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Presented by Cindy White, CPPO, CPPB Director of Purchasing Collin County Community College District 2012 TACCBO Annual Meeting and Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Cindy White, CPPO, CPPB Director of Purchasing Collin County Community College District 2012 TACCBO Annual Meeting and Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Cindy White, CPPO, CPPB Director of Purchasing Collin County Community College District 2012 TACCBO Annual Meeting and Conference

2 What is eProcurement? eProcurement (Electronic Procurement): Conducting all or some of the procurement function over the Internet. Implies that point, click, buy and ship Internet technology is replacing paper-based procurement and supply management business processes. (1)

3 What can eProcurement do for your organization? Streamline processes Manage or control Maverick spend Eliminate paper processes Provide analytical information on spend and processes Lead to greater discounts with enabled suppliers Provide detailed historical information on transactions Increase accuracy and completeness of the data (e.g. description and even images) Better meet the growing demands of the District without expanding the size of the staff in the future Eliminate duplication of effort for the Purchasing Dept (retyping of information into eBidding software)

4 Reason for Collin’s eProcurement Decision Loss of functionality with Banner Finance implementation Disconnect between Banner Finance and our sourcing/bid management systems (Ion Wave Technologies) Inability to determine contract spend Banner Finance not user friendly User surveys Need to provide user’s with contract information and pricing Desire to reduce time between creation of requisition and delivery of goods/services

5 Who can provide? There are numerous companies providing eProcurment software these days. Most provide a SaaS (Software as a Service), which is hosted on their servers. SciQuest Mercury Commerce (eSchool Mall) BuySpeed Ariba Unimarket These are just a few companies that I’m aware of. There are many others out there, so do your homework!

6 Questions to ask when selecting an eProcurement provider: Will it integrate with our existing ERP or other systems? If so, how many integration points are available and what are those integration points? Is additional hardware or software required? (Servers, middleware, etc.) Will there be charges from my ERP or other systems for the integration? How long does the implementation take?

7 Additional Questions What resources will we have to provide? What other functions can the software support? (Forms) Training and support References We had over 120 questions that we asked to determine the best solution and will be glad to share!

8 Collin’s Decision SciQuest Higher Markets Express for Banner They were the Premier Partner for Banner Finance and had done numerous integrations with Banner They had done numerous integrations with Ion Wave Technologies Long-term cost was lower Most integration points with Banner Finance Synchronization with Banner vendor database done in real time Availability of Contract Manager

9 Implementation CougarMart Kick-Off Meeting - January 4, 2011 We went with Remote Implementation Selected a Focus Group made up of heavy requisitioners, approvers and key finance staff Gathered input from Focus Group Based on input from Focus Group and months of testing, system was configured Big Bang roll-out for training and Go Live System went live on May 23, 2011

10 Let’s take a look at CougarMart! CougarMart is our branded name for our eProcurement Solution Available to those users that have gone through CougarMart training and have a user profile set up in Banner Can be accessed through the Banner Luminus portal and single sign-on is in progress Approvals can be done by logging into the system or directly from their Groupwise e-mail from a computer or their smartphone

11 Key Features Showcased Suppliers Showcased Services Approvals Welcome Messages CougarMart Support E-mails Multiple Search Options Quotes for Enabled Suppliers Contracts Reports

12 Contract Spend Contract items can be loaded into Contract Manager from a bid Contract can be automatically tied to a vendor, except when a vendor has multiple contracts Purchase orders are tied to spend Board Approval Amount is input as the “Budget” Notification is sent to the Buyer when 85% of the “Budget” has been spent Buyer can then determine if the contract needs to be increased and go back to the Board for approval

13 Reports Following are examples of some of the reports that we have been able to produce from information found in CougarMart!

14 PO Summary

15 CougarMart Site Usage

16 Cycle Time Measurement of time from PR creation to PO distribution

17 Email Approvals (These are approvals that are done directly from their Groupwise e-mail via computer or mobile device.)

18 FY12 Top 25 Suppliers: PO Dollars 994 Suppliers, Top 25 are 77% of PO Dollars

19 FY12 Top 25 Suppliers: PO Lines 994 Suppliers, Top 25 are 44% of PO Lines

20 Punchout & Hosted Enabled Suppliers

21 Questions?

22 References (1) NIGP Public Procurement Dictionary of Terms

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