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Unit 1 Project shark attacks. Quiz how much do you know about sharks? how much do you know about sharks? 1. Do sharks need to breathe? 1. Do sharks need.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 1 Project shark attacks. Quiz how much do you know about sharks? how much do you know about sharks? 1. Do sharks need to breathe? 1. Do sharks need."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 1 Project shark attacks

2 Quiz how much do you know about sharks? how much do you know about sharks? 1. Do sharks need to breathe? 1. Do sharks need to breathe? 2. Do sharks have hard fishbone? 6. How many senses do sharks have? 3. How many teeth does a shark have in its life? 4. What’s the name of the biggest shark? 5. Do sharks have ears? 7. Which sense is the most acute 灵敏 ?

3 Quiz how much do you know about sharks? how much do you know about sharks? How many types of sharks are there? How many types of sharks are there? What to do to avoid being attacked by sharks? What to do to avoid being attacked by sharks? Do all sharks bite humans? Do all sharks bite humans? What’s the most dangerous shark? How do sharks attack people? How do sharks attack people?

4 1.How many types of sharks are there? 1.How many types of sharks are there?1.How many types of sharks are there?1.How many types of sharks are there? Para1 3.Do all sharks bite humans? 3.Do all sharks bite humans? 2.What’s the most dangerous shark2.What’s the most dangerous shark? 2.What’s the most dangerous shark

5  hit and run Para3-4 1.How do sharks attack people? 1.How do sharks attack people?  bump and bite  sneak 2. Which ones are deadly? 2. Which ones are deadly?

6 Para5-6 1. What measures to take to 1. What measures to take to avoid being attacked by sharks? avoid being attacked by sharks? Don’t swim in the dark.Don’t swim in the dark. Don’t swim if you are cut or if you have a fresh wound.Don’t swim if you are cut or if you have a fresh wound. Don’t wear bright clothing or jewellery.Don’t wear bright clothing or jewellery. Try and stay in groups.Try and stay in groups.

7 Para5-6 2.If you are being attacked by a shark, 2.If you are being attacked by a shark,2.If you are being attacked by a shark,2.If you are being attacked by a shark, what should you do? what should you do? Don’t panic.Don’t panic. Hit the shark on the nose.Hit the shark on the nose. Stick your finger in the shark’s eye.Stick your finger in the shark’s eye.

8 Tiger shark

9 牛鲨 [Carcharhinus leucas] bull shark

10 Whale shark

11 象鲛 (Cetorhinus maximus)

12 长鳍真鲨 oceanic whitetip shark fierce sharks

13 黑梢真鲨 blacktip shark

14 高翅真鲨 bignose shark

15 黑鳍真鲨 Carcharhinus melanopterus

16 哥拉巴哥真鲨 Carcharhinus galapagensis

17 澳大利亚虎鲨 Heterodontus portusjacksoni

18 白斑角鲨 Squalus Acanthias

19 斑点猫鲨 Scyliorhinus stellaris

20 长鳍真鲨 Carcharhinus longimanus

21 东太虎鲨(佛氏虎鲨)(角鲨) Heterodontus francisci

22 great white shark

23 three fierce sharks :three fierce sharks the great white shark the tiger shark the bull shark

24 Thank you!

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