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Welcome! Today is Tuesday, April 22, 2014 F ail notices will be mailed out Friday. Service and Study tours meeting today. PLU visit Thursday at 3pm in.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Today is Tuesday, April 22, 2014 F ail notices will be mailed out Friday. Service and Study tours meeting today. PLU visit Thursday at 3pm in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Today is Tuesday, April 22, 2014 F ail notices will be mailed out Friday. Service and Study tours meeting today. PLU visit Thursday at 3pm in portable 1 Please:  turn off your phones and put them away,  take out your:  annotated history packet  journals  copy of the class novel,  writing utensil,  put backpacks on the floor, and Prepare your journals for a Good Grammar Lesson

2 Good Grammar: Commas Review what is a dependent clause? A dependent clause contains a subject and verb, but the clause cannot stand independently. What are some dependent clause markers? because, since, when, while, until, if, as, though, although, unless, after, before, once, whether

3 Commas: Dependent Clauses Review  What do dependent phrases and clauses do? And where are they found in a sentence?  Dependent phrases and clauses help to clarify and add detail to an independent clause.  Dependent clauses may appear at the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence.

4 Commas: Introductory/ Dependent Clauses Review  When a dependent clause is placed at the beginning of a sentence, place a comma between the independent clause and the dependent clause. Dep. clause S V Before he took the test, Dan struggled with Conj. S V his homework, so his father helped him.

5 Commas: Introductory/Dependent Clauses Review  Where would you place the comma in the following example? S V Because it was raining we decided to go to the movies. Introductory clause S V Because it was raining, we decided to go to the movies.

6 Commas: Dependent Clauses Review When a dependent clause is located after an independent clause, Do not place a comma between the two. S V We decided to go to the movies because we were bored.

7 Commas: Essential Phrases and Clauses  An essential clause or phrase is used to modify a noun.  It also adds information that is critical to the meaning of the sentence.  Essential clauses are NOT set off by commas. S essential phrase V The people who work in my office are loud.

8 Commas: Essential Phrases and Clauses  The word “that” is almost always an indicator of an essential phrase or clause. Sessential V The tiramisu that I had at Joe’s was great.

9 Commas: Non-essential Phrases and Clauses  A nonessential phrase or clause adds extra information to a sentence.  This information can be eliminated from the sentence without jeopardizing the meaning of the sentence.  Always place commas around nonessential phrases and clauses.

10 Commas: Non-essential Phrases and Clauses  Even without the phrase the sentence still makes sense: My brother plans to throw a party. S non-essential V My brother, who lives across town, plans to throw a party.

11 Commas: Non-essential Phrases and Clauses  Use commas to set off additional information. S V Steve said that he would propose to me on non-essential Valentine’s Day, which is my favorite holiday.

12 Comma Practice Would you place commas in the following sentences? If so, where? 1. I am planning a trip to Paris which is one of the greatest cities in the world. 2. The place that I would most like to see is the Eiffel Tower. 3. Pierre who is one of my business contacts will meet me at the airport.

13 Today’s Learning Goals I will be prepared to participate in tomorrow’s Socratic Seminar. Progression of Learning  We will outline and write our seminar papers  We will generate questions to potentially begin discussion.

14 Socratic Seminar Etiquette The purpose of a Socratic Seminar  The purpose of a Socratic Seminar is to achieve a deeper understanding about the ideas and values in a text. In the Seminar, participants systematically question and examine issues and principles related to a particular content, and articulate different points-of-view. The group conversation assists participants in constructing meaning through disciplined analysis, interpretation, listening, and participation.  What are your preferred norms?

15 Let’s Work on Outlines and Papers

16 Fist to Five I will be prepared to participate in tomorrow’s Socratic Seminar. Homework  Socratic Seminar paper  In the Pagoda tomorrow. Set the tables up in a “U” formation.  Bring in your camp forms.  Vocabulary quiz on Thursday  Do you know what impending means?

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