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Teacher PDP for the 2112-13 School Year
OPENING SLIDE---on “Show my Screen” at beginning of session. Checking audio settings with participants: Good morning/Good afternoon everyone. If you can hear the sound of my voice, your settings should be ok for today’s session. Please signify your audio is working by raising your hand on the dashboard beside your name. Thank you. We will begin shortly. Donna Albaugh, Joyce Gardner, DeLea Payne
Webinar Agenda Review the Professional Development Plan (PDP) form in the North Carolina Educator Evaluation System (NCEES) Discuss how the PDP form will rollover into the Discuss how a teacher uses a self-assessment to formulate SMART goals to drive their professional development over the course of the school year. Review the signature process Review how to assign a mentor and have the mentor sign off on the PDP How the administrator goes in and assigns a mentor to a probationary teacher Discuss individual, monitored, and directed plans
Some reminders about webinar protocol
We are recording today’s webinar. Your mikes are muted, but remember you can communicate with us through the questions bar on your dashboard. The questions bar is also where you may ask questions throughout the session that will be answered either orally for the entire group or to you personally by out team. If you lose your connection, just log back in with your original webinar link and you can additional personal questions or concerns to the address listed at the bottom of this slide. Need ADDRESS
State Board of Education Policy on Evaluation Process
Policy Identification Priority: Twenty-first Century Professionals Category: Qualifications and Evaluations Policy ID Number: TCP-C-004 Policy Title: Policy establishing the Teacher Performance Appraisal process Purpose The intended purpose of the North Carolina Teacher Evaluation Process is to assess the teacher’s performance in relation to the North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards and to design a plan for professional growth. The principal or a designee (hereinafter “principal”) will conduct the evaluation process in which the teacher will actively participate through the use of self-assessment, reflection, presentation of artifacts, and classroom demonstration(s). A local board shall use the North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards and North Carolina Teacher Evaluation Process unless it develops an alternative evaluation that is properly validated and that includes standards and criteria similar to those in the North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards and North Carolina Teacher Evaluation Process. Process The North Carolina Teacher Evaluation Process shall include the following components: Component 1: Training Before participating in the evaluation process, all teachers, principals and peer evaluators must complete training on the evaluation process. Component 2: Orientation Within two weeks of a teacher’s first day of work in any school year, the principal will provide the teacher with a copy of or directions for obtaining access to a copy of: A. The Rubric for Evaluating North Carolina Teachers; B. This policy; and C. A schedule for completing all the components of the evaluation process. Copies may be provided by electronic means. Component 3: Teacher Self-Assessment Using the Rubric for Evaluating North Carolina Teachers, the teacher shall rate his or her own performance at the beginning of the year and reflect on his or her performance throughout the year. Component 4: Pre-Observation Conference Before the first formal observation, the principal shall meet with the teacher to discuss the teacher’s self- assessment based on the Rubric for Evaluating North Carolina Teachers, the teacher’s most recent professional growth plan, and the lesson(s) to be observed. The teacher will provide the principal with a written description of the lesson(s). The goal of this conference is to prepare the principal for the observation. Pre-Observation conferences are not required for subsequent observations. Component 5: Observations A. A formal observation shall last at least forty-five minutes or an entire class period. B. Probationary Teachers 1. The principal shall conduct at least three formal observations of all probationary teachers. 2. A peer shall conduct one formal observation of a probationary teacher. C. Career Status Teachers 1. Career teachers shall be evaluated annually. 2. During the year in which a career status teacher participates in a summative evaluation, the principal shall conduct at least three observations, including at least one formal observation. During observations, the principal and peer (in the case of a probationary teacher) shall note the teacher’s performance in relationship to the applicable Standards on the Rubric for Evaluating North Carolina Teachers. Component 6: Post-Observation Conference The principal shall conduct a post-observation conference no later than ten school days after each formal observation. During the post-observation conference, the principal and teacher shall discuss and document on the Rubric the strengths and weaknesses of the teacher’s performance during the observed lesson. Component 7: Summary Evaluation Conference and Scoring the Teacher Summary Rating Form Prior to the end of the school year and in accordance with LEA timelines, the principal shall conduct a summary evaluation conference with the teacher. During the summary evaluation conference, the principal and teacher shall discuss the teacher’s self-assessment, the teacher’s most recent Professional Growth Plan, the components of the North Carolina Teacher Evaluation Process completed during the year, classroom observations, artifacts submitted or collected during the evaluation process and other evidence of the teacher’s performance on the Rubric. At the conclusion of the North Carolina Teacher Evaluation Process, the principal shall: A. Give a rating for each Element in the Rubric; B. Make a written comment on any Element marked “Not Demonstrated”; C. Give an overall rating of each Standard in the Rubric; D. Provide the teacher with the opportunity to add comments to the Teacher Summary Rating Form; E. Review the completed Teacher Summary Rating Form with the teacher; and F. Secure the teacher’s signature on the Record of Teacher Evaluation Activities and Teacher Summary Rating Form. Component 8: Professional Development Plans Individual Growth Plans Teachers who are rated at least “Proficient” on all the Standards on the Teacher Summary Rating Form shall develop an Individual Growth Plan designed to improve performance on specifically identified Standards and Elements. Monitored Growth Plans A teacher shall be placed on a Monitored Growth Plan whenever he or she: A. Is rated “Developing” on one or more Standards on the Teacher Summary Rating Form; and B. Is not recommended for dismissal, demotion or nonrenewal. A Monitored Growth Plan shall, at a minimum, identify the Standards and Elements to be improved, the goals to be accomplished and the activities the teacher should undertake to achieve Proficiency, and a timeline which allows the teacher one school year to achieve Proficiency. A Monitored Growth Plan that meets those criteria shall be deemed to satisfy the requirements of N.C. Gen. Stat. § 115C-333(b). Directed Growth Plans A teacher shall be placed on a Directed Growth Plan whenever he or she: A. Is rated 1. “Not Demonstrated” on any Standard on the Teacher Summary Rating Form; or 2. “Developing” on one or more Standards on the Teacher Summary Rating Form for two sequential years; and The Directed Growth Plan shall, at a minimum, identify the Standards and Elements to be improved, the goals to be accomplished, the activities the teacher shall complete to achieve Proficiency, a timeline for achieving Proficiency within one school year or such shorter time as determined by the LEA. A Directed Growth Plan that meets those criteria shall be deemed to satisfy the requirements of N.C. Gen. Stat. § 115C-333(b). Component 9: Effective Dates and Effect on Licensing and Career Status Effective with the school year, LEAs may evaluate teachers using this policy. Effective with the school year, all teachers in North Carolina will be evaluated using this policy unless a local board develops an alternative evaluation that is properly validated and that includes standards and criteria similar to those in the North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards and North Carolina Teacher Evaluation Process in which case the local board shall use that instrument. Beginning Teachers Effective , beginning teachers must be rated “Proficient” on all five North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards on the most recent Teacher Summary Rating Form in order to be eligible for the Standard Professional 2 License. Probationary Teachers Effective , a principal must rate a probationary teacher as “Proficient” on all five North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards on the most recent Teacher Summary Rating Form before recommending that teacher for career status. Process for Abbreviated Annual Evaluations The annual evaluation requirement for career-status teachers can be met through the Teacher Evaluation Process set forth above, or an abbreviated evaluation. An abbreviated evaluation consists of evaluator ratings only on Standards One, Four, and Six of the Teacher Evaluation Process. The abbreviated evaluation process for Standards One, Four, and Six remains consistent with the Teacher Evaluation Process described above with the exception of the requirement for observations. Teachers receiving an abbreviated evaluation should receive two informal observations of a minimum of twenty minutes each. Observers shall note the teacher’s performance in relationship to Standards One and Four on the Rubric for Evaluating North Carolina Teachers. Teachers receiving an abbreviated evaluation may request that the evaluator conduct a formal observation as described above.
Teacher Self-Assessment
In each evaluation cycle, the teacher begins by completing the “Teacher Self-Assessment” in the online tools. By using the rubric as a guide to examine their own performance, teachers can use the reflective data to focus the goals for professional development that are recorded on the PDP. Before an individual, team or organization forms a plan for performance improvement, it is critical that a clear picture of current performance be established. Self-assessment allows the rater to look at their own performance, form conclusions about performance level, and act upon those conclusions to create a development plan. Accurate self-assessment requires introspection and realistic self-perception (Wilson & Pearson, 1995). The rater must also be able to reflect on their performance and determine where improvements are necessary (Braskamp & Ory, 1994).
Create a new PDP To view your forms:
Log into: Select the correct school district Type in the username that was provided to you (UID number) Type in your password Click Login Click on the NC Educator Evaluation System icon In the Online Software manual for the North Carolina Educator Evaluation for teacher there are options for creating a New Preliminary Professional Development plan or Professional Development Plan. If a teacher does not have a Professional Development Plan, the teacher must complete a New Preliminary professional Development Plan. Now let’s go to the live website to create a new PDP.
Inside the NC Educator Evaluation System
Click on Observe/Report Click on Observations The school executives may observe a teacher’s professional development plan by clicking on the Observer Task tab. A teacher will click on the Teacher Task tab to access their Self-Assessment and Preliminary Development Plans. For teachers who are rated on the summative as not demonstrated or developing the succeeding year’s PDP will pre-populate with the standard and the element for which the teacher needs to show improvement. At that time the teacher’s PDP is no longer individual, it becomes a monitored or directed PDP. Decide locally and apply consistently.
How does an assigned mentor sign/authenticate the PDP?
Step One Step Two Step Three Select MORE Review PDP & Sign Log McRel Principal must review and sign the PDP prior to the teacher or the mentor signing. After logging into the system the mentor selects MORE to review the mentee’s PDP. Mentor selects the PDP for the mentee, reviews, signs, clicks save and done. The assigned mentor must sign the mentee’s PDP 3 times at the beginning of the school year, mid- year, and at the end-of-the-year review. Throughout the school year the mentor and the principal/designee are providing support to the teacher to encourage the teacher’s progress toward achieving the goals in the PDP. The mentor may choose to add comments in the “Mentor’s Comments” box on the PDP prior to signing/authentication.
Pre-Observation Conference
Teacher Completes Self-Assessment Self-Assessment informs the goals recorded on PDP Teacher provides written description of lesson to be observed Principal and teacher meet to discuss Self-Assessment, PDP, and lesson Before the first formal observation, the principal shall meet with the teacher to discuss the teacher’s self- assessment based on the Rubric for Evaluating North Carolina Teachers, the teacher’s most recent professional growth plan, and the lesson(s) to be observed. The teacher will provide the principal with a written description of the lesson(s). The goal of this conference is to prepare the principal for the observation. Pre-Observation conferences are not required for subsequent observations. The Self-Assessment and PDP are initially discussed by the principal with the teacher during the Pre-Observation Conference. These documents are intended to support the teacher in meeting the professional improvement To be Addressed by this Plan Standard(s): Element(s): B. Teacher's Strategies Goals for Elements Activities/Actions Expected Outcomes and Evidence of Completion Resource Needed Timeline. Teachers are encouraged to focus on 2-3 strategies and goals for elements and activities to be developed. Teachers monitor progress toward attainment of goals throughout the school year. During the Mid-Year Review, the teacher, principal and mentor if the teacher has one, all review the PDP at mid year, add comments and sign/authenticate. The principal must sign/authenticate first and the teacher or mentor (if applicable) may sign subsequently.
Professional Development Plans
Individual Growth Plan Monitored Growth Plan Directed Growth Plan Developed by a teacher and should be discussed with the principal Teacher is placed on the plan by the principal, the plan is developed and monitored by the teacher and principal Teacher is paced on the plan by the principal, developed and monitored by the principal Professional Development Plans are known as PDPs. Every teacher will use a Professional Development Plan to identify goals and strategies to improve performance. The Professional Development Plan may be an Individual Plan developed by the teacher and discussed with the principal. A higher level of support for a teacher may be provided through a Monitored PDP. In this case, the teacher is placed on the plan by the principal and the plan is developed and monitored by the teacher and principal. A more principal directed plan may be required to provide specific support for a teacher through the Directed Professional Growth Plan. The teacher is placed on the plan by the principal and the plan is developed and monitored by the principal.
Scenario #1 Teacher A is a probationary teacher hired in July and she has an assigned teacher mentor who teacher the same grade level. Teacher A completes an Orientation training to the NCEES with her mentor. She is assigned a Username and she creates her password in the NCEES. She logs in to complete a Self-Assessment online and provides access to her principal. Then she consults with her mentor to develop her Preliminary Professional Development Plan. She focuses on 2 goals in her PDP based on her Self- Assessment data. She meets with her principal for a Pre-Observation Conference prior to the first scheduled formal observation. During the conference, the teacher and principal discuss the teacher’s Self-Assessment, Preliminary PDP and the lesson to be observed. During the formal lesson observation and subsequent walkthroughs, the principal consistently assesses the teacher as lacking in Standard 4 Element D. The teacher has been provided extensive training in integration and utilization of technology in instruction, yet there is not evidence that the teacher is making progress facilitating technology enabled learning. The principal conferences and coaches the teacher for approximately 3 months and observes no improvement. What must the principal do to move the teacher to a Monitored Professional Development Plan?
Scenario #2 Teacher B is a career status who struggles to contribute positively to the work of his department professional learning community (PLC). He resists the positive change initiatives in policies and practices that are developed by the School Improvement Team (SIT). Throughout the school year his principal has provided guidance, support and encouragement to engage Teacher B. Teacher B calls local board of education members to complain about the district professional development sessions held to prepare teachers in his department to teach the new North Carolina State Standards in English Language Arts. He teaches HS Biology and he does not feel the need to attend professional development to support integrating the Common Core ELA Standards into the development of instructional units. He feels that his students are successful without adapting new strategies for integrating writing and informational texts into his lessons. In addition, he refuses to differentiate his instructional methods. After reviewing all the observations and evidences collected throughout the school year on Teacher B, his principal assessed the overall rating for Teacher B as developing in Standard 1 and 4 on the Teacher Summary Rating Form. How will those ratings on the Summative affect his Professional Development Plan next year?
Scenarios for PDP Development
Preliminary PDP for new teachers Teachers with existing PDP that will roll over into the next school year Teachers who have previous work experience evaluated using the current NCEES, those PDP will roll over in the system Teachers with existing PDP that will roll over with areas of Not Demonstrated or Developing Monitored or directed PDP for the next school year Scenarios for PDP Development – Donna will generate scenarios Screen shot of PDP online tool and talk thru on the script
PDP Rollover into the Succeeding School Year
4/20/2017 • page 15
Key Elements Must have a Summary Rating Form entered into the McRel System at the end of the current school year of evaluation cycle in order to have a PDP Roll Over into the succeeding school year. 2. Succeeding school year PDP will pre-populate with teacher demographic information. All teachers
Summary Ratings of Developing or Not Demonstrated Recorded on the Summary Rating Form at the end of the School Year Professional Development Will automatically populate in the rollover PDP any Standard and Element rated on the summary form as Developing or Not Demonstrated Apply the LEA/Charter policy regarding moving the teacher in areas where improvement is needed Apply LEA/Charter policy regarding the addressing areas of concern and improvement planning
PDP Form Roll Over Any teacher who was evaluated using the NCEES in the previous school year will have a PDP that will roll over into the succeeding school year PDP will be pre-populated with teacher demographic information Teachers’ summative rating form; if there are areas of developing or not demonstrated In the Teacher Evaluation Process manual there is a Teacher Summary Rating Form (p.39) Progress Toward Achieving Goals is an optional form found on p.38 in the Teacher Evaluation Process Manual. This is an excellent tool to use mid-year to support the progress of a teacher towards goals in each standard.
Formulate SMART Goals Teacher Observation Rubric (Rubric for Evaluating Teachers) Peer Evaluation Rubric (Rubric for Evaluating Teachers) Self Evaluation Rubric (Rubric for Evaluating Teachers) Principal Self-Assessment (Evaluation Rubric) Principal Evaluation (Evaluation rubric) Teacher Summative Rating Form Principal Summary Rating Form Discuss how a teacher uses a self-assessment to formulate SMART goals to drive their professional development over the course of the school year.
Three Levels of Support
Every teacher will use a Professional Growth Plan to identify goals and strategies to improve performance. Teachers who are rated as “Proficient” or higher on all Standards will develop an Individual Growth Plan and discuss with the principal Teachers who are rated as “Developing” on any Standard will be placed on a Monitored Growth Plan that has been developed and will be monitored by the principal and the teacher. Teachers who are rated as “Not Demonstrated” on any Standard or has a rating of “Developing” for two sequential years will be placed on a Directed Growth Plan that has been developed and is monitored by the principal. Monitored and Directed Plans meet the state guidelines of an “action plan”. Individual districts determine those recommendations.
SMART Goals and PDPs SMART Goals provide a process for effective goal setting Any existing observations and/or artifacts guide the goal setting
SMART Goals Process Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant/Results-Oriented Time-bound
SMART Specific and Strategic goals are clearly stated, long-term and aligned Measurable goals: Attainable or achievable: Results-oriented: Time-bound: Each bullet would pop-out as they are addressed. Work with Beth Ann
Data for Setting Goals Determine greatest area of need
Determine the range of improvement Review hard and soft data over time
Goal Setting Process Use SMART Goals template
Demo Site You are now very familiar with these forms and where the artifacts can be loaded or linked into the system. Remember there is also a checklist within each rubric, self-assessment, and summary rating form for the observer to not artifacts that were present during an observation. * Typically this involves providing a checklist of items, as well as blank entries for "custom" artifacts: * In addition to these checklist items, there is often (but not always) an associated interface for the uploading of supporting documents or the entry of URLS to online evidence: Please note - The button in the teacher view called “add new artifact” will be removed and is currently unavailable for your users. Artifacts need to be added as part of the observation or evaluation process. Teachers may add them to their self-assessments. Evaluators may add them during observations or conferences. If a teacher wants to add an artifact to the summary rating form or if there is a disagreement on a score on the summary rating form, the teacher may offer the principal evidence or artifacts that support his/her view. The principal may upload these documents. Or another option would be for the teacher to the principal the artifact. Add in the teacher comment section that you disagree and that you sent an artifact to the principal to support your view.
How does a teacher add comments to a rubric?
SWITCH TO THE SCREEN SHOTS PAGES ON WEBINAR SCREEN To answer this, I am going to use a new document with screen shots that illustrate the process. This document will be ed to the participants at the close of the webinars on Friday.
How often is the demo site refreshed?
The demo site is a live and active site, as you know. The developers will refresh it every month. Refreshing it regularly prevents the site from having unrealistic data sets. As you know, a teacher will never have 55 Preliminary PDPs or 29 observations. If we continue to refresh it, you will have a more authentic site for your colleagues to use as they learn the online tool. Please check the site before you begin any training to see if the site has been refreshed and to determine what modifications you may need to do in order to be prepared for the training. I will now turn the presentation over to Yvette/Savon to answer more of our Top 5 FAQs.
Is the mentor able to sign the preliminary PDP?
Use screen shots from Karen for this process! The mentor is now able to sign the preliminary PDP. This feature hit a technical snag but is resolved. The feature works the same way on the preliminary PDP as it does on the regular PDP. The key things to know are… * The mentor assignment on this form will be done by a principal. The interface for making this mentor selection will be identical to the selection interface currently found on the Professional Development Plan. There are two pull downs on the form- One for selecting a school within the user's district and one for choosing the member (mentor) within that school for assignment to the Preliminary Professional Development Form. * These two drop downs will be the only portion of this form that Principals can change. * These two drop downs will be the only portion of this form that Teachers cannot change. * The mentor selections made in a teacher's professional development plan DO NOT have any functional bearing on the mentor selections made in the Preliminary Development Plan. Please remember that the principal does not have editing rights to the preliminary PDP. They do however have rights with the regular PDP.
Will the online system change a lot for the 2012-2013 school year?
The intention is to keep the system as stable as possible from this point forward. There may be some minor changes and we will continue to update you on the changes as they come live in the system. The only updates we will request going forward will be the updates necessary for the system to work properly and honor the state approved evaluation process.
End of the Year Requirements
Final Summary Rating Form Required for all probationary teachers and teachers in the renewal cycle Review the components in the demo site Final Summary Rating Form: As you know, the final summary rating form is required in the system this year for all probationary teachers and teachers in their renewal cycle. Final summary rating data is also required for principals and assistant principals. This data is required for charter schools that have Beginning Teacher Support Plans (BTSP) and/or have accepted Rate to the Top funds. The data in this system will be used in the aggregate for reports to the federal government about our progress with Race to the Top. If your LEA has chosen to use the system fully for the school year, you are on your way to having a completed form. Still Slide 16: Let’s review the components in the demo site. Once you have created the form, you will notice the radio buttons for the evaluator to fill in based on all the observations. If you want to review the scores from previous observations, click the + sign next to the element. The check marks tell you the number of times an element was observed. You will also note the comments that were recorded in previous evaluations. Using all of these data, the principal will determine a final rating for each element and each standard. You may add comments and check artifacts as necessary. At the bottom of the page, the principal must mark the box “The signature of the principal or evaluator verifies that the report has been reviewed and that the proper process has been followed according to North Carolina State Board of Education Policy for the Teacher Evaluation Process” and then sign using your password. This locks down the evaluation from further editing. Once that is completed, the teacher must follow by adding their UID and password. Both the teacher and the principal must sign the documents in order for the teacher to have access to add comments. The teacher comment box stays active until the system is locked down for the year – which will be June 30, If a teacher logs in and adds comments, an will be sent to the principal indicating that comments were added. Once comments are added in the comment box they cannot be removed. This is essential for your users to know.
If your LEA is only adding the summative rating data
Remember these tips Make sure the spreadsheet is accurate If spreadsheet needs attention, updates, changes, the district/charter school contact must it to If teacher or principal does not know their UID, they must contact you, the district/charter school contact to get the information Teachers and principals must complete the summary rating form Principals and teachers must electronically sign the summary rating sheet in the online tool If your LEA is only adding the summative rating data into the system and has not been using the tool for observations, you will need to remember these tips… * Make sure your spreadsheet is accurate Data for the spreadsheet comes from district HR department District spreadsheet sent to McREL has the user name, location code, address, and Unique Identifier-which is generated from payroll Each district/charter school received this spreadsheet from McREL in September * If spreadsheet needs attention, updates, changes, the district/charter school contact must it to * If teacher or principal does not know their UID, they must contact, you the district/charter school contact to get the information. * Teachers and principals must complete the summary rating form. You will not have the data under the + sign by each element because that is generated by the observations. Principals/evaluators must mark the radio button for the final rating by each standard and element. It is necessary for the principal to sign the document using his/her password and then the teacher must also sign the document. This must be completed by the evaluator and the teacher. Please make sure the evaluators in your district understand that the final rating sheet must be signed by both the teacher and the principal in the online system. It is not possible for support staff to just enter the data later. The electronic signatures are required. * Principals and teachers must electronically sign the summary rating sheet in the online tool
Reminder Full use of the system is required beginning July 1, 2011
You are the local expert You will provide the necessary training and support for your colleagues I want to remind you once again that full use of the system is required beginning July 1, This means that every district and every charter school with a BTSP program will use the online system for the self-assessment, observations, PDP, peer observations, and the summary rating form. As the district/charter school contact, please make sure your users are ready for this shift. You are the local expert. It is the expectation of DPI that you will provide the necessary training and support for your colleagues.
Thank you for attending the webinar
Contact Information Who you gonna call? McREL – Thank you for attending the webinar We want to thank you for participating in this webinar. Our final slide is essential contact information for you. Please note the address for ing McREL with your spreadsheet updates and with your technical questions. The training materials are still located on our webpage and the demo site is still available for your use. Remember to put in the McREL address and add /demo to the address. In addition, you will find my address for questions about the process. This is the official end of our webinar. We will stay on for a few additional minutes to answer your questions through the questions bar. Thanks again for joining us.
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