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The secret life of the committed careers worker speaking up for the passion DVT 16 careers-work orientations updated 01//07/2011 support material at at:

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Presentation on theme: "The secret life of the committed careers worker speaking up for the passion DVT 16 careers-work orientations updated 01//07/2011 support material at at:"— Presentation transcript:

1 the secret life of the committed careers worker speaking up for the passion DVT 16 careers-work orientations updated 01//07/2011 support material at at: > probe underlying careers-work commitments > appreciate how they are received by others > face-up to contested ideas > sharpen your self-critical professionalism > expand the scope for your thinking-and-action > position your own work more effectively this PowerPoint at: to help you to…

2 what’s so special about humans that rates seeking ‘human rights’? philosophy understanding what beliefs are supportable and what value they have research expertise on what goes on in career management and how it can be helped commitment protection of the survival and status of the services we provide can scientific expertise answer all questions worth asking? can any useful truth be gained from narrative? is any point-of-view as worthwhile as any other? has knowledge got anything to do with wisdom? angles on careers-work thinking what can we mean by ‘freedom’, ‘autonomy’, ‘decision’, and ‘choice’? can anything give a life meaning or purpose? careers-work orientations angles on passion

3 as a professional you need, from time to time, to … careers-work orientations can philosophy help? > win support for a programme proposal > assemble a credible report > put together a compelling cv which of these do you most need to think about now? > write a convincing essay or article > what else?

4 which are your influential words? careers-work orientations key words performance dependents narrative luck well-being entitlement a journey chaosmarket brandon-line demand expertise reportchoice group established explain anticipate specialism sustainable universal independent analysis potential action life-long risk probability mentoring life-wide income policy competitive employable local background achievement experience personal instinct a race ordinary rationale feelings fairness matching new contemporary research evidence operational embedded economy impartial everyday familiar normal original innovative individual latest real intuition community impulse dream job

5 for positioning yourself careers-work orientations philosophical positions performance dependents narrative luck well-being entitlement a journey chaosmarket brandon-line demand expertise reportchoice group established explain anticipate specialism sustainable universal independent analysis potential action life-long risk probability mentoring life-wide income policy competitive employable local background achievement experience personal instinct a race ordinary rationale feelings fairness matching new contemporary research evidence operational embedded economy impartial everyday familiar normal original innovative individual latest real down-to-earth total: 5 humanist total: 3 post-modern total: 4 power total: 9 scientific total: 5 intuition community impulse dream job pragmatic total: 6 what task do you have in mind for this position project proposal

6 careers-work orientations pros-and-cons...independently researched and evidence-base, bringing a clear rationale for expert implementation and universal applicability.. human strong on well-being but can get romanticised scientific evidence-based but can miss what methodology can’t detect post-modern up-to-date but can lose touch with collective memory pragmatic useful but can be more impressed by performance than value down-to-earth credible but can reduce to the simplistic power speaks truth to power but can overestimate capability of policy career talk…...proven work, embedded in real, operational and group- based learning, for life-long use and increased economic potential......a marketable on-line approach to chaotic contemporary confusion, the race for jobs needs this kind of innovation......bringing entitlement to people’s individual and narrated accounts of a journey towards the realisation of each their own dream job......focussed on choice of employment, firmly based in policy requirements, expertly assessed achievement in a competitive economy......drawing on life-wide experience, where people - from whatever background - access mentoring help, for them and their dependents...

7 > compare actual and ideal positions careers-work orientations finding a way forward > find where you stand in the cycle > see where your commitments lie now > examine the pros-and- cons of that position > work out which position appeals to which audiences > find scope for re-positioning yourself what task do you have in mind for this position project proposal 9 9 7 7 3 9 9 7 7 3 3 down-to-earthhumanistpragmaticpost-modernpower 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 3 5 scientific

8 any hope here? the ppt… support material… help colleagues… copy-&-paste urls into an e-mail hiho alerts… e-mail ‘yes’ to news and updates… helping you to... if ‘yes’ - glad it’s useful if ‘no’ - tell Bill why at probe underlying careers-work commitments appreciate how they are received by others face-up to contested ideas sharpen your self-critical professionalism expand the scope for your thinking-and-action position you r own work more effectively yes/no

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