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Genetically Modified Foods Through the years scientists have discovered different ways to change the DNA of a living thing or a food. This has become.

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2 Genetically Modified Foods

3 Through the years scientists have discovered different ways to change the DNA of a living thing or a food. This has become useful in many ways to our well being but it has also changed the way we live. However this discovery is not yet at its full potential because it still contains many disadvantages. Thomas Mason 7DD Introduction

4 What advantages does genetically modified foods bring? ITS ADVANTAGES! Corn that has been genetically modified. Thomas Mason 7DD

5 Can make some foods harmful to people. May worsen the taste of some foods. May cause the beginning of “super weeds” May cause the beginning of “super insects” More dominant farming countries may earn less money for their crops. Can damage the environment What are the disadvantages of genetically modified foods? Thomas Mason 7DD Disadvantages

6 In April 2000 a survey was held in Texas and over 65% of the total population suggested that GM foods will bring many benefits in the future. The rest of the population suggested that this would not happen. Public Opinion What does the public think about GM foods? Thomas Mason 7DD

7 I feel that GM foods will be very useful to us in the future however nowadays there are just to many risks So due to the odds of this fact I do not support GM foods nor will I tolerate them. My Personal Opinion What do I think of GM foods? Thomas Mason 7DD

8 Here is a picture of a scientist conducting tests on genetically modified plants. Pictures Here are some pictures of genetically modified foods Here is a picture of genetically modified tomatoes. Thomas Mason 7DD Here is a picture of genetically modified wheat.

9 My references GMO-advantages-and- disadvantages accessed on the 27 of December 2011, last updated: Not found. GMO-advantages-and- disadvantages s/gmfood/overview.php accessed on the 20 of December 2011, last updated: December 14 2011. s/gmfood/overview.php http://www.americans- chnology/biotech2.cfm accessed on the 2 January 2012, last updated: Not found.http://www.americans- chnology/biotech2.cfm Accessed all dates above, Last updated: 3 January 2012 Thomas Mason 7DD

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