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A Probation perspective for International women’s day events, March 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "A Probation perspective for International women’s day events, March 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Probation perspective for International women’s day events, March 2013.

2  Pathways into offending is different to men;  Range of offences are different; more RTA,theft, less criminal damage,  lower level of violence,

3 Many female offenders;  serve short prison sentences for relatively minor offences, few for violence  are poor, lack education,  Are low skilled, unemployed  are single parents of young children  Have significant accommodation needs  Have mental health issues  Abuse drugs/alcohol  History of abuse, childhood or adult trauma  Low self esteem, self worth.

4  Issues relating to children, abuse, self injury/suicide, addiction warrant attention in their own right  Accurate assessment= effective interventions.  More holistic approach leads to better interventions & outcomes  Female offending is multi –faceted & complex,  Community interventions for women to address needs can reduce offending /custody.


6  Umbrella of Tallaght DTF & local partnership  Looks at the needs of women involved with the CJS  Statutory, NGOs/voluntary sector, TPP, housing, traveller community, service users voice.  Creating a space for women in local projects, groups.  Sharing of knowledge, what works, experience, sharing resources.  Raising awareness of issues.

7  Throughcare in/out Dochas, links with Probation & ISM prison officers.  In-reach services to Dochas  Input into pre-release programmes  One identified specialist Probation officer in Tallaght  Identified PO in Dochas for Tallaght women.  Community return /Community Service.

8  Community sanctions  Case management  Family friendly appts  Female space within services  Holistic approach  Focus on strengths  Talk about impact of crime (self, family, children)  Keep in touch if imprisoned.  Outreach  Join up the dots!!!

9  Prison Based team, part of multi D team.  Assessment  Court reports, Parole Board reports  One to One  Group work ( SAOl, talking to children)  HSE links, Case conferences  Community & Family links  Projects  ISM process  Through-care/Tus Nua.  Post Release Plans  Community Return  Joint training with prison staff (WASP, Child protection)  Restorative justice pilot.

10  Specific Female offender Strategy, a different approach, expand on current initiatives,  Gender responsive assessments, projects, interventions  Better co-ordination of services  Utilise community resources  Research/evaluation,test

11  Change of thinking/direction  Complexity of issues facing female offenders  Develop special skills  Resources, joint up approach  Wider CJS issues, sentencing, policy development.  Equality ….and justice for all!

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