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A Free sample background from © 2001 By Default!Slide 1.NET Overview BY: Pinkesh Desai.

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1 A Free sample background from © 2001 By Default!Slide 1.NET Overview BY: Pinkesh Desai

2 A Free sample background from © 2001 By Default!Slide 2 What is.NET ?????? Microsoft®.NET is a platform for building, running and experiencing the next generation of distributed applications. It spans clients, servers and services and consists of: A programming model that enables developers to build XML Web services and applications A set of XML Web services, such as Microsoft.NET My Services (formerly code-named 'Hailstorm'), that helps developers deliver a simple and integrated user experience; A set of servers, including Windows® 2000, SQL Server™ and BizTalk™ Server, that integrates, runs, operates and manages XML Web services and applications

3 A Free sample background from © 2001 By Default!Slide 3 Abstraction of OS Effort to run a program on many different H/W or OS H/W level achieved through OS The problem at Operating System level “A tough computer problem can be solved by addition of a layer of Abstraction” Microsoft has done the same by layering CLR+System calls Library on top of Operating System

4 A Free sample background from © 2001 By Default!Slide 4.NET Framework Operating System Hardware. NET abstracts operating systems, which are abstracting hardware. This means that we can write software to target the CLR – and that software can run on any operating system or platform which implements the CLR.

5 A Free sample background from © 2001 By Default!Slide 5.NET Framework CLR (Common language Runtime).NET system Class Libraries ASP+ (Web Forms) ADO+ C# (C Sharp)

6 A Free sample background from © 2001 By Default!Slide 6.NET Framework

7 A Free sample background from © 2001 By Default!Slide 7 CLR Heart of the.NET Framework Provides an environment in which programs can run Support many programming languages in a common manner.NET applications are compiled to a common language known as Microsoft Intermediate Language, or "IL". The CLR, then, handles compiling the IL to machine language IL contains methods, properties and fields related to the components that are compiled

8 A Free sample background from © 2001 By Default!Slide 8 Compilation Great Flexibility Root of many.NET capability MSIL – Microsoft Intermediate Language All languages that work with.NET have compilers that generate MSIL rather than machine code MSIL and Metadata will be compiled into machine code

9 A Free sample background from © 2001 By Default!Slide 9 Compilation …. Code Compiler ILMetadata JIT Compiler Execution

10 A Free sample background from © 2001 By Default!Slide 10 Compilation Example A developer build an application in VB.NET Compilation process generates IL code rather than binary machine code When user actually runs the application, the CLR invokes a just-in time (JIT) compiler This compiler runs on the user’s computer to compile the IL to machine code

11 A Free sample background from © 2001 By Default!Slide 11 Metadata Provides an exact description of the component that were compiled to IL COM inability to describe the component Data is kept in XML so easily accessible and understandable Describe component’s interface and so can be created and called by any language Eliminates any reliance on the windows registry

12 A Free sample background from © 2001 By Default!Slide 12 Key design goals of CLR Simpler and Faster development Automatic Handling of memory Management and process communication Tool support Simple and safer deployment Cross Language integration Versioning and deployment support

13 A Free sample background from © 2001 By Default!Slide 13 Simple and Faster development Less code more reuse Provides rich set of functionality Programs in.NET use this functionality and so less handwritting

14 A Free sample background from © 2001 By Default!Slide 14 Memory management and Process communication Unnecessary to use malloc to set aside space for an array in C++. Need to just simple declaration statement Handles references counting on instantiation Automatic garbage collection for collecting objects no longer referenced by the application

15 A Free sample background from © 2001 By Default!Slide 15 Tool support Designed to support multiple languages Furnishes a rich set of object models that are useful to tools like designers, wizards.. Third party tools can be easily incorporated Cross language integration

16 A Free sample background from © 2001 By Default!Slide 16 Simple and safer deployment Deployment is very easy because: –Applications in.NET are composed of assemblies which contains IL and metadata as previously stated –So both code and a complete descriptor of the code are in one package and self describing. –So there is no need to register anything in the registry Application produced in.NET framework can be easily copied and run using XCOPY

17 A Free sample background from © 2001 By Default!Slide 17 Cross Language Integration Enable code written in one language to integrate with code written in other language Include cross language inheritance, exception handling. This can be done because there is a need to get the reference of other component through Metadata and metadata is language independent

18 A Free sample background from © 2001 By Default!Slide 18 Versioning Services CLR supports side by side execution of multiple versions of the same component. If one program want to use the component with particular version that it can get it from the metadata information

19 A Free sample background from © 2001 By Default!Slide 19 Class Libraries

20 A Free sample background from © 2001 By Default!Slide 20 Class Libraries Base classes: input/output, string manipulation, security management, network communications, thread management, text management and other functions. Data classes support persistent data management and include SQL classes for manipulating persistent data stores through a standard SQL interface. XML classes enable XML data manipulation and XML searching and translations.

21 A Free sample background from © 2001 By Default!Slide 21 Class Libraries… Web Forms include classes that enable you to rapidly develop web GUI applications. Windows Forms support a set of classes that allow you to develop Windows GUI applications – facilitating drag-and-drop GUI development and providing a common, consistent development interface across all languages supported by the.NET Framework

22 A Free sample background from © 2001 By Default!Slide 22 Win Forms.NET provides a single, unified way to create user interfaces outside of a browser environment - Win Forms Win Forms provide a language-neutral way to create forms, add controls, and respond to the user's actions Win Forms are not based on ActiveX They are instances of classes in the.NET system class library.

23 A Free sample background from © 2001 By Default!Slide 23 References Introducing.NET by Wrox Press Introducing.NET by Microsoft Press by David Platter Visual Studio.NET: ttp:// arted.asp ttp:// arted.asp ttp:// arted.asp ttp:// arted.asp Tool for java developers

24 A Free sample background from © 2001 By Default!Slide 24 Thank You.

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