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ECS Refresher Session PQA Form B Questions Clarifications Common Understanding.

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Presentation on theme: "ECS Refresher Session PQA Form B Questions Clarifications Common Understanding."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECS Refresher Session PQA Form B Questions Clarifications Common Understanding

2 Steps for Completing PQA Form B See page ix Conduct interview with program director and/or other knowledgeable staff members. –Use clarifying questions (CQ) (to the right of indicators) –Check one box per row –Check N/A if the row pertains to infants and toddlers –Score each page based on rows with checked boxes

3 Clarifications/Suggestions V-A –Row 1 – your observations; parent handbook –Row 2 – could ask administrator and teachers –Row 3 – get specific examples V-B –Full representation – each classroom represented by at least 1 or 2 parents V-D –Look at newsletters –5 scores is daily exchange of notes or emails

4 V-D –Rows 4 & 5 mark N/A V-E –Ask teachers and also watch and listen at arrival and dismissal times –Row 4: check parent handbook grievance policies V-F –Ask teachers about row 1 V-G –Look for evidence of parent input V-H –Ask about specifics on how referrals are made

5 V-I –Non-educational needs – food, heat, transportation, etc. –Look for actual library of pamplets, lists of service providers,etc. –Ask for specific examples for evidence V-J –Transition to another room could be moving from GSRP to ECSE –Ask how children transition from and to wrap around care –Row 5: 5 is more than one contact with K staff

6 VI-A –Ask for specifics about Directors degree and course work –Row 3 – bullet points must all be there for a 5 VI-B –Teacher degrees in ECE or another degree with course work in ECE – get specifics –Row 2: Assoc. teachers, 3 rd person and relief staff –Row 3: Young children means 0-5 VI-C –Row 2 – Is there a handbook for these personnel or agendas for specific ECE training

7 VI-D –Row 1: All teachers - lead, associate, and 3 rd person –Row 2: If there is no actual director, this row refers to anyone who directly supervises teachers –Support staff is as described in VI-C (not associates or 3 rd person or staff that actually work in the classroom with children) VI-E –In-service means that it is offered at their own agency OR offered through a collaborative agency like Oakland Schools or the Regional Resource Center

8 VI-E –Row 7 – ask for specifics as to how and when this reflection is done. VI-F –Observations can be by the director OR the ECS –Row 2: Ask about level of training in the curriculum by person evaluating staff –Row 3: Ask director about staff evaluation process VI-G –Row 1 & 2: Ask to see membership cards –Professional organizations: NAEYC, AARA, HighScope membership, etc. –Row 3: Ask teachers as well as director

9 VII-A –Ask about status of license (it might be provisional if there has been an infraction) VII-B –Rows 1 & 2 should be scored 5 (if not, we need to know about this) –Rows 3 & 4: Mark N/A –Row 5: Ask how many staff (leads, associates and 3 rd person) have left or been replaced since last year. Calculate based on entire staff (Example: 18 staff total; 6 are replacements from staff that left – 6 divided by 18=.33 33%)

10 VII-C –If you are including the staff in discussions about the PQA and asking them questions for Form B, then they are assessing the program. –This whole page refers to what you do as an ECS VII-D –Row 1: Ask to see a written plan –Row 2: Ask to see an enrollment package –Row 3: This does not apply to home visits –Row 4: Ask to see evidence of translated materials or accommodations

11 VII-E –You must be able to see and read the written policies referred to in each row VII-F –Observe these structures yourself. Ask about anything you can’t observe VII-G –Row 2: Ask if turnover might be related to pay –Row 3: Ask how teaching teams get daily team planning time, how much time, how often. If they don’t have daily time, ask if funding is the issue. –Row 4 & 5: Ask teachers, associates as well as director

12 1 Form B for all programs 1 Form B for a district, program or agency as long as the director manages all the classrooms Deadline to upload Form Bs – January 15, 2015 Please let Chris or Krista know if you experience challenges meeting this deadline

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