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Welcome to Touch Systems Data Entry Business Elective.

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1 Welcome to Touch Systems Data Entry Business Elective

2 Introduction Instructor is Mrs. Dyer. Instructor is Mrs. Dyer. This course is for one semester, which you will earn 1/2 high school business-elective credit. This course is for one semester, which you will earn 1/2 high school business-elective credit. You should have already completed a previous keyboarding class. You should have already completed a previous keyboarding class.

3 What you will learn… Throughout the entire year, you will gain skills and knowledge that will help you be successful in the business world. Throughout the entire year, you will gain skills and knowledge that will help you be successful in the business world. We will cover: We will cover: Posture & technique Posture & technique Touch-typing Touch-typing Document production Document production

4 Other concepts… You will learn how to be a productive member in an organization. You will learn how to be a productive member in an organization. You will develop and improve skills in organization, research, collaboration, management, and communication. You will develop and improve skills in organization, research, collaboration, management, and communication. You will increase your computer literacy. You will increase your computer literacy.

5 Classroom Expectations Be on time. Be on time. Be on task. Be on task. Be prepared. Be prepared. Be respectful. Be respectful. Be professional. Be professional.

6 Be on time… You are to be in your seat ready for action by the tardy bell. You are to be in your seat ready for action by the tardy bell. You are to complete your assignments by each deadline. You are to complete your assignments by each deadline. You are to transition from one activity to another within the allotted time given. You are to transition from one activity to another within the allotted time given.

7 Be on task… Always work on the assignment given at the present time, unless otherwise instructed. Always work on the assignment given at the present time, unless otherwise instructed. Working on other course subjects in this class is not acceptable… UNLESS I give you permission. Working on other course subjects in this class is not acceptable… UNLESS I give you permission. Give me your full attention during each lesson. Give me your full attention during each lesson. Give your class activities full attention when assignment is given. Give your class activities full attention when assignment is given.

8 Be prepared… You must have all of your required materials with you. You must have all of your required materials with you. You must always have your student login and password. It’s your responsibility to manage that. You must always have your student login and password. It’s your responsibility to manage that. You are ready for the lesson. You are ready for the lesson. You are ready to master the lesson. You are ready to master the lesson.

9 Be courteous… You must treat every individual with kindness and respect. You must treat every individual with kindness and respect. You must not distract other students from learning, nor the teacher from teaching. You must not distract other students from learning, nor the teacher from teaching. Distractions can deprive other students from receiving an education, which is a violation of their rights. Distractions can deprive other students from receiving an education, which is a violation of their rights. You must address the teacher and other students appropriately. You must address the teacher and other students appropriately. You must respond to the teacher appropriately. “Yeah” is an unacceptable word in this classroom. You are expected to say “Yes, Ma’am…” or simply “Yes.” You must respond to the teacher appropriately. “Yeah” is an unacceptable word in this classroom. You are expected to say “Yes, Ma’am…” or simply “Yes.”

10 Be professional… Manage your time and behavior. Manage your time and behavior. Conduct yourselves in a manner that will gain you positive attention. Conduct yourselves in a manner that will gain you positive attention. Use good language, grammar, and other communication skills. Use good language, grammar, and other communication skills. Be mindful of how your actions and interactions can affect your performance. Be mindful of how your actions and interactions can affect your performance. Be mindful or your appearance, attitude, and personal conduct. Be mindful or your appearance, attitude, and personal conduct.

11 Computer Lab Policies Follow District Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). Follow District Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). No downloading games, pictures, music, videos. No downloading games, pictures, music, videos. No printing unless permitted by the teacher. No printing unless permitted by the teacher. No gum, candy, food or drinks in the lab. No gum, candy, food or drinks in the lab. Must sit at designated computer. Must sit at designated computer. No flash drives! No flash drives!

12 Disciplinary Procedures If the rules are broken, action will be taken. If the rules are broken, action will be taken. 1 st Offense (Verbal Warning)… take this opportunity to correct the behavior. 1 st Offense (Verbal Warning)… take this opportunity to correct the behavior. 2 nd Offence (Call Home) 2 nd Offence (Call Home) 3 rd Offence (A Trip to the Office) 3 rd Offence (A Trip to the Office) Continuous Offences (Meeting with your parents) Continuous Offences (Meeting with your parents)

13 Materials needed… Binder or Pocket folder. Binder or Pocket folder. Login & Password Login & Password Notebook paper Notebook paper Pen & Pencil Pen & Pencil

14 Tutoring & Makeup Times… By appointment. By appointment. Not available on Tuesdays or Fridays. Not available on Tuesdays or Fridays.

15 Absences… If you are absent, you are required to make up your work missed, before or after school, during tutoring hours. If you are absent, you are required to make up your work missed, before or after school, during tutoring hours. Some exceptions can be made depending on the circumstances. Some exceptions can be made depending on the circumstances. Tests & Quizzes will never be made up during class time. Only during tutoring hours. Tests & Quizzes will never be made up during class time. Only during tutoring hours.

16 Grading… Every grade (formative and summative) will weigh the same by percentage. Every grade (formative and summative) will weigh the same by percentage. However, summative (projects and tests) will count twice. However, summative (projects and tests) will count twice. Formative grades will be daily activities, warm-ups, and pop quizzes. Formative grades will be daily activities, warm-ups, and pop quizzes.

17 MYP Rubrics You will find a copy of the MYP grading rubrics on my website. You will find a copy of the MYP grading rubrics on my website. Many of your grades will be based on one or more of the 6 criteria of technology, by MYP objectives. Many of your grades will be based on one or more of the 6 criteria of technology, by MYP objectives. Those will be explained with the assignments. Those will be explained with the assignments.

18 Class organization… Your seating section is also your business group. Your seating section is also your business group. Many of your grades will be based on group performance. Many of your grades will be based on group performance. Everyone is expected to perform to the best of their abilities; group grades will depend on it. Everyone is expected to perform to the best of their abilities; group grades will depend on it. A team manager will be appointed to help facilitate and improve group performance. A team manager will be appointed to help facilitate and improve group performance.

19 Rewards… Class participation, following the rules, and doing your work are all expectations. Class participation, following the rules, and doing your work are all expectations. Rewards and extra privileges are given to those students who go above and beyond expectations. Rewards and extra privileges are given to those students who go above and beyond expectations.

20 Bathroom breaks… Mondays through Wednesdays, you are not permitted to leave the classroom. Mondays through Wednesdays, you are not permitted to leave the classroom. I will make exceptions for emergencies, only. I will make exceptions for emergencies, only. Do not disrupt my lessons by asking for a bathroom break. Do not disrupt my lessons by asking for a bathroom break. If it is an emergency, please use the designated signal, and wait for my response. If it is an emergency, please use the designated signal, and wait for my response. If you are allowed a bathroom pass, you have exactly 2 minutes to take care of business. Roaming the halls will be subject to disciplinary action. If you are allowed a bathroom pass, you have exactly 2 minutes to take care of business. Roaming the halls will be subject to disciplinary action. Upon leaving, be sure to wear the orange pass, and return it to it’s rightful spot. Upon leaving, be sure to wear the orange pass, and return it to it’s rightful spot.

21 Entering the room… Each day, you must greet me at the door and shake my hand. Each day, you must greet me at the door and shake my hand. You are also required to enter the classroom with a smile. You are also required to enter the classroom with a smile. When the tardy bell rings, everyone must be seated quietly, immediately working on a warm-up assignment, and wait for my classroom greeting. When the tardy bell rings, everyone must be seated quietly, immediately working on a warm-up assignment, and wait for my classroom greeting.

22 During class… We work all through class, bell to bell. We work all through class, bell to bell. Shut down procedures consists of: Shut down procedures consists of: 1. Saving and closing out ALL computer files. 2. Logging off the computer. 3. Cleaning up work station. You do not get to leave until this is accomplished. You do not get to leave until this is accomplished.

23 Leaving the classroom… When the SIXTH grade bells rings, start shut down procedures. When the SIXTH grade bells rings, start shut down procedures. Throw away any trash in the appropriate receptacles. Throw away any trash in the appropriate receptacles. You must smile upon leaving. You must smile upon leaving.

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