-Spatial Processing
Ability to perceive, analyze, synthesize, manipulate & think with visual patterns A strength in most LD cases Visual and spatial can be differentiated Not that correlated with academic learning in general Orthographic is stronger Learning: Distinguishing between shapes

33 Orthographic Processing
A subtype of visual processing Has to do with processing of letters, symbols, and words Should be assessed For example, PALS

34 Working Memory Includes short-term memory
Processing while retaining information Four units of information at a time Very important for learning & performance About half of LD students have a deficit Involves executive functions Needed for language development (ESL?) See monkey video

35 Working Memory Includes auditory and visual processing
Includes sequencing Related with processing speed Is the interface between input and storage Some information in working memory is retrieved from long term memory The most common processing weakness Automaticity increases capacity

36 Types of Working Memory
Verbal Link Visuospatial Executive Episodic Activated long-term memory items Learning: Being able to take notes while listening

37 Long-Term Memory Systems
Episodic: memory for events, Link autobiographical, context, details Learning is initially episodic, then semantic Semantic: facts, knowledge, vocabulary Abstracted from episodes When tested, divided into visual and verbal (both episodic during standardized memory testing) Implicit: unconscious, includes procedural

38 Long-Term Memory Processes
Encoding Consolidation Storage Retrieval---most directly measureable Learning: Knows a fact but can’t recall when needed without prompting

39 Forgetting Fast at first, then slows down
50% forgotten within 24 hours Some retain well within 30 minutes or 1st day but then have very poor retention afterwards Is it lost, or not retrievable at moment? Interference: proactive and retroactive Recognition versus free recall

40 Consolidation Often ignored Evidence from TBI and amnesia Takes time
Unconscious mostly Movement from medial temporal lobe/hippocampus to cortical areas Episodic to semantic Much of it occurs during sleep

41 Strategy or Processing Deficit
Effective strategies enhance processing LD students are deficient in use of strategies Difficult to assess and differentiate Learning and using strategies requires more processing until they become automated (WM Catch 22) LD due more to processing deficits than lack of strategies

42 Development of Processes
Early gradual development followed by long-term plateau: auditory processing, visual processing, long-term memory Rapid early development followed by gradual decline after age 25: processing speed, short-term memory Basic functions develop earlier; higher level, such as executive (frontal lobes), later

43 Processing the Workshop Info.
Explain to a parent what psychological processing is, in general Then explain one of the 10 processes to a parent

44 Processes and Academic Learning
See Chart Relationships established through research During assessment look at processes related to area of academic concern Discuss these evidence-based links in your reports to justify placement

45 Highest Influence of Processes on Academics by Grade
Early elementary: Phonological, visual, auditory, rapid automatic naming, STM, sequencing, fine motor control Late elementary and beyond: Executive, working memory, long-term memory, planning All grades: Processing speed, attention, verbal expression

46 SLD by Processing Subtypes
Visual-Spatial Deficits: Math calculation and math problem solving Processing Speed Deficits: Reading comprehension, written expression Working Memory Deficit: Math calculation, Written expression Attention: Written expression Source: Hain, Hale, Kendorski

47 WISC-IV Profile for Reading Disabled Sample
Perceptual Reasoning 94.4 Processing Speed Verbal Comprehension 91.9 Working Memory

48 WISC-IV Profile for Math Disabled Sample
Verbal Comprehension 93.2 Working Memory Processing Speed Perceptual Reasoning 87.7

49 What is a Processing Disorder?
Disorder---a group of symptoms involving abnormal behaviors or a disruption in physiological functioning Not many official processing disorders E.g. CAPD, aphasia, amnesia, dyspraxia A disorder involves deficits Deficit---a lack or shortage of something Weakness---lacking normal ability

50 Evidence of a Processing Deficit
It’s not specific to one environment Both an intra-individual weakness and a normative weakness (deficit per Dehn) A normative weakness is a score below 90 Intra-individual: score is 12 or more points lower than IQ or mean of assessed processes A low score in a process is not necessarily a deficit indicative of LD, unless it’s also an intra-individual weakness E.g., very low IQ have inherent processing problems

51 Deficits Indicate Disabilities
Deficits (double weakness) are rare They have an underlying neurological basis They impair learning Students with below average IQ are less likely to have Deficits more predictive of need for LD than an ipsative weakness alone. Below average processing (normative weakness) is still a processing weakness that impacts learning and benefits from intervention

52 When Does a Processing Deficit Support an SLD Diagnosis?
When it’s a double weakness deficit When the process is one that is related to the academic skill deficiency When a process is significantly higher than related academics, it’s not SLD but some other cause of poor skills (example) When both the academic skill and process are similarly low (consistency approach)

53 Consistency Approach With processing, use a consistency approach, not a discrepancy approach Low process + low academic skill = SLD NOT high process + low academic skill

54 Normative Weaknesses Only
Normative weaknesses that are not also ipsative deficits may still be indicative of processing deficits that are impeding academic learning and causing a learning disability, as long as there is a pattern of strengths and weaknesses Normative weaknesses that are not ipsative weaknesses should targeted for intervention

55 Discussion: Processing the Workshop Information
How would you explain to a parent what psychological processes have to do with learning For example, what is working memory and why is it important for learning Pick 2 or 3 processes that you consider the most important for academic learning, in general, and explain why

56 Processing Assessment Challenges
Connecting to academic concerns Interrelated processes Informal methods lack validity Not found in one convenient battery Doing it efficiently Having enough expertise Connecting with interventions

57 Records Review Any medical or health conditions Developmental delays
Look for indications of same behaviors that could be observed Difficulty memorizing arithmetic facts could be a working memory deficit Difficulty blending could be phonological proc. Low fluency could be processing speed problem

58 Interviews From middle school up, do interviews
E.g., “Do you often forget what was just said?” Teachers: Ask about observable behaviors, then ask their hypothess With parents, use home environment examples “Does your child have difficulty rhyming?” See examples

59 Observations Some processes more observable than others, e.g. memory is more observable There’s no one-to-one correspondence between a behavior and a process Each behavior depends on multiple processes; try to narrow it down E.g., poor organization could be due several (organization is not a specific brain process) See examples

60 Observations of Working Memory
Abandonment of activity Reserved in group activities Short attention spans Poor monitoring of work quality Loses place in complicated tasks Examples of evidence-based behaviors associated with WM deficiencies Link See also LTM observations

61 Observations During Testing
Corroborates scores Examples: Speed Retrieval Needing directions repeated Attention Fine motor

62 Cross-Battery Method Administer specific subtests/factors only
Mix tests/batteries to cover all the processes (at least those of concern) Limit to 2 or 3 batteries Should be normed about the same time Avoid redundancies Ideally, 2 subtests per process Analyze results together by computing a cross-battery mean

63 Cross-Battery Criticisms
Only some subtests are administered Tests may have been normed at different times Different subtests with same names measure different tasks & vice versa There are no norms for the cross-battery mean It relies mainly on subtest analysis

64 Dehn’s Approach to Cross Battery versus Flanagan’s
Not limited to CHC factors CHC factors are too broad; some processes need to be differentiated, e.g., phonological from auditory and visuospatial short-term memory from visuospatial Not Quantitative reasoning, and crystallized Analyze scores at the factor (two-subtest) level whenever possible Use a hand computation analysis sheet A more neuropsychological approach

65 Hypothesis Testing Approach
Collect preliminary data Records review, observation, interview Identify referral concerns Generate processing hypotheses (suspected processing problems) Select batteries/tests/subtests Cover all hypotheses Avoid redundancies

66 Selective Testing Not necessary to administer entire battery
Focus most on hypothesized deficits Know the factors/subtests that measure processes Apply a cross-battery approach See selective testing table for cog. & ach.

67 Completing the Processing Assessment Planner
Enter academic learning referral concerns Look at Table 1: Processes and learning Enter hypothesized, suspected processes Select assessment method Look at selective testing tables Select battery Select specific subtest or factor Planner

68 Case Study: Hannah Concerns:
Struggles in math, reading comprehension, and written expression Does poorly on classroom exams Difficulty learning new concepts Background: adopted; slow speech dev.; retained in K; learning problems since K Strengths: Oral expression, vocabulary Completed Planner Example

69 Cross-Battery Analysis of Scores
See Processing Analysis Worksheet Get factor scores from test manual when possible Exclude non-processing factors and subtests Compute clinical factor scores by averaging First convert scaled scores to 100/15 metric Compute processing mean or use IQ Calculate difference scores Determine weaknesses and deficits Do pairwise comparisons

70 Examples of Logical Processing Pairs
Visual vs auditory STM vs LTR Phonological vs STM Attention vs Executive Auditory vs verbal expression Verbal expression vs fine motor control WM vs STM WM vs LTR

71 Case Study Hannah’s Results
Full Scale IQ = 89 Basic Reading Skills = 95 Reading Comprehension = 81 Mathematics Reasoning = 82

72 Case Study: Hannah (finish example)
Identify normative weaknesses/strengths Identify ipsative weaknesses/strengths Identify deficits and assets Which processing hypotheses are supported and which are not? Look back at planning sheet

73 Case Study: Hannah Use Hannah’s data What are her processing deficits?
Do they link with her learning and achievement problems? Does her processing profile explain her academic learning problems? Does she qualify for the processing component of LD? Does she qualify for LD overall?

74 Assessing Processing with Wechslers
Processes assessed by Wechslers Processing speed Visual processing---compute clinical factor Working memory (not WPPSI-III) Need to supplement with other scales Processing interpretation will be based on processing factors only; exclude Verbal Comprehension Index

75 Wechsler GAI Score General Ability Index
A traditional measure of IQ based on 6 core subtests Recommended for IQ-Ach discrepancy when processing speed or working memory are pulling down FSIQ However, do not use for determining processing strengths and weaknesses

76 WISC-IV Integrated 16 additional process subtests
Requires regular WISC-IV administration Based on Kaplan neuropsych approach To parse out the cognitive processes that underlie subtest performance Select subtests based on hypotheses Emphasizes subtest and intrasubtest interpretation

77 WISC-IV Integrated Best for in-depth working memory testing
Processes measured by process subtests: Visual processing Planning/executive processing Long-term retrieval Short-term memory (registration) Working memory (manipulation) Visual Auditory

78 WISC-IV Integrated Interpretation
Compute clinical factor scores Short-Term Memory Visual Short-Term Memory Auditory Short-Term Memory Working Memory Visual Working Memory Auditory Working Memory Link Use processing analysis worksheet

79 WJ III Cog. Ideal: measures several processes Link
Works well as CB supplement to other tests Has at least 2 subtests for most processes Processing analysis worksheet needed less Co-normed with WJ III achievement

80 WJ III COG Interpretation Options
Use Compuscore Intra-Cog. Discrepancy Use 1 SD as ipsative significance indicator Use Predicted Achievement/Achievement Discrepancy Predicted achievement is based on the processes that are most related to the skill The process scores are weighted Look for consistency or even lower achievement Use processing analysis worksheet if other tests Omit Comprehension-Knowledge

81 Assessing Memory Should be a priority with LD referrals
Intellectual/cognitive scales not enough Many different types of long-term memory Semantic is primary for academic learning

82 WRAML-2 Authors: Adams and Sheslow Published by Wide Range, 2003
Ages 5-90 Has a new Working Memory Composite In 1990, WRAML was 1st well normed test battery for memory assessment in children Normed on sample of 1200 Assess memory subcomponents

83 WRAML-2 Composites General Memory Verbal Memory Visual Memory
Attention/Concentration Working Memory Verbal Recognition Visual Recognition General Recognition

84 NEPSY-II Neuropsychological test (SPs with training) 2007, Pearson
Authors: Korkman, Kirk, and Kemp Ages 3-16:11 34 subtests across 6 domains Based on Lurian tradition of looking for subcomponents that may underlie impairment of system

85 NEPSY-II Processes in 6 Domains
Attention and executive functioning Language Memory and learning Sensorimotor Social perception Visuospatial processing

86 Testing Processes with Achievement Tests
WJ III Achievement KTEA-II WIAT-III Link

87 The BRIEF Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function
Parent, Teacher, and Student Forms Ages 5-18; 86 items Normed in the state of Maryland only Has a global executive composite score Two Indexes: Behavioral Regulation and Metacognition

88 The Brief’s Scales Inhibit Shift Emotional Control Initiate
Working Memory (weak scale) Plan/Organize Organization of Materials Monitor

89 Children’s Psychological Processes Scale (Dehn)
Available fall of 2011 Scaled score for each of the 11 processes discussed today Teacher rating scale, about 130 items Entirely online, except manual Will provide documentation of patterns of strengths and weaknesses More MN subjects needed

90 Other Tests Includes rating scales, self-report scales, specialized process tests, etc. Learning Efficiency Tests (LET-II): Memory See List

91 General Interpretative Guidelines for Processing Assessment
A deviation from a reference point IQ Cross-Battery mean Related pairing (not best evidence of deficit) Normative versus ipsative With both, impairments more likely Qualitative information Corroborating information

92 Interpretative Guidelines
Go beyond test labels; reclassify Consider disability profiles Link to achievement deficit Consider influence of related processes Consider strategy deficiencies Okay to focus on subtests/subprocesses Consider interventions Consider other causes

93 The Influence of Other Factors on Process Test Performance
Poor processing performance maybe due to lack of strategy development May be due to lack of exposure and opportunities, e.g. phonemic awareness lower in lower SES Temporary medical conditions, e.g. concussion Brain process may be deteriorating

94 Report Writing Recommendations
Do not report on a test-by-test basis; rather process by process Integrate data from other sources Explain how the processing results were analyzed, including processing mean Distinguish between normative and ipsative weaknesses Define each process See Example

95 Case Study: “Jacob” Age 13; 7th grade
Foster care; special ed placement 3 months premature; failure to thrive Early elementary IQ of 70; recent IQ of 95 ADHD diagnosis; poor organization Social skills problems Difficulty completing homework Moderately high test anxiety

96 Case Study Continued Likes to read
Struggles with Math and Written Lang. Reading Composite – 106 Math Composite – 88 Wr. Lang. Composite – 73 Oral Lang Composite - 87 List your processing hypotheses to account for low achievement and background factors

97 Case Study Continued Finish Jacob’s Proc. Analysis Worksheet
What are his processing deficits? What are his processing strengths? Do his processing deficits link to his low achievement areas? Does his processing profile explain his learning difficulties? Does he qualify for SLD in processing? What else should be tested?

98 Determining Psych. Processing Deficits for MN’s SLD Criteria
Use Jacob’s data See MN worksheet; go through steps What are his processing deficits? Do they link with his learning and achievement problems? Complete other steps.

99 Case Study Continued Discuss how you will explain to Jacob’s parents and teachers how his processing deficits are impacting his academic learning What strengths does Jacob have that might be utilized during interventions? Which processing areas are most in need of intervention?

100 Conclusions About Processing Assessment
It can be done well but there are challenges Professional judgment is necessary Selective, cross-battery testing necessary Test the processes associated with the academic deficiency Use the consistency approach Explain the link

101 Interventions Should be brain-based; change the brain
Strengthen weakness when possible Teach strategies Some are content specific Some are similar to study skills Metacognitive aspect is important Can be part of effective instru

102 Group Discussion Which assessment procedures do you plan to use?
What recommendations do you plan to take back to your district for processing assessment? How do you view the processing assessment-intervention link?

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