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Modern concepts of programming - Course presentation - Prof. Dr Dragan Jankovic.

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Presentation on theme: "Modern concepts of programming - Course presentation - Prof. Dr Dragan Jankovic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Modern concepts of programming - Course presentation - Prof. Dr Dragan Jankovic

2 Outlines Basic information Authors, experiences, realization Goal of course Course organization Course material Realization Attendants will be able to: …

3 Authors Prof. Dr Dragan Jankovic Petar Rajkovic, MSc Dusan Vuckovic, MSc

4 Authors – Teaching experience Courses at Faculty of Electronic Engineering (Nis) Courses: Algorithms and programming, OO programming, Programming languages theory, Web programming, OO design, etc.

5 E-Learning experiences In collaboration with Microsoft Courses for teachers VB.NET (368) Web design (477) Computer networks security (282) Digital films in education (568) Computer networks maintenance(1009) Social software in education (1026) Some of them are certified by ZUOV (Serbian National Regulatory Committee For Education)

6 Realization of course Prof. Dr Dragan Jankovic Petar Rajkovic, MSc Dusan Vuckovic, MSc

7 Current situation Procedural programming paradigm Pascal, C, Basic In some schools VB The most of teachers: Are not familiar with OO paradigm Are not familiar with OO programming languages Are not familiar with event driven programming Are not familiar with Windows programming Are not familiar with visual programming Are not familiar with complex IDE Are not familiar with debugging

8 Goal of course To give introduction and knowledge in: Object oriented paradigm Windows programming Event – driven programming Work in IDE Debugging Implementation language C#.NET – reasons (sintacs like C or C++, C are used in a number of schools, easier than C++, modern)

9 Course organization eLearnning – 8 lessons with home works (LMS distribution. Tempus project Moodle instance) 8 hours lectures 8 hours labs Final exam

10 Course material Electronic version LMS (Moodle) Produced using eXe – eLearning editor SCORM standard Visual C# Express installation kit 2005 and 2008 Printed version Handbook

11 Lessons Content of each lesson (like other courses) Objectives Prerequisits Content Questions Task


13 Lesson 1: Content Introduction to programming paradigms and programming languages OO paradigm class & object Inheritance Class definition in C# Object creation Class member access Constructors, destructors IDE MS VisualStudio 2005 Rapid application development environment Creation of console applications in C#.NET

14 Lesson 2: Content Introduction to C#.NET Variables Data types Operators Functions Sequence, if, loops, goto, break, continue

15 Lesson 3: Content Arrays & Multidimensional arrays Access modifiers Protected members Exception and error handling Namespace Derived class Abstract class Static class members

16 Lesson 4: Content Development of Windows application in C#.NET New project creation Modal and non-modal forms Closing of form Windows Controls Command button Label TextBox CheckBox Radio Button List Box

17 Lesson 5: Content Work with menus Creation of menus Programming of menus Shortcuts Icons Standard dialogs and work with files Step-by-step system for using standard dialogs Showing of textual file content

18 Lesson 6: Content Development of graphical applications Graphical primitives Line Rectangle Ellipse Arc,... Work with time System time DateTime Timer Tick event

19 Lesson 7: Content Collections and using ArrayList BitArray Hashtable SortedList Queue Stack

20 Lesson 8: Content Debugging Debugging in MS VS 2005 Break points Step by step running Variables inspection

21 Labs: 6 labs First 5 labs – elements for the last one where Tic-tac-toe game application is realized.

22 Tic-Tac-Toe game application Windows application Programm for game management All previous knowledge given through lessons is incorporated into application (controls, arrays, classes, events, time, graphics, etc.)





27 Concluding remarks Attendants will be able to: Understand OO paradigm Use C#.NET Work in MS VisualStudio 2005 Produce console application in C#.NET Realize Windows application in C#.NET Understand: controls, forms, events, event-driven programming, GUI development, … Develop application with graphics elements Use MS Debugger Lectures more interesting for scholars Motivation for the best scholars Higher level of knowledge in programming

28 Thank you for your attention!

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