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COMMUNICATION in Nursing Concepts of Nursing NUR 123.

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Presentation on theme: "COMMUNICATION in Nursing Concepts of Nursing NUR 123."— Presentation transcript:

1 COMMUNICATION in Nursing Concepts of Nursing NUR 123

2 COMMUNICATION The sending and receiving of a message.

3 Aspects of Communication (i) Sender - the one who conveys the message to another person. Message - the thought, idea, or emotion conveyed. Channel - how the message is sent.

4 Aspects of Communication (ii) Receiver - physiological/ psychological components. Feedback - the receiver’s response to the sender. Influences - Culture, education, emotions and other factors involved.


6 Methods of Communication Verbal - Speaking, Listening, Writing, Reading. Nonverbal - Gestures, Facial Expressions, Posture and Gait, Tone of Voice, Touch, Eye Contact, Body Position, Physical Appearance.


8 Influences on Communication Age Education Emotions Culture Language Attention Surroundings

9 Congruency of Messages  Verbal and nonverbal communication must be congruent, or in agreement.

10 Listening and Observing  Listening and observing are two of the most valuable skills a nurse can have.  These two skills are used to gather the subjective and objective data for the nursing assessment.

11 Active Listening  The process of hearing spoken words and noting nonverbal behavior.  Active listening takes energy and concentration.

12 Therapeutic Communication  Sometimes called effective communication, it is purposeful and goal-oriented, creating a beneficial outcome for the client.

13 Goals of Therapeutic Communication To obtain or provide information To develop trust To show caring To explore feelings

14 Enhancing Communication Self-Disclosure. Caring. Genuineness. Warmth. Active Listening. Empathy (the capacity to understand another’s feelings). Acceptance and respect.

15 Communication Techniques Clarifying/validating. Asking open questions. Using indirect statements. Paraphrasing. Summarizing. Focusing.

16 Barriers Communication Closed questions. False reassurance. Judgmental responses. Defensive reflex. Changing the subject.

17 Nurse-Client Communication Almost every nurse-client interaction should involve therapeutic communication. Nurse-client communication is influenced by both the nurse and the client.

18 Three Phases of Nurse-Client Communication Introduction: Fairly short; expectations clarified; mutual goals set Working: Major portion of the interaction; used to accomplish goals outlined in introduction; feedback from client essential. Termination: Nurse asks if client has questions; summarizing the topic is another way to indicate closure.

19 Determinant Factors in Communication A nurse’s communication is affected by: Past Experience State of Health Home Situation Workload Staff Relations

20 Determinant Factors in Communication A client’s communication is affected by: Social Factors Religion Family Situation Level of Consciousness Stage of Illness Visual, Hearing and Speech Ability Language Proficiency

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