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Forum MNE Forum youth and non formal education Presentation.

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1 Forum MNE Forum youth and non formal education Presentation

2 Who are we?  Forum MNE is an organization working towards the realization of the vision of a peaceful and just society where young active citizens contribute to its development. The Forum is achieving that by providing support to young people with the goal of helping them to develop into conscious, responsible and productive individuals. Forum MNE enables them to recognize, demand and realize their rights and contribute to the development of a peaceful, just and progressive society.  We are developing and realizing programs based on non-formal education, community youth work, volunteerism, youth creativity and activism. We are supporting the development and implementation of strategies relevant to youth, in cooperation with all the crucial stakeholders in the society.

3  Forum MNE exists in Montenegro since 2002. and it was founded and supported by Swedish government. After six years, today Forum MNE is local organization running its programs in 10 out of 21 municipalities in the country.  We created a network of Youth Clubs, some of which are supported by local communities, some are being run by volunteers, and others are Forum MNE supported.  The Forum MNE main office is located in Podgorica, and the central club for the coastal region is located in Muo, near Kotor. Who are we?

4  Forum MNE employs around 15 educated and specially sensible for this profession youth workers, coordinators of projects and trainers, all local staff.  We have a network of people: More than a 120 students in our University program, The first generation of 12 educated youth leaders Around a 100 young volunteers and many more activists and group members through the youth clubs and schools. Who are we?

5  Basic human rights and freedoms need to be guaranteed to everyone;  Participation of conscious, responsible and active young people is crucial in the creation and implementation of programs contributes towards a positive change and community development ;  Equal access to non-formal education and life-long learning has to be promoted and available to everyone, especially to young men and women;  Volunteerism for community development and youth activism have to be appreciated and valued by all the relevant stakeholders in society;  Quality Community Youth Work is realized through a combination of preventive, educational and developmental components, with a focus on working with vulnerable groups of young people whose rights are at risk or are denied;.  Active communication and cooperation between all relevant institutions, organizations and individuals is essential for identifying, developing and implementing systematic solutions to ensure the realization of the full potential and rights of young men and women;  Exchange of knowledge, experience and information at the local, regional and global level is highly important for the full integration and affirmation of youth in the modern and open society. Forum MNE believes that

6 Our projects were supported and funded by: SIDA (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency) and Forum Syd – supported the educational program and all MNE activities in the past Save the Children – supported the project in Children's home (orphanage) in Bijela and Roma Youth project in Podgorica UNICEF – supported our Youth camps, and the Conference on EU integrations BCIF (Balkan Community Initiatives Fund) – founded the Youth club and programs for Roma youth in Konik, Podgorica, campaign for opening the youth club in Ulcinj USA embassy, Norway embassy – financed Forum MNE youth camps German embassy – financed our info centers Partnerships

7 LOCAL SUPPORT Montenegrian Ministry of Culture, Media and Sport – financed youth festival FIKUS Municipality of Kotor – provided the space for our youth club Centers for social care – supported various Forum MNE projects Institutions for care of the challenged children – support in various projects Office for the Drug Prevention in Kotor – direct cooperation and support Schools and Universities - support in various projects Small businesses - support in various projects Partnerships

8  A space in Tivat to gather for Forum MNE meetings and activities.  Structured programs and activities.  Secure atmosphere to express themselves!  Their voice to be heard!  Their rights to be respected!  Bigger involvement in decision making and community life!  Available information on opportunities to travel, work, study and develop themselves as conscious, responsible and active citizens who will create opportunities for fulfilling their own potentials.  Social education and awareness about themselves, society and the world that they live in, that is not covered by their formal education What does youth in Montenegro want?

9 Various programs and projects for youth implemented in one community in Montenegro  Trainings on different subjects: Youth in the Traffic (December 2004.) Team Work and Communication (March-May 2005.) Organizing events ( June 2007. )  Ecological Action of cleaning the Zupa region (May 2005.)  Regular workshops in schools, or outside activities (Octobar 2005-June 2008.) (Topics: adolescence, growing up, prevention of risky behavior)  Intercultural Educational Youth Exchange Tivat-Travnik (May-June 2006.) Research on needs of young people in Tivat ( September-October 2006.)  Event celebrating the “French Culture” day - ( April 2007.)  The Photograph Exhibition (June 2007.)  TheEvent, street painting (June 2007.)  TheValentine's Day, celebration event - (February 2008.)  The Summer street event and the Balkan Bus Tour (June 2008.)  Conference on EU integrations (Octobar 2008.)

10 P I C T U R E S

11 Workshops in the High School (2007.) Preparation of the exhibition

12 Interactive street event (June 2007.)

13 The Valentine's day (2008.) 

14 Summer street event (2008)

15 The Balkan Bus Tour ( June 2008) visit of colleagues from the European countries

16 Without a venue in some municipalities Without the municipality support Without the Local Youth Action Plan in most communities But we know we could do much better! And all this...

17 This is what we see we could reach in future with support of local authorities

18 Social Education in the Youth Club through the creative activities

19 Youth Camps

20 Student Exchanges and Festivals for Youth

21 Alternative Projects and Artistic Expression

22 Conferences for youth

23 Created and implemented Local Youth Action Plan in all municipalities

24 THE END OF THE PRESENTATION! Thank you for your attention

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