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AO proposal for FP7 June 2006, N. Hubin Proposal for a European Adaptive Optics Program to be funded in the frame of FP7 N. Hubin European Southern Observatory.

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Presentation on theme: "AO proposal for FP7 June 2006, N. Hubin Proposal for a European Adaptive Optics Program to be funded in the frame of FP7 N. Hubin European Southern Observatory."— Presentation transcript:

1 AO proposal for FP7 June 2006, N. Hubin Proposal for a European Adaptive Optics Program to be funded in the frame of FP7 N. Hubin European Southern Observatory

2 AO proposal for FP7 June 2006, N. HubinScope Status & achievements of OPTICON- JRA1 Status & achievements of the AO WP in the ELT DS The AO European ELT roadmap & Challenges European ELT AO concepts: Demonstrators & pathfinders on existing 8-10 m Facilities Adaptive Optics enabling technologies AO Networking, Coordination & Interfaces Adaptive Optics Access: WHT ELT Test bed Proposal

3 AO proposal for FP7 June 2006, N. Hubin Status & achievements of OPTICON- JRA1…. &2

4 AO proposal for FP7 June 2006, N. Hubin AO status & achievement in the FP6 AO status & achievement in the FP6 OPTICON-JRA1 Design VLT AO Facility 1170 actuators Deformable Secondary Mirror 1.1 m diameter! Test Facility 1.1 m Zerodur Thin shell

5 AO proposal for FP7 June 2006, N. Hubin AO status & achievement in the FP6 AO status & achievement in the FP6 OPTICON-JRA1 & 2 Design of the VLT Planet Finder 1370 act. DM Real-Time Control 240 2 detector for wavefront sensing

6 AO proposal for FP7 June 2006, N. Hubin AO status & achievement in the FP6: JRA1: High contrast & Micro-technology Large stroke 52 act. Micro-DM 19 act. electrostatic MOEMS High (1024) Order Test bench 1024 channels drive elec. Toward the 100 actuators Prototype

7 AO proposal for FP7 June 2006, N. Hubin AO subsystems for 8 m LBT & 10m GTC Development of the LINC-NIRVANA Ground Layer AO & Calibration of the Adaptive M2 Telescope simulator for the GTC-AO

8 AO proposal for FP7 June 2006, N. Hubin Status & achievements of the AO WP in the ELT DS

9 AO proposal for FP7 June 2006, N. Hubin ELT Design study: AO WP MCAO 3DM LGS based AO concepts for the European ELT AO simulations, algorithms & Large DM feasibilities

10 AO proposal for FP7 June 2006, N. Hubin FP6 outcomes Thanks to OPTICON: Early enabling technologies crucial for the new AO facilities Early enabling technologies crucial for the new AO facilities Designs of three major AO facilities  All approved today!! Designs of three major AO facilities  All approved today!! Advanced R&D in the field of MEMs  Jobs created Advanced R&D in the field of MEMs  Jobs created Keep European leadership in the field of AO on 8-10m Keep European leadership in the field of AO on 8-10m Thanks to FP6 ELT Design Study Concepts dev. & simulations of challenging AO systems Concepts dev. & simulations of challenging AO systems 2.5 m DM concepts  prototype of technological bricks 2.5 m DM concepts  prototype of technological bricks Novel AO concepts focused on Laser Guide Stars Novel AO concepts focused on Laser Guide Stars Smart algorithms reducing high computing power Smart algorithms reducing high computing power Prepare the E-ELT Phase B Prepare the E-ELT Phase B

11 AO proposal for FP7 June 2006, N. Hubin The AO European ELT roadmap & challenges

12 AO proposal for FP7 June 2006, N. Hubin Science with ELTs may require: Reduced seeing capability over 5-6’ FoV @ all λ Narrow field diffraction limit imaging/spectroscopy (10  0.6 μm) 30”-1’ continuous FoV diffraction limit imaging in K  I bands Ensquared Energy >20% in ~50mas pixel in n directions over 10’ FoV High contrast (10 -7 to 10 -9 ) differential imaging/spectroscopy for planet detection and characterization Because of windshake & tracking errors ELT may require Adaptive Optics even in seeing limited mode  Adaptive Telescope   Full sky operation may require multi-LGSs

13 AO proposal for FP7 June 2006, N. Hubin Overview of AO possible performance

14 AO proposal for FP7 June 2006, N. Hubin The European ELT roadmap: 1 st light AO NGS Single Conjugate AO Commissioning of the Adaptive telescope with one large DM Ground Layer AO + LGSs Full sky, Adaptive telescope with seeing reducer (1 st light multi LGSs) Laser Tomography AO + LGSs Medium Sky Coverage small FoV diffraction limited AO Toward 2 nd light AO

15 AO proposal for FP7 June 2006, N. Hubin The European ELT roadmap: 2 nd light AO LGS Multi- Conjugate AO Post Focal DMs & MCAO reconstructors Dedicated AO NGS High contrast imaging Post focal high density DM + high contrast inst. Dedicated AO LGS Multi-object AO Multi- corrected IFUs Additional LGSs Dedicated AO

16 AO proposal for FP7 June 2006, N. Hubin European ELT Adaptive Optics concepts Demonstrators & pathfinders on existing 8-10 m Facilities

17 FP7 preparation meeting Paris, 29 th -30 th March 2006, N. Hubin 17 VLT AO Facility: A GL & LTAO Pathfinder for ELT Concept of Active/Adaptive Telescope Four Sodium Laser Guide Stars 2 GLAO syst. (GALACSI, GRAAL) –10’ NIR seeing reducer (HAWK-I) –1’ visible seeing reducer (MUSE) Laser Tomography AO: Sr(v)~10% Enabling technologies: –1.1 m convex aspherical Deformable M2, 1170 act. –2 mm Zerodur thin shell –Raman fibre laser –~0 noise, 240 2 pix., 1kHz WFS-CCD –Computing power 200 x NAOS Laboratory testing facility (ASSIST) On-sky; 2011-2012 4 LGSs Laser Room GALACSI MUSE GRAAL Hawk-I Deformable M2

18 AO proposal for FP7 June 2006, N. Hubin VLT AO Facility pathfinder for ELT 1 st light AO 1 st light AO facility conceptual design for ELT (SC-GL-LTAO) Development of the VLT AO Facility: Pathfinder for ELT Laboratory & on-sky testing of the AO Facility at the VLT Preliminary design of the ELT 1 st light AO facility Specifications of key AO subsystems Large DM & Field stabilization Large DM & Field stabilization Sodium lasers Sodium lasers Real Time computer & wavefront sensors Real Time computer & wavefront sensors Specific studies on optimum algorithms & calibration strategies Partners: ESO, PHASE*, INAF, Leiden Eligible cost: 7 M€ incl. 70 FTEs, 6 years EC funded: <5 M€ * Phase: ONERA + LESIA + GEPI

19 AO proposal for FP7 June 2006, N. Hubin Design of Multi-Object Adaptive Optics Instrument Conceptual design of an ELT MOAO instrument Laboratory demonstration to validate simulations Critical sub-systems prototyping Develop a VLT on-sky MOAO demonstrator Evaluation of the scientific performance on-sky Evaluation of the scientific performance on-sky 5-7 WFS buttons 5-7 WFS buttons Smart focal plane 3-5 beam steering devices: IFU + imaging Smart focal plane 3-5 beam steering devices: IFU + imaging NGS or LGS based; with/without Adaptive Secondary NGS or LGS based; with/without Adaptive Secondary Updated conceptual design of the Multi-IFU instrument for ELT Partners: LAM, Phase, ESO Eligible cost: 8 M€ incl. 86 FTEs, 6 years EC funded <4 M€ Cost and deliveries to be reviewed

20 AO proposal for FP7 June 2006, N. Hubin

21 Exo-planet detection for ELTs Conceptual design of an ELT High contrast Instrument Opto-mechanical design, interface to telescope End-to-end simulations, feedback from SPHERE development VLT – SPHERE development and laboratory & on-sky testing On-sky demonstration with HOT- + on a segmented telescope Coronagraphy & Post coronagraph Speckles suppression system Co-phasing & AO interactions Prototyping Coronagraphs, Super-polished optics, focal plane WFS Woofer & tweeter MOEMS up to 4K, IFS components Calibration & Post-processing Development of Post processing methods Laboratory & on-sky validation Partners: ESO-LAOG, INSU, PHASE, ETH, INAF, CRAL, Oxford, MPIA, IAC? Eligible cost: 6.6 M€ incl. 59 FTEs, 6 years EC funded <4 M€

22 AO proposal for FP7 June 2006, N. Hubin MEMs based MCAO demonstrator Goal: Demonstrate feasibility of a compact post-focal MCAO system for ELT  MCAO integrated in the instrument Conceptual design of an ELT integrated MCAO system Dev. of a MOEMS & LGS based MCAO system demonstrator Make use of the VLT multi-LGS & Deformable Secondary Mirror Make use of the VLT multi-LGS & Deformable Secondary Mirror Woofer-tweeter (1k actuators) to overcome MEMs stroke limitations Woofer-tweeter (1k actuators) to overcome MEMs stroke limitations 3 layers (incl. Deformable Secondary Mirror)  MCAO at shorter λ 3 layers (incl. Deformable Secondary Mirror)  MCAO at shorter λ 30” FoV with high Strehl uniformity  crowded fields & photometry 30” FoV with high Strehl uniformity  crowded fields & photometry Laboratory demonstration to validate concept & simulations Specifications of key AO subsystems for ELTs Partners: INAF, ESO, PHASE Eligible cost: 3 M€ incl. 30 FTEs, 6 years EC funded: <2 M€ Cost & deliveries to be reviewed

23 AO proposal for FP7 June 2006, N. Hubin Adaptive Optics Enabling technologies

24 FP7 preparation meeting Paris, 29 th -30 th March 2006, N. Hubin 24 Key technologySCAOGLAOLTAOMCAOMOAOXAO Adaptive Mirror2.5-3 m class with 30 mm pitch (6-8kact.); ~85 2 Piezo DMsXXX85 2 ?X200 2 – 1-2μm MEMSXXX20 - 85 2 200 2 – 1-2μm Vis. WFS detector IR WFS detector High red QE; 1e - RON 600 2 ; 0.7kfr/s High QE <5 e - RON 128 2 ; 0.7kfr/s 2-3kfr/s 256 2 ; 2-3kfr/s Guidestar lasersX~20-50W, CW or pulsedX ProcessorsRTC & Smart algorithms avoiding explicit matrix-vector multiplies & addressing tomography issues LGS WFSXDynamic refocusing + custom CCD? X Required AO technologies for a European ELT (~42m) Expected implementation time?

25 AO proposal for FP7 June 2006, N. Hubin AO detectors R&D Visible wavefront sensor detector  see Philippe Feautrier presentation IR wavefront sensor detector development being launched now by ESO  Coordination with GEMINI -TMT- AURA etc…

26 AO proposal for FP7 June 2006, N. Hubin 2.5 m deformable mirror design & prototyping Goal: Develop baseline & alternative solution Specifications (ESO) + Industrial Call for Tender 3 competitive conceptual designs  review (6months) 2 concepts funded: Prototyping  review (12months) 1 concept selected for Preliminary & Final design Thin shell prototype Partner: ESO + others to be identified after CFT (CILAS, SAGEM, TNO-TPD, ADS, Microgate in collaboration with PHASE, LAM, SESO, INAF) Eligible cost: 2.5 M€ (0.3, 0.6, 1, 0.6), 4 years EC funded <1.8 M€

27 AO proposal for FP7 June 2006, N. Hubin 1-2mm pitch “large stroke” DM R&D Goal: Develop Woofer & tweeter MDMs solution for compact XAO, MCAO & MOAO systems Woofer & tweeter MDMs Specifications (ESO, INSU, INAF) Industrial Call for Tenders Two x 2 competitive designs & techno brick prototypes (18 months)  review Development of one ~3-400 actuators woofer MDMs Development of one 4K actuators tweeter MDMs Partner: ESO, INSU, INAF + others to be identified after CFT (CILAS, BAE, ALPAO, OKO, LETI, IPMS, UKATC ….) Eligible cost: 2.9 M€ (1.2, 0.5, 1.2), 5 years EC funded <2.1 M€

28 AO proposal for FP7 June 2006, N. Hubin Cryogenic Deformable Mirror Goal: Develop a cryogenic DM for Mid-IR instrument Conceptual design of the Mid-IR AO system Specifications of the cryogenic DM  industrial CFT Two feasibility studies of a cryo-DM + small prototypes Cryogenic testing of the DM prototypes Partner: Leiden, ASTRON, ESO + others to be identified after CFT (TNO, OKO, CILAS, LETI, ALPAO,….) Eligible cost: 0.8 M€ (0.6, 0.2), 3 years EC funded <0.4 M€ Cost to be confirmed

29 AO proposal for FP7 June 2006, N. Hubin Algorithms & Real-Time Computer Goal: Develop Real-Time Computer for the next generation of AO systems & implement/demonstrate new smart control algorithms Develop a Real-Time Computer platform (SPARTA +) to study new algorithms Develop the next generation of Real Time Computers: Cell Blade Servers  demonstrator Intel Arrays  demonstrator Survey of new emerging technologies Partner: ESO, Durham, PHASE, CRAL, Shaktiware Eligible cost: 1.8 M€, 5 years EC funded <0.9 M€

30 AO proposal for FP7 June 2006, N. Hubin Sodium laser R&D Goal: Demonstrate feasibility of at least 2 laser demonstrators able to deliver 50W CW, 20W pulsed @ 1kHz. Development in close collaboration with industry Design for 2 fiber lasers, 1 free space solid state & 1 dye laser Enabling experiments (1 year)  review 2 laser solutions Production of the high power prototypes and test results. Choice of the laser to proceed to packaging Laser packaging design including operation issues and final delivery of one complete laser unit. Final tests and report. Partner: ESO, UJF Grenoble, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität: Institut für Angewandte Physik, Institut fuer Physikalische Hoch Technologie, Jena, IPF Technologies Ltd, London Eligible cost: 3.6 M€ (incl. 22FTEs), 5 years EC funded <2 M€

31 AO proposal for FP7 June 2006, N. Hubin AO Networking, Coordination & Interfaces

32 AO proposal for FP7 June 2006, N. Hubin AO Networking & Coordination Two Networks to strengthen an Science-instrument-AO integrated approach: AO specification/performance & instrument designs: 150k€ AO specification/performance & instrument designs: 150k€ AO facilities performance versus science performance: 150k€ AO facilities performance versus science performance: 150k€ One specific AO Network: AO workshops/meetings on hot topics: 250k€ High contrast imaging techniques High contrast imaging techniques AO Calibration methods and science outputs AO Calibration methods and science outputs Post-processing coordination meetings Post-processing coordination meetings Woofer-tweeter MOAO, MCAO, XAO Woofer-tweeter MOAO, MCAO, XAO Smart control algorithms coordination meetings Smart control algorithms coordination meetings Optimum wavefront sensing coordination meetings Optimum wavefront sensing coordination meetings Progress & roadmap in AO enabling technologies Progress & roadmap in AO enabling technologies Lasers, detectors, deformable mirrors, Real time control

33 AO proposal for FP7 June 2006, N. Hubin Access: WHT ELT Test bed Proposal

34 AO proposal for FP7 June 2006, N. Hubin WHT ELT Test bed Proposal Goal: Provide a European ELT LGS test facility at the WHT & carry out LGS risk reductions studies on the E-ELT AO technology roadmap The 4.2 m Alt-Azimuth telescope as test bed facility on La Palma Enhance one of the platforms as an LGS test facility: New optics & electronics enclosures with temperature & humidity control Basic AO observational facilities (derot., acq. Syst., NGS “truth” sensor, NIR imager A low-cost sodium laser (CW fibre-based and/or pulsed modeless) Parallel-beam laser launch option (supported by scatter/fluorescence charac.) C n 2 and Rayleigh profile monitoring Turbulence simulator & selectable feed-through NGS AO system (avoids duplication) Access arrangement: Allocation of telescope nights for the best experiments A series of experiments (next viewgraph) As a final refinement: engineer an installed LGS AO testbed use the experimental results to help define it it will have the unique option for daytime and night-time use with real LGS

35 AO proposal for FP7 June 2006, N. Hubin The candidate experiments LPSIMPE (S. Rabien)Parallel-launch LGS interferometer (uplink) ELLASESO (D. Bonaccini Calia)Parallel-launch LGS interferometer (downlink) StitchingGalway (A. Goncharov)Novel LGS stitching method for ELTs SkyProjection MUST Technion (E. Ribak)Novel beacon creation methods AO supportLeiden (R. Stuik)AO support for experiments ElongationESO (E. Marchetti)ELT-scale spot elongation study MEMSArcetri (S. Esposito)MEMS/MCAO aspects on-sky LinkOBSPM (G. Rousset)Experimental specification/analysis LinkONERA (T. Fusco)Experimental specification/analysis Real-timeIAC-GTC (M. Reyes)FPGA Real-time control on-sky PolychromaticLSP, Grenoble (J.-P. Pique)Experiments with pulsed modeless Na laser LGS/MEMSDurham (R. Myers)LTAO, laser-MOAO, parallel-schemes

36 AO proposal for FP7 June 2006, N. HubinManagement Pre-agreed mechanism for funding of experimental stages Simulations & system analysis  review  funding of laboratory experiment Simulations & system analysis  review  funding of laboratory experiment Laboratory demonstration  review  Access to Telescope time Laboratory demonstration  review  Access to Telescope time On-sky testing  Test report  Release of X% of remaining funds On-sky testing  Test report  Release of X% of remaining funds Flexible re-allocation of resources depending on quality of new proposals Flexible re-allocation of resources depending on quality of new proposals Partner: Durham, & many others Eligible cost: 4.5 M€ (1.5, 3) 5 years EC funded <3.4 M€ Cost to be reviewed

37 AO proposal for FP7 June 2006, N. Hubin AO proposal summary ToolsActivities Eligible cost Cost funded by EC Conceptual Design & Demonstrators 1 st light AO MOAO, XAO, MCAO 24.6 M€ 15 M€ AO enabling Technologies LDM, MDM, CryoDM, lasers, RTC 11.6 M€ 7.2 M€ NetworkingAO-scienceAO-instrument AO coordination 0.55 M€ Access WHT test bed 4.5 M€ 3.4 M€ Total Eligible cost Funded by the EC 41.25M€ 26.15M€

38 AO proposal for FP7 June 2006, N. HubinCONCLUSIONS AO results obtained in the frame of FP6 are outstanding  AO FP7 proposal built on the same core team AO for ELT: an abundance of challenges! Preliminary roadmap is being developed Focus AO community effort to the agreed roadmap Develop E-ELT AO design & highly relevant demonstrators Develop required enabling technologies & prototypes Invest massively in AO key technologies Access to WHT test bed to explore Sodium LGS solutions Develop a strong European coordination of AO: Full autonomy of the lead institute to manage project development, cost and schedule but… Full autonomy of the lead institute to manage project development, cost and schedule but… Payments granted based on measurable results & deliverables Payments granted based on measurable results & deliverables Minimize I3 management overheads as far as possible Minimize I3 management overheads as far as possible Suggestion for money flow: Suggestion for money flow: I3 coordinator  AO coordinator  lead institute  partners I3 coordinator  AO coordinator  lead institute  partners

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