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Welcome! Parent Information Night Riggs Priority Preschool Mrs. Carolyn Jester.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Parent Information Night Riggs Priority Preschool Mrs. Carolyn Jester."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Parent Information Night Riggs Priority Preschool Mrs. Carolyn Jester

2 Stay in touch  Watch for emails, newsletters, notes home, and be sure to check the parent board  Email is the best way to communicate!  As always, let me know right away if you have any questions or concerns  Classroom phones go straight to voicemail but feel free to leave a message at 224.3432

3 Classroom Behavior  Everyone is different!  Be positive, catch them being good and praise in their desired way!  Distraction and redirection  Ignoring  Take a Break  First/Then prompting  Special behavior plans if needed

4 Classroom Procedures  Arrival Park in front, enter through side door Sign in every day at the classroom Doors will be opened at 5 min. before and remain open until 5 min. after  Dismissal Park in front, enter through side door Sign out every day at the classroom Wait in the hallway or kitchen area until your child is dismissed

5 Classroom Procedures  If you are late, please get a pass from the front office and walk your child to the classroom.  If you need to speak with the teacher, please wait until all students have been dismissed. Then I am able to give you my full attention.  Thank you for being on time to school.

6 Classroom Procedures Attendance  Call 224.3403 if your child will be absent  Call Transportation if your child rides the bus and will not be riding due to absence: 812.7275

7 Illness  Please keep your child home if they are ill; non-stop coughing, runny noses, fever…  Your child must be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to school  Please be respectful of others, let’s keep our staff and kids healthy

8 Birthday Procedures  If you would like invitations passed out please give them to me and I will pass them out.  Please no birthday balloons in the classroom  Treats must be store bought and arranged to be brought in with the teacher ahead of time  Some suggestions: fruit, donuts, cookies, mini cupcakes, fruit snacks, etc. (NOTHING WITH PEANUTS!!! please)  Please check with the teacher about special allergies  If your child is on a special diet, I will notify you on the day a special treat may be sent in so you can send something special in or allow them to eat it

9 DLM Early Childhood Express  Our DLM Early Childhood Express curriculum is a comprehensive program that is designed to build a child’s healthy self-concept and positive attitude toward school and learning.  The program is theme-based and keeps with a specific theme for 1-2 weeks. The theme will be included in the weekly newsletter  The program is scaffolded so the skills being taught each week build upon each other  Children develop concrete skills through experiences with music, art, storytelling, circle time activities, movement and teacher-directed lessons that, in addition to skills development emphasize practice and reflection.

10 DLM Early Childhood Express  This program helps support literacy through a variety of activities for all types of learners including oral language development, phonological awareness, print awareness and alphabet knowledge

11 Areas of development  Assessed by Teaching Strategies GOLD program  Assessment will be ongoing and use a variety of methods including observations, work samples, note taking and pictures throughout the school year.  The program has released an app that is used to input data directly to website. If you see us on the phone, we are actually working!

12 Social-Emotional -Managing feelings -Join in group play -Meet own needs -Follow rules & routines -Make friends -Take turns -Solve problems -Identifying emotions of others

13 Cognitive -Keep working on tasks -Sort objects -Show curiosity & imagination -Act our familiar scenes -Describe people, places, things & events -Draw or construct and tell what it is

14 Language & Literacy -Respond to simple statements, questions & stories -Follow directions -Describe familiar items & tell their use -Use complete sentences -Tell stories about other times -Have conversations with my friends -Recognize letters in my own name -Hear separate words in sentences -Notice that words begin the same way -Tell you words that rhyme -Identify the sounds of a few letters -Look at books correctly -Ask and answer questions about a story -Pretend to read -Retell familiar story -Starting to write letters

15 Physical – gross and fine motor -Move from place to place with control -Balance during movement activities -Move objects with my body -Use my fingers and wrists for various activities -Hold my writing tool with a 3-point finger grasp

16 Mathematical Thinking -Count to 20 -Name the number of items in a small group without counting -Identify numbers to 5 -Use positional words -Recognize basic shapes -Compare a small set of objects -Copy a simple repeating pattern

17 Social Studies -Talk about myself and others -Talk about people and how they live -Talk about how people and places change over time -Explore about where I live and where others live

18 Scientific Thinking -Use scientific inquiry skills -Demonstrate knowledge of living and non-living things -Describe a variety of objects and materials -Explore the Earth and its environment -Use tools and other technology

19 The Arts -Talk about different forms of artwork -Show awareness of different kinds of music -Explore through dance and movement -Explore drama through play

20 Thank You for Coming!  I am so excited to see the growth of your child this school year as part of their team!  Questions and answers  Save specific questions about your child for a private conversation with your child's teacher please

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