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ACTIVE SERVER PAGES (ASP.NET) Bilal Munir Mughal 1 The plan.

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Presentation on theme: "ACTIVE SERVER PAGES (ASP.NET) Bilal Munir Mughal 1 The plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACTIVE SERVER PAGES (ASP.NET) Bilal Munir Mughal 1 The plan

2 COURSE OUTLINE 2 Text Book Beginning ASP.NET 2.0 with C#, Chris Hart, John Kauffman, David Sussman, Chris Ullman, 2006 Reference Books Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in C# By Matthew MacDonald, 2012 Beginning ASP.NET 4.5: in C# and VB by Imar Spaanjaars, 2012 Tools Microsoft Visual Studio

3 COURSE OUTLINE 3 Pre-midterm  Chapter 1: An Introduction to ASP.NET 2.0 and the Wrox United Application  Chapter 2: Site Design  Chapter 3: Page Design  Chapter 4: Membership and Identity  Chapter 5: Styling with Themes  Chapter 6: Events and Code Midterm paper pattern: 3 review questions out of 5

4 COURSE OUTLINE 4 Post-midterm  Chapter 7: Reading Data  Chapter 8: Writing Data  Chapter 9: Code  Chapter 10: Componentization  Chapter 11: Roles and Profiles  Chapter 14: Performance  Chapter 16: Deployment, Builds, and Finishing Up Terminal paper pattern: 7 review questions out of 10 (one question each from chapters 1- 7, one from ch-8&9, one from ch-10&11, one from ch-14&16)

5 Evaluation Methods: 5  Assignments/10 marks  Quizzes 5 marks  Project/presentations5 marks (After MT)  Others5 marks  Midterm 25 marks  Final Exam50 marks

6 ! Important 6  Attendance will be taken within first few minutes from the start of the class  Break duration is 10-15 minutes only  Generally surprise quizzes will be held. No makeup.  Several assignments will be conducted within the class time as part of the hands on exercises. Any other given task is automatically due in the next class  Ditto assignments/project will get zero marks  Project proposal is due in 10 th week, report is due in 15 th week and presentations in the last week  Be regular and most importantly be responsible.

7 7 Q & A ?

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