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Interactive Video Conferencing- Let’s Get Started! Presented by Jeff Gangloff Distance Learning Coordinator Views on Learning, Inc 8/30/2015

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1 Interactive Video Conferencing- Let’s Get Started! Presented by Jeff Gangloff Distance Learning Coordinator Views on Learning, Inc 8/30/2015

2 Objectives Create an awareness of Views on Learning, Inc and its mission Introduce Interactive Video Conferencing Demonstrate IVC uses and available resources 8/30/2015

3 About Views on Learning, Inc. Views on Learning, Inc. (VOL) is a registered 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation established to provide our Educational Broadband Service (EBS) schools with distance education opportunities that meet the requirements of NCLB and improve student learning. 8/30/2015

4 The Vision VOL is dedicated to creating an interactive distance learning community to meet the needs of the 21 st Century K-12 "digital natives." VOL will use technology to enhance the quality of learning, to increase opportunities for collaboration, and to share educational resources, including professional development. 8/30/2015

5 Alaska-2 Washington-1 California-4 Idaho-2 Wyoming-2 Iowa-1 Indiana-2 Michigan-1 Ohio-1 Kentucky-1 New Jersey-1 Georgia-1 Florida-4 8/30/2015

6 The Challenge A review of the literature and research in both the US and the UK seems to generally agree that ….…. IVC is no better and no worse than direct teaching. The challenge therefore is to identify how IVC can be better than direct teaching and deliver content that is powerful for the learner. 8/30/2015

7 IP Video Conferencing Connects Engages Provides learning opportunities 8/30/2015

8 Possible Uses Students take classes not offered at their school, such as advanced honors, foreign language, or music courses. Schools offer classes during off-hours and to students who cannot attend traditional classes. Teachers team-teach with remote teachers, sharing subject matter expertise or a unique approach to a topic. 8/30/2015

9 More Possible Uses Schools connect and students collaborate on a themed unit, such as the environment and climate. Professional Development: Southwestern Ohio Instructional Technology Association offers numerous PD programs. Southwestern Ohio Instructional Technology 8/30/2015

10 Virtual Field Trips Students organize and moderate a panel discussion with a dolphin trainer, fisherman, and animal rights activist as part of an ocean unit. A librarian using document sharing technology, auxiliary input, or a whiteboard answers questions about research and actually demonstrates search queries using the online catalog. 8/30/2015

11 More Virtual Field Trips Students connect with athletes at an Olympic Training Center for advice and feedback on sports, training, and health issues. Students watch a play performed at a remote site followed by interaction with the actors. 8/30/2015

12 NASA Digital Learning Network NASA’s DLN provides IVC programming at no charge to schools across the country. ams/national/dln/index.html ams/national/dln/index.html 8/30/2015

13 Enriched Learning Environment Using IVC allows existing technology and tradition teaching skills to be combined in very powerful ways. Use of core materials from the Internet Interactive White Board content Using IVC to extend the range of learning environments Supplementary materials to support lesson content 8/30/2015

14 Web Resources Mr. Fraser’s NWEA Page – Interactive computer games divided by the NWEA RIT scale. Wolfram Alpha Newseum Blends High-Tech With Historical Newseum – Access the Front Pages of Newspapers from 87 counties! Internet Archive Phenomenal! Internet Archive 8/30/2015

15 Core Materials from the Internet Existing Internet content that supports the teaching objective of the Video Conference. An example can be found on the Koshland Science Museum website which may be used to support a Video Conference relating to Global Warming http://www.koshland- 8/30/2015

16 Interactive White Boards The inclusion of the Interactive White Board within a IVC makes for a powerful combination. Interactive White Board content comes in many forms. Many websites contain content that is designed specifically for the Interactive White Board. Global Classroom is a great starting point: tml tml 8/30/2015

17 Using IVC to Extend the Range of Learning The Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration (CILC) is an excellent source to find collaborations and content Go to http://www.cilc.org 8/30/2015

18 More Excellent Content Berrien County RESA & Janine Lim have compiled a list of FREE content providers: gram.php gram.php 8/30/2015

19 Contact Information Jeff Gangloff Distance Learning Coordinator Office: 888-267-0119 Cell: 574-299-6286 8/30/2015

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