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Focus 2010 2007 Listening Session Chancellor Charles W. Sorensen and the Strategic Planning Group Fall 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Focus 2010 2007 Listening Session Chancellor Charles W. Sorensen and the Strategic Planning Group Fall 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Focus 2010 2007 Listening Session Chancellor Charles W. Sorensen and the Strategic Planning Group Fall 2007

2 Overview  Participatory Planning Process  Strategic Planning Group  FOCUS 2010 Accomplishments  Summer Retreat Topics

3 Participatory Planning  Faculty, staff and students have direct, unfiltered and unedited communication with university administration  Develops a broader understanding of the needs of the entire organization and develops a commitment to the emerging priorities  Improves quality of resource decisions  Clarifies line-of-sight to the university goals, priorities and strategies

4 Focus 2010 Goals 1.Prepare alumni for success. 2.Create a learning community that supports and encourages the engagement of its members in active learning. 3.Achieve national leadership and excellence in educating students in the theory and application of a broad range of technologies. 4.Strengthen the on-campus organization by focusing on UW- Stout’s unique mission within the UW System. 5.Create a school outside a school enterprise that serves learners statewide, nationally, and internationally.

5 Annual Planning Process Fall Listening Sessions Fall/Winter Chancellor’s Advisory Council Budget Planning Winter Budget Planning at Division/College Level Chancellor Communicates Final Plan Institution-Wide Strategic Planning Group Summer Retreats

6 Stakeholder Visioning Summer 2008 Foundation Board UW System Officers Industry Board of Regents Cooperative Education Service Agency Economic Development Specialists County and City Administrator State Dept of Public Instruction Unions Legislators University Administrators Technical Colleges K-12 Schools Faculty Staff and Students

7 Strategic Planning Group Membership  Chancellor’s division representatives: Chancellor Sorensen Sue Pittman Jan Jordan Doug Wahl Doug Mell Donna Weber Bob Meyer  Provost’s division representatives: Julie Furst-Bowe Janice Coker Cindy Gilberts  ASLS division representatives: Diane Moen Phil Lyons Meridith Wentz  Classified representatives: Robin Sweeny Cally Henderson  Faculty Senate representatives: Jerry Kapus Forrest Schultz Vice Chair (vacant) Renee Howarton Juli Taylor  Senate of Academic Staff representatives: Dennis Shaw Jerry Addie Brenda Swannack Lelah Lugo  Student Senate representatives: Mike Lubke Chad Johnson  Deans: John Murphy John Wesolek Carol Mooney Mary Hopkins-Best Joan Thomas

8 Strategic Planning Group  Charge: Deploy the strategic planning model  Role during listening sessions: –Listen to the comments from the faculty, staff and students

9 Achieve Nat’l Leadership in Technology Prepare Students for Success Create a Learning Community… School Outside a School Strengthen the On-Campus Organization…

10 Focus 2010 Accomplishments: Prepare students for success  Curricular incubation center  5 new academic programs  Minority scholarships  Exceptional placement rate  Improving graduation rates

11 Focus 2010 Accomplishments: Create a learning community…  Increased enrollment Targets Segments Trends  FYE program  Math and writing labs  Minority faculty/staff liaison and Minority faculty/staff network

12 Focus 2010 Accomplishments: Achieve Nat’l Leadership in Technology  e-Scholar program  Content Management System  ImageNow  Growth in distance education courses  Growth in co-op program

13 Focus 2010 Accomplishments: Strengthen On-campus Organization  Polytechnic designation  Substantial grants and contracts  Number one in energy efficiency

14 Focus 2010 Accomplishments: School Outside a School  Leader in transfers from technical colleges  Increase in customized instruction enrollment


16 Summer Retreat Topics: Information Technology Retreat questions:  How can we help students work and communicate effectively with digital technologies?  What is the dream classroom?  What about technology incubators?  What’s next in our e-Scholar environment?  How should the administrative and student support areas participate?

17 Summer Retreat Topics: Information Technology Retreat Themes:  Adaptability and flexibility  Humanize technology/balance  Assess what’s working/what’s not  Disruptive change  “Future proofing” facilities and employees  Communication  Need for standards  Expectations for students

18 Summer Retreat Topics: Enrollment Management Retreat questions  What is our targeted enrollment for 2010 to 2015?  How do we retain students?  How do we enroll and retain a diverse student body?  What are the financial and resource implications for students and the university?

19 Summer Retreat Topics: Enrollment Management Retreat themes  Enrollment management is a campus-wide initiative  Expand program array  Target new markets  Expand enrollments/offerings  Continue doing what works  Assess the success of initiatives

20 Summer Retreat Topics: Polytechnic Marketing Retreat questions:  How can we further communicate the benefits of the polytechnic designation?  What are some effective ways to introduce the marketing plan to the campus?  How can we effectively communicate the new internal marketing process?

21 Summer Retreat Topics: Polytechnic Marketing Retreat themes:  Inspiring innovation—how and where to use?  Introduce to the campus and provide opportunity for celebration  Must communicate polytech benefits to external community  Define polytech in understandable way

22 Summer Retreat Topics: Program Alignment Retreat questions:  Are there other issues that should be considered?  Are there other models to examine?  How can we best communicate with faculty and staff?  How can we evaluate effectiveness in 5 years?

23 Summer Retreat Topics: Program Alignment Retreat themes:  1: College of Education and Health Services; College of Management; College of Design and Humanities, College of STEM  2: School of Education; College of Health and Human Services; College of Management; College of Arts and Letters; College of STEM  3: College of Allied Health and Education Services; College of Management; College of Arts and Letters; College of STEM  4: Dean of Faculty; Dean of Undergrad and Grad programs; Dean of Research, Outreach and Industry

24 5 ways to provide input  Participating in the fall 2007 listening sessions  Contributing to the anonymous, online message board  Completing the University Priorities comment card distributed at the sessions  Recommending ideas to faculty, academic staff, or student senate representatives  Recommending ideas to your college or division councils who can bring to the attention of the appropriate member of the Chancellor’s Advisory Council

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