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Agents Know-bots, Robots & A.I. By: Brandy S.N. Ervin.

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Presentation on theme: "Agents Know-bots, Robots & A.I. By: Brandy S.N. Ervin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agents Know-bots, Robots & A.I. By: Brandy S.N. Ervin

2 What is an Agent? Bio/Chemically An instrument by which something is done or caused TeachingLib/Guides/In ternet/FindInfo.html Software That requests files from Websites and then catalogs and returns. All metasites and search engines are based on this technology

3 How Does It Work?

4 Tools of Agents Web crawlers Spiders Crawlers “know-bots” “knowledge-bots” Computer robot programs used by search engines to roam the WWW via the Internet, visit sites & databases, keeping the search engine up to date

5 Spiders Crawl………. Obtain new pages Update known pages Delete obsolete pages Return to “home” database….. ……. but sometimes…

6 …problems arise…

7 Link Rot Most large search engines operate with several at a time but the task of combing the web can take six months so out- datedness can result. URL’s have been changed but the crawlers have not been able to keep up or track of it

8 The Invisible Web Spiders cannot or will not enter into database and extract content as they can/would from static Web pages Tend to be specialty & subject specific data based & son on These entries tend to be very current, dynamically changing information News Job listings Available airlines flights, etc. Also not gathered are non-textual files such as Multimedia Graphical files Non-standard formats (PDF)

9 Sometimes Things Work out as Planned!

10 Search Engine Mechanism & Ranked Order S.E.M Software that enables users to query the index (database containing a copy of each Web page gathered by the spider) & that usually returns results in terms relevance to a ranking order Ranking Order The reason why a URL is in the numerical position it is in in a list of results from a performed search 2 types 1 st generation: Closer to top of list if search term appears many times, near beginning of document close together in document, in the document title, etc. 2 nd generation: New system of finding by/results based by concept, keyword site links or popularity.

11 Spiders are indiscriminant: They may gather material that is outdated, inaccurate, inappropriate,or incomplete..but.. Software can be conventional, proactive, semi-autonomous & adaptive

12 Kardas On Everything Robots Robots are physical & represent a step up from simple automation Robots can vary wildly in intelligence Simplest robots are unintelligent & depend on simple environments & precise placement to work More unintelligent robots are able to deal successfully with complex environments & can tolerate imprecision

13 And Still…More Kardas… Artificial Intelligence Studies the rules governing complex systems Mimics biological life, “creating” & “killing” computer “organisms” & watching how those entities exist over time on screen. Agents linked to AI (virtual servants?)

14 “ Coming up with a once-and- for- all definition of agenthood is so difficult: one persons intelligent agent is another persons “smart” object & today’s “smart” object is tomorrows “dumb” program.”

15 Good Internet Agents Are… Communicative: Understand Able to understand users goals preferences & constraints/parameters Ex. Track& Field Track –Competition –Humans »Male »Female –Races »400meter »200hurdles Field Competition Olympics Javelin Hammer throw Shot-put

16 Good Agents Are… Capable: Think –Make options rather than simply provide advice ( A.I.? Soft?) Autonomous: Do –Able to act without the user being in control the whole time Ex. Webnews autosearches Adaptive: Learn –Able to learn from experience about both its tasks & its users preferences

17 More Sites ial_Intelligence/Agents/

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