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Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) means students may use personal wireless devices in class for educational purposes.

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Presentation on theme: "Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) means students may use personal wireless devices in class for educational purposes."— Presentation transcript:


2 Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) means students may use personal wireless devices in class for educational purposes.

3 TYPES OF DEVICES ALLOWED: Smartphones (i.e. iPhone, Android, Blackberry, etc. Tablet computers (i.e. iPad, Playbook, Galaxy Pad) Portable media devices (i.e. iPod Touch) Laptop/Netbook

4 Why?


6 Some of you have better cameras in your pockets than the school has Prepare you for the 21 st century workplace –BYOD is becoming the norm in the workplace. –Some technology experts are predicting the death of the personal computer BYOD saves learning time. Portable devices make learning a part of your lives. (These are the tools you can use everyday. We can learn new ways to use our devices and it just makes sense to learn using devices you have in your life) Embracing these tools makes education more interactive. (You can direct your learning & explore areas you are interested in further)


8 Film and Video Production 12: Bring Your Own Device, Acceptable Use Policy


10 WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW: Device usage is solely for educational purposes as noted in the HRSB acceptable use policy. Eastern Shore District High is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen goods. Personally-owned devices are never to be plugged into the school’s wired network.

11 WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW: Any cost associated with the use, storage and transfer of data is the responsibility of the user, not Eastern Shore District High. Check your data plan if you aren’t sure! Students who violate the BYOD Acceptable Use Policy may lose the privilege to participate in the BYOD program for the remainder of the school year.

12 BYOD FILM EXPECTATIONS: You must ask permission before taking pictures, videos, or sound recordings of someone other than yourself (staff, students, teachers, administrators). Photos, videos, and sound recording must be appropriate. No embarrassing or disrespectful photos, videos, or sound recordings.

13 BYOD FILM EXPECTATIONS: Photos, videos, and sound recordings created at school for FVP12 must be deleted from your device/s after the assignment/project is passed in (unless the required paperwork has been completed and approved by Ms. Allen or administration).

14 BYOD FILM EXPECTATIONS: Photos, videos, and sound recordings created for FVP12 must not be posted online (facebook, youtube, twitter, instagram, etc) unless the required paperwork has been completed and approved by Ms. Allen or administration.

15 BYOD FILM EXPECTATIONS: The student is responsible for the logistics of editing on their personal device, transferring data to be edited on the school computers, and passing in their projects in the proper format

16 Contract Please fill out info, sign and date below to acknowledge receipt of this notice and to indicate you have read and accepted it as written. Student Name (printed):_______________ Student Signature: _______________ Date: _________________ Device/s you own and wish to use:For what purpose? (for example: research, camera, sound- recording, video-recording, editing, etc)

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