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Python Mini-Course University of Oklahoma Department of Psychology Day 1 – Lesson 2 Fundamentals of Programming Languages 4/5/09 Python Mini-Course: Day.

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Presentation on theme: "Python Mini-Course University of Oklahoma Department of Psychology Day 1 – Lesson 2 Fundamentals of Programming Languages 4/5/09 Python Mini-Course: Day."— Presentation transcript:

1 Python Mini-Course University of Oklahoma Department of Psychology Day 1 – Lesson 2 Fundamentals of Programming Languages 4/5/09 Python Mini-Course: Day 1 - Lesson 2 1

2 Lesson objectives 1. Describe the basic structure of the Python language 2. Use the IDLE interactive interpreter 3. Identify three kinds of errors that occur in programming and describe how to correct them 4/5/09 Python Mini-Course: Day 1 - Lesson 2 2

3 Formal languages Designed for specific apps Ex: mathematical notation Have strict rules for syntax 3 + 3 = 6 3+ = 3$6 (bad syntax) Are literal and unambiguous Structure is critical 4/5/09 Python Mini-Course: Day 1 - Lesson 2 3

4 Programming languages Formal languages that are designed to express computations and algorithms Low level One step removed from the 1’s and 0’s used by the computer High level More human-friendly languages 4/5/09 Python Mini-Course: Day 1 - Lesson 2 4

5 Translating High level language must be translated into low level language by either: Interpreter (at run-time) Compiler (creates a file containing executable object code) Python is an interpreted language 4/5/09 Python Mini-Course: Day 1 - Lesson 2 5

6 Starting IDLE 4/5/09 Python Mini-Course: Day 1 - Lesson 2 6

7 Programs Programs are sequences of instructions Input Output Math and data manipulation Conditional execution Repetition 4/5/09 Python Mini-Course: Day 1 - Lesson 2 7

8 The “Hello, World” program 4/5/09 Python Mini-Course: Day 1 - Lesson 2 8

9 Scripts A script is a file that contains a program in a high-level language for an interpreter Python scripts are text files ending Create 4/5/09 Python Mini-Course: Day 1 - Lesson 2 9

10 Executing scripts Python scripts are run in a “shell” This can be IDLE, a terminal shell (OS X, Linux, Unix), or a command prompt window (MS Windows) Run in IDLE 4/5/09 Python Mini-Course: Day 1 - Lesson 2 10

11 Debugging You will make mistakes while programming! These mistakes are called “bugs” and the process of tracking them down and eliminating them is debugging 4/5/09 Python Mini-Course: Day 1 - Lesson 2 11

12 Syntax Errors All programming languages are picky about syntax Try this: 1 + 2) + 3 Syntax errors can be identified using automated code checking (color coding) and by error messages 4/5/09 Python Mini-Course: Day 1 - Lesson 2 12

13 Runtime errors Errors that occur when program is running Also called “exceptions” Ex: Identified by testing the program (this includes using test modules) 4/5/09 Python Mini-Course: Day 1 - Lesson 2 13

14 Semantic or logical error Program runs (and does exactly what you told it to do) But you made a mistake in the design or implementation Identified by case-based testing 4/5/09 Python Mini-Course: Day 1 - Lesson 2 14

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