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Classroom Management April S. Dudley. Techniques That Backfire  Raising my voice  Having a temper tantrum  Saying “I’m the boss”  Having the last.

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Presentation on theme: "Classroom Management April S. Dudley. Techniques That Backfire  Raising my voice  Having a temper tantrum  Saying “I’m the boss”  Having the last."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classroom Management April S. Dudley


3 Techniques That Backfire  Raising my voice  Having a temper tantrum  Saying “I’m the boss”  Having the last word  Mimicking the student  Using humiliation  Pleading  Making comparisons  Nagging  Using sarcasm  Attacking the student’s character  Acting superior  Using physical force  Drawing others into the conflict  Having a double standard  Preaching  Holding a grudge

4 Arrange Classroom for Success  Avoid over-using the “action zone” that includes the front-row seats and the middle aisle.  Involve the “fringe dwellers.”  Aim for visibility for students and teacher.  Avoid distractors.  Decide on effective arrangement. –horseshoe, rows, groups, …

5 Establish Expectations  Develop, discuss, & post rules.  Explain & post consequences.  Follow through consistently.  Be fair.  Be consistent with school rules.  Practice procedures.

6 Turning in Papers Locate the top, right-hand corner of your paper. Write your name, today’s date, & assignment. The helper will take up the papers from the end of each row. Pass the papers to the last person on your row.

7 Sample Rules  Bring all materials to class.  Be in seat and ready to work at bell.  Show respect and be polite to all.  Stay in seat and be silent when someone is speaking.  Take care of other’s property.  Obey all school rules.

8 Apply Reasonable Consequences  Consequences are most appropriate when they are logically connected with the student’s behavior.  Negative consequences should be deterrents and used sparingly.

9 Focus Attention  Get attention before starting lesson. –Use hand/light/sound signal. –Begin writing on chalkboard.  Start on time & be prepared.  Change seating assignment occasionally.  Demand every student’s attention all class long.

10 Monitor Students  Play soft classical music.  Circulate.  Speak softly.  Provide individual assistance.  Be prepared for early finishers.

11 Model Behavior & Attitudes  Be polite.  Be enthusiastic.  Be in control.  Be patient.  Be organized.  Be neat.  Give compliments.  Praise students.  Be soft spoken.  Be a good listener.  Be caring.

12 Teaching is... H - heart A- attitude R - respect D - dream W - willing O - open-minded R - resilient K - knowledge

13 Use Praise Effectively  Be specific.  Vary your praise.  Be genuine.  Attribute success to effort and ability.  Relate to prior accomplishment.  Tell value of the accomplishment.  Do not interrupt work.

14 Manage Time Wisely  Start on time & be prepared.  Train & use helpers.  Be efficient when passing out supplies/papers.  Use every minute of class time. Flash cardsVerbal quizzing SummarizeMental math StretchVocabulary words Order papersSilent reading Baskets for suppliesReading to students

15 Use Low-Profile Intervention  Anticipate problems & prevent them.  Use name-dropping.  Intervene quietly & calmly.  Don’t let a problem become the focus of attention.  Refuse to argue.  Whisper.  Focus attention on wanted behavior.  Stress choices.  Use charts &/or contracts.  Choose battles wisely.  Find staff friends for difficult students.  Avoid escalation.  Listen.  Use TLC.  Respond with empathy.

16 Use Nonverbal Cues  Proximity  Eye contact  Facial expressions  Body posture

17 Speak with Caution  Avoid accusatory questions. –Why are you so lazy?  Be factual. –Homework is important and required.

18 Transition Wisely  Line up by rows, ABC order, tables, …  Stop line at certain points.  Walk near end of line.  Resist conversations with other teachers.  Stress respect for others that are working in classrooms.  Limit number of students that enter restroom at one time.

19 Remember the Goal  Teaching, not punishing, is the goal. –Teach what to do and when to do it. –Motivate. –Help choose alternative behavior.  The ultimate goal for inappropriate behaviors is not stopping them, but teaching students to replace them with acceptable behaviors.

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