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1 Welcome to Unit 8 CS113 Career Connection We are in our 8 th week. I’m proud of all of you for working so diligently on your goal. Are there any questions.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Welcome to Unit 8 CS113 Career Connection We are in our 8 th week. I’m proud of all of you for working so diligently on your goal. Are there any questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Welcome to Unit 8 CS113 Career Connection We are in our 8 th week. I’m proud of all of you for working so diligently on your goal. Are there any questions from Unit 7 you need clarification on before we begin with Unit 8? Please summarize in your own words at least one thing you learned from Unit 7 (Goals and Planning). Instructor overview and comments

2 Reading: Career Connection Unit 8 Seminar – CS113 Reading- Kali and career options. Reading-explore the O*Net, resume writing, and visit the Kaplan University Career site. Discussion-how do you think networking will help you with your career goals? What information did you find to be most valuable from your trip through the O*Net? What do you consider to be the most important resource or piece of information that you obtained during these last couple units and why? Where are you now and where do you see yourself five years from now in your career? Assignment-Personal interview with a professional. Seminar Case Study on Minh 2

3 Unit 8 Objectives After completing this unit you should be able to: Recognize how the combination of using resources, networking, and goal setting promotes effective Career Planning Use problem solving skills to increase academic and professional proficiency 3

4 Unit 8 To-do-list Read the Unit Overview Complete the Reading (Online or PDF) Respond to the Discussion = 50 Points Attend the Weekly Seminar Complete the Interview and Summary started in Unit 7 4

5 5 Motivation “Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.” ~Norman Vincent Peale “Do not doubt your ability. Keep your self-talk positive. Keep your eye on the goal. I wish for you your heart desires.” ~Dr. L. Denhard

6 Unit 7 Review Why is setting goals important? As our class reading stated, “S.M.A.R.T” goal setting stands for (KU Course, CS113, 2010): S = Specific M = Measurable A = Attainable R = Relevant T = Time-bound 6

7 Unit 7 Review (continued) With every goal you must follow the 6 P’s (KU Course, CS113): Prioritize: You may have several goals. Prioritize them on your list. Positive: Use positive language. "I will …", "I’ll be…", "I’ll have…." Precise: Be precise. "I will have supper with my family three nights a week" rather than "I will be home earlier.” Performance: Measure your performance. Set time for starting and completing your goal. "May 1 – I will be home at 5:30 three nights this week." Practical: Make your goals practical. Do you have the control to make this work or do you rely on other people to meet your goal? Personal: Is this goal a personal goal or someone else’s desire for you? Another author offers these 6 P’s; positive, present tense, personal, precise, possible, and powerful ( goals.shtml). 7

8 What can you tell me about Raam Dev? In our class announcements and in your Unit 7 ENRICHMENT POST, I provided two sites to visit and read. The author, Raam Dev is very inspirational and demonstrates using S.M.A.R.T goals. You can learn more about him at the site I provided in class announcement and Unit 7 discussion. There you’ll see how he used the S.M.A.R.T goals. He tells us, “…left his job and apartment to begin his lifestyle of his childhood dream.” Read what he does and how he uses S.M.A.R.T goals. As long as we prepare using S.M.A.R.T goals failing is minimal. Read Raam Dev’s thoughts on “Do one thing every day that scares you,” and “Fear of failure as a barometer for success.” I do not know the author personally, but, I recommend his readings. Again, I can not stress it enough—READ. You won’t be sorry. 8

9 General Questions 9

10 10 Unit 8 Key Introduction “This unit will help you to put some of the lessons from this course to use by providing you with the opportunity to tap into some additional resources to explore your career options (KU Course, CS113, 2010).”

11 Up-coming soon… Unit 10 Writing deadline and late work Our future Unit 10 does not have a Seminar. However, there is a Unit 10 writing assignment on reflection and discussion posts are optional. Don’t forget to refer back to ALL class reading (Units 1-10) when doing the Unit 10 writing assignment. DUE SUNDAY, JANUARY 23rd—NO EXCEPTIONS. If you have any grade discrepancies, please send me an email BEFORE that deadline. During Unit 10, continue to check your Kaplan email and the course drop-box/grade-book even after you have submitted your Unit 10 assignment. If there is a problem, I will notify you BEFORE the last day of our class, which is January 25th. I will NOT have access to the class grade-book shortly after that date and can not make changes after January 25th, so please do not ask. 11

12 Upcoming Unit 10 (continued) Hopefully, you will have received the student survey grading the CS113 class and instructor. I extend my thank-you for participating and for your feedback. It is most appreciated. If you were unhappy about something and we did not have the opportunity to resolve the difference beforehand—please be specific in your comments. I can not correct something if I do not know EXACTLY where the problem lies. Your positive comments are encouraged, too. Thank you. 12

13 Unit 8 professional interview Whom did you make an appointment with for the Unit 8 professional interview? What degree have they completed? When is your appointment? 13

14 Unit 8 What would be the job of your dreams? 14

15 Unit 8 What would be your favorite working conditions? 15

16 16 Unit 8 Which career is right for you? How do you know?

17 17 Unit 8 Research How many different resources can you name to search for advancement and or new careers?

18 18 My suggestions Look at several textbooks or online web-sites. Just to name a few: “Business A to Z source finder,” “The book of government jobs,” “The directory of executive recruiters,” “The American almanac of jobs and salaries,” “Peterson’s summer jobs in the USA,” the “Occupational Outlook Handbook,” and “What color is your parachute?” There are hundred’s of job clearinghouses online. To name a few:,,, Bureau of Labor Statistics, American’s Job Bank at:, and the Career Resource Center: www.careermosaic.com Don’t forget about our Kaplan University Career Center

19 19 More suggestions Another extensive collection of salary surveys by industry or position (besides the O*Net): (by Mary Ellen Mart) Homefair offers cost-of-living calculators to see if your salary in a different city will be enough for you to maintain your lifestyle, should you move:

20 20 Even MORE suggestions A search for “employment” or “job listings” on any major search engine will offer information, too. A few samples:,,,,,,, and

21 21 Case Study on Minh

22 22 Case Study of Minh How is Minh's current job beneficial to her ultimate career goals?

23 23 Case Study on Minh How would setting more specific career goals help Minh make decisions?

24 24 Case Study on Minh What general advice would you give Minh to encourage her to complete the quarter and continue in school?

25 25 Unit 8 interview Our grading rubric requires you to support your own ideas and statements with information from our class reading. So, on your summary form, refer back to class reading! In other words, how does the interview tie-in with Unit 7 and Unit 8? Add the information to your interview form! Otherwise, grade points will be lost (WORTH 18 points). Don’t forget the introduction and conclusion. We are writing at a college level. Any text that is NOT your own words, cite your source using quotes or paraphrase correctly! Even rephrasing needs to be cited. Otherwise, it’s considered plagiarism. Read Kaplan’s policy on plagiarism on our syllabus.

26 26 Plagiarism Keep in mind, assignments are sent to the web-site for plagiarism checking. So, I highly recommend keeping your papers original. Keep in mind, that you will NOT be able to use these written projects for any OTHER class, or else it will show up as plagiarism. (You can NOT use the same work for more than one class.) Other colleges use the same web-site for checking. So, if you transfer to another college, please do not try and use the same paper for an assignment. It will flag as plagiarism. The sentence structure and wording of paraphrases should not be too close to the original without quotation marks. There should be NO mistake that the text is the student’s, not just borrowed from the original sentence. If you are in doubt, quote. Better to be safe than sorry. If the information you are researching is not common knowledge, it needs citing. Don’t forget your reference page on assignments.

27 27 General Questions

28 28 Reflection “Everyone enjoys doing the kind of work for which he is best suited.” ~by Napoleon Hill

29 29 What did you find at Kaplan’s Career Service?

30 30 What is a resume and what will it demonstrate?

31 31 Important! When conducting a final check of your resume, what is one crucial element you should not dismiss?

32 32 How would you determine the length of your resume?

33 33 Cover Letters What demonstrates a successful tailored cover letter accompanying your resume?

34 34 Interview How would you prepare for a job interview?

35 Interview During a job interview, if you were asked “Name two adjectives to describe yourself,” how would you respond? 35

36 Interview During a job interview, if you were asked “What distinguishes you from the other candidates with the same skill?,” how would you respond? 36

37 Interview If you developed a “User’s Manual” all about you, what one item would you include in it? 37

38 38 Interview (continued) Have a list of questions to indicate that you have thought about the company. Thank the employer. Sum up your strengths. And be sure to follow-up with a thank you note.

39 39 Job Offer What are some of the reasons why an employer never offers you a job?

40 40 More Reflection I hope you have made some good friends and wonderful study partners in our Academic Strategies class. I encourage you to keep in touch with each other and support each others’ success.

41 41 Any General Questions? Seminar is coming to an end, soon. Let’s wrap-up the evening.

42 42 Seminar Concluded Good night. Have a great week! Thank you again for giving me the opportunity to share the learning floor with you. My office hours on AIM are posted on our class syllabus. My AIM ID is: DrDenhard. THE END…

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