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IEEE R8 Student Activities. Who will be speaking to you? web page: IEEE Region 8 Student Activities.

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Presentation on theme: "IEEE R8 Student Activities. Who will be speaking to you? web page: IEEE Region 8 Student Activities."— Presentation transcript:

1 IEEE R8 Student Activities

2 Who will be speaking to you? e-mail: web page: IEEE Region 8 Student Activities

3 IEEE Region 8 SAC  Pilar Molina Gaudo, R8 VC SAC e-mail:  Basak Yuksel, Regional Student Representative, e-mail: Region 8 Student News Editor e-mail:  Christian Borgert, Past Vice Chair Student Activitiese- mail:  Martin J Bastiaans, Coordinator Student Paper Contest e-mail:  Mischa Dohler, SAC Web Coordinator e-mail:  Marko Delimar: Membership developement and Awards e-mail: Group Alias:


5 IEEE Membership worldwide Region 1-6 USA Region 7 Canada Region 8 Europe/Middle East & Africa Region 9 Latin America Region 10 Asia and Pasific

6 IEEE Geographical Entities Southwest Area of Region 6 Univ. of Calif. at San Diego IEEE Student Branch Note: Not drawn to scale and boundaries are only approximate San Diego Section of Southwest Area of Region 6 Region 6 in the World Region 6

7 IEEE Organization IEEE-USA Board of Directors Regional Activities Board Standards Association Educational Activities Board Publications Activities Board Technical Activities Board IEEE Board of Directors IEEE MEMBERS Executive Director Staff IEEE Executive Committee YOU Student Activities is part of RAB

8 IEEE in Region 8 Committee Region 8 Director Section ChairsVC Strategic Planning VC Membership Activities VC Student Activities Secretary Treasurer VC Technical Activities Subcommittees: Voluntary Contribution Fund Awards & Recognitions Section 99 Conference Coordinator Chapter Coordinator Education & Accreditation Membership Development Editor Region 8 News GOLD Electronic Communications R8 Student Representative Past VC SAC Coordinator SPC R8 A&R Officer R8 Student News Editor

9 IEEE in Region 8 OpCom Tony Davies IEEE Region 8 Director e-mail: Levent Onural IEEE Region 8 Past Director, V/C Strategic Planning e-mail:

10 IEEE in Region 8 OpCom (2) Charles Turner IEEE Region 8 Secretary e-mail: Hans Schmitt IEEE Region 8 Treasurer e-mail: Tariq Durrani Region 8 VC Technical Activities e-mail: Rolf Remshardt Region 8 VC Membership Activities e-mail: Pilar Molina Gaodo Region 8 VC Student Activities e-mail:

11 IEEE Region 8 Student Activities Do you know …? … that there are around 350,000 members worldwide? … that 50,000 of those are student members? … that there are almost 14.000 Student Members in Region 8? … that there are >200 Student Branches in Region 8?



14 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ l Activity support from Region 8 l Up to 500$ l After the event has taken place!! l With a report and a budget l IEEE Foundation l l One time BIG events

15 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ l Your Section l Receives a rebate for the branch and members l Money for activities l IEEE Societies l If the activity is technical l Find contacts within the Societies and Section Chapters

16 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ l External to IEEE l Your University l INDUSTRIES and CORPORATIONS in your area l International Foundations l External attendants to your activities (i.e. courses) l …

17 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ MULTIPLE SOURCES


19 LEADERSHIP RESOURCES l R8 News participation l Share ideas l Report and visibility l SAMIEEE database access l Chair and counselor l Student Branch Congress attendance l Section ExCom attendance ($50 per Student to Section)

20 LEADERSHIP RESOURCES l Support to Sections for SECTIONAL BRANCH CONGRESSES l Web hosting and e-mail lists l Materials to recruit more volunteers l

21 NEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! l 50% OFF of the fees for Student Branch l VOLUNTEERS l Chair has to sign the application l IN NEEDY SITUATIONS l Application form on the web

22 MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPEMENT l Sheets and information to “convince” l Presentations l PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL for IEEE l At this congress: Contact Marko l R8 SAC provides monetary support to produce more materials l Student Activities: Posters, brochures, etc. l SUGGESTION: Personal contacts l Information of members in arrears: SAMIEEE database l SAMIEEE database: arrears information


24 STUDENT PAPER CONTEST l Takes place yearly l Monetary prizes to 3 finalist l 5 finalists make it to Congress location l Coordinator: Martin Bastiaans l l LOCAL STUDENT PAPER CONTEST WINNER l There must be a branch behind l Branch wins the Dick Poortvliet Award ($250)

25 WEB CONTEST l Regional Contest l Regional contest winner participates in IEEE-wise contest l Monetary prizes l Takes place yearly l Great participation l Strong competition

26 MEMBERSHIP INCREASE AWARD l Top 5 branches with highest membership increase l Composite rate for absolute and relative increase l Prizes 2005: $400 l Branch with best trend in 3 past years ($800)

27 OTHER CONTESTS l Chess tournament l Photo Contest l Financial support to branches willing to organize R8 contests

28 OTHER AWARDS l Best Branch Award l Outstanding Branch Counselor Award l Importance of the counselor l CHANGE IT!!!! No need of former counselor to sign l Someone active l History Student Paper Awards l Biannually l Finalist travel to Congress location

29 SOCIETY AWARDS, PRIZES AND SCHOLARSHIPS l Society dependent l Example: Computer Society Competition l 2004: Polish team 1st, Rumanian team 2nd. l 24-hour programming competition l Information on the Society web pages


31 VIRTUAL COMMUNITY l Common place to share ideas l www. l Register online l VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Create and update content

32 PORTAL DEVELOPEMENT l Currently ongoing l Combine efforts of all SB l Special session on this important issue please attend!!

33 OTHER OPPORTUNITIES l Create WOMEN IN ENGINEERING groups in your branch l Create CHAPTERS (technical) in your branch l Professional Activities support l HISTORY OF ENGINEERING resources: l Virtual Museum l History Activities



36 REPORTS l Yearly: l Activity Report l Plan of activities l To whom? l To R8-SAC l To Section l To Student Activities l Officer changes l Also counsellor changes --> On Campus

37 In general: l Maintain a certain level of activity l Have more than 20 members l Have timely elections l Report accordingly l Interact with the Section l Seek for awards l Be the IEEE reference for Student community in the area

38 FINAL OFFLINE REMARK The claiming of the travel expenses

39 PROCESS l Find out who pays your travel expenses: l Generally  Your Section l Some cases  Region 8  l Clarify this with me before you leave l Fill the expense report form l Available on the web l COPIES OF ALL TICKETS!!! (backup material) l Bank Account information l IBAN and BIC (or SWIFT) codes l Bank name, full postal address, bank account holder name and bank account number (4 things!!!)

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