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Our Solar System BIG IDEA: Objects can affect other objects at a distance.

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Presentation on theme: "Our Solar System BIG IDEA: Objects can affect other objects at a distance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Solar System BIG IDEA: Objects can affect other objects at a distance

2 Lesson Outline Introduction Big bang Star formation Galaxies Our Solar System Space Projects


4 Let’s start from the beginning… The Big Bang!

5 Big Bang Timeline

6 The Big Bang Theory developed by George Lemaitre in 1927 – That’s pretty recent! Based on Edwin Hubble’s observations that the universe is expanding – If it’s expanding then that means we should be able to shrink back down to an infinitesimally small singular point of pure energy E=MC 2

7 Why is gravity important? One reason: star formation!

8 How a star is formed

9 Start off with a solar nebula (cloud of matter) Matter starts to gather together due to pull of gravity – > Universal law of gravitation As everything gets sucked in, there’s more kinetic energy so everything gets really hot! – About 10 000 000˚C Eventually accumulate enough energy that you get a protostar and temperature gets so hot that you have nucleosynthesis – Subatomic particles are starting to collide and forming hydrogen nuclei Hydrogen fusion

10 What is a galaxy? is a gravitationally bound system consisting of stars, stellar remnants, an interstellar medium of gas and dust, and dark matter Basically: – just a collection of stars and other particles that are all found in the same volume of space Disk-shaped with bulge in the middle

11 5 min break!

12 How is a solar system formed? What is a solar system?

13 How a solar system is formed

14 Our Solar System

15 Types of planets 2 types of planets: – Terrestrial planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars Smaller planets Mostly made of rock or minerals – Gas giants: Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune Much larger Composed mainly of hydrogen and helium (gases)


17 Project 1: Planets Foldable & Habitable Planets In teams of 4 you are going to be creating a foldable on each of the planets in our solar system You will also be given the description of several creatures who are travelling to our solar system in search of a new home planet and you must figure out which planet would be the best fit for each species. Due in 2 classes from today (February 12/13)

18 Project 2: Solar System Model We will be building model representations of the solar system! – We’ll be going to the tool room to do this

19 Project 3: Presentation on Celestial Bodies You will be grouped into teams of 3 or 4 and will be assigned a topic or theme dealing with Celestial Bodies and Space. You will have to prepare a short oral presentation (with PowerPoint or similar) and then present your findings to the class

20 Planets Foldable & Habitable Planet

21 For each planet Its position in the solar system (from the sun) The distance from the sun The length of one day The length of one year The number of moons (if any) The number of rings (if any)

22 What are important requirements for life?

23 Life requirementsPlanet characteristics e.g. food to eate.g. temperature


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