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Nutrition Organic Foods. What does Organic mean? that it has been produced without the use of artificial chemicals, fertilizers, or pesticides. it has.

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Presentation on theme: "Nutrition Organic Foods. What does Organic mean? that it has been produced without the use of artificial chemicals, fertilizers, or pesticides. it has."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nutrition Organic Foods

2 What does Organic mean? that it has been produced without the use of artificial chemicals, fertilizers, or pesticides. it has not been genetically modified in any way. The word “organic” refers to a natural or “earth-friendly” method of farming and producing food.

3 3 Different Types of Organic 100% organic-all ingredients in the food must be organic “Organic”-foods must contain 95% organic products “Made with organic ingredients”-must contain 70% organic products

4 Organic Farming This means that those foods, such as fruits and vegetables, will never be sprayed with chemicals to keep insects from eating them. Organic food is instead grown using methods of farming that are less harmful to the environment than conventional techniques that utilize different types of chemicals. Organic farming methods are designed to work with nature, not against it.

5 Organic Food Labeling There are many kinds of foods that can be labeled organic, including fruits and vegetables, grains, dairy products, and meat. There are even organic convenience foods, like hamburgers and ice cream. If it is an organic packaged food, all ingredients must be organic for it to be labeled as such.

6 In the United States, it is possible to eat, drink, and wear only organic products. There are even organic products with which to paint and decorate your home.

7 Choosing to Eat Organically Protecting the Environment The Ethical Treatment of Animals Supporting Independent Farmers

8 Top 12 Foods to eat Organic Meat Milk Coffee Peaches Apples Bell peppers Celery Strawberries Lettuce Grapes Potatoes Tomatoes

9 Making the Switch Eating organic foods doesn’t mean you have to change your entire diet. You should experiment with a variety of different foods and try whatever you think you might enjoy. There are many different kinds of organic foods available, from basics like bread and milk to exotic fruits and delicious ice creams.

10 Myths and Facts About Organic Foods Myth. If the label on a food product states that it has no preservatives or additives, it was grown without pesticides. Fact. Only if food label reads “no pesticides” does it mean that it was not sprayed with pesticides during its growth. Additives and preservatives are chemicals that are added to food during processing after it’s harvested.

11 Myth. If a food was grown on an organic farm, it means that it is organic. Fact. Again, it’s best to read the label closely. If the label reads “made with organic ingredients,” it is not a 100 percent organic food product.

12 Myth. All organic products are good for the earth. Fact. While organic crops are great for humans, like any other plants, organic crops can deplete the earth of nutrients. To replace the three most important soil nutrients—nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium—organic farmers rotate their planting from one field to another, and plant legumes like beans.

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