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Dorothea Dix By: Joshua Easter

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1 Dorothea Dix By: Joshua Easter

2 Overview Mentally Challenged forced to live in jails. Dorothea Dix fought to educate the general public of this. Insane asylums created to house people with mental disorders. Dix started a movement that would lead to modern advances in mental health care.

3 Background Dorothea born in Hampden, Maine in the year 1802. Had a rich family. Loved to teach as a young girl. Started multiple schools for young girls. Had experience with authorship.

4 East Cambridge Jail Went to teach a Sunday School class for women. Realized that mentally insane lived there too. Discovered the awful conditions in which the insane where kept. Decided to change things.

5 How The Insane Were Controlled Tranquilizing chairThe Crib phpapp02/95/nursing-care-of-clients-with-mental-health-disorders-17-728.jpg?cb=1335525892

6 Dorothea’s Initial Response Dorothea took the matter to the courts. Miss Dix explained the conditions that the mentally insane were forced to live in, specifically the lack of heat. Dix won her case improving treatment conditions for the people living in East Cambridge.

7 Massachusetts State Legislature Dorothea wrote a letter to the state legislature calling for a state enforced change. Went in depth in how people were ‘chained, naked, beaten with rods, and lashed into obedience’ (Memorial). Dorothea won her case.

8 Spreading Awareness Across The States Dix knew that she couldn’t stop at Massachusetts. She traveled all across the Eastern United States inspecting prisons and increasing awareness. Covered every state east of the Mississippi. Founded 35 mental hospitals in 14 states.

9 Going For A Bigger Goal In 1848, Dorothea requested for the national government to set aside a large sum of land for the mentally ill. This bill was passed in both the Senate and the House of Representatives. President Pierce ultimately vetoed this bill.

10 No Rest For A Just Cause Due to failing health, Dix decided to retreat to Europe to rest. Upon arriving in Europe, Dorothea began inspecting prisons and spreading awareness just as she had done in America. Dorothea managed to found hospitals in nine countries including Italy, Rome, Greece, Turkey, Australia, Hungary, Germany, Russia, and Scandinavia.

11 Return To The States During Dix’s return to the U.S. the Civil War broke out. During this time Dorothea was occupied as Superintendent of U.S. Army Nurses. The war damaged, if not destroyed in some cases, many mental health facilities in the South. This gave Dorothea purpose after the war.

12 Spreading Awareness Across The Globe A representative from Japan, Mori Arinori, was visiting Washington D.C. Dorothea traveled to D.C. to meet with Arinori, and told him of the injustices that were happening to mentally insane. Arinori took these ideas back to Japan and created his country’s first mental health facility in Kyoto.

13 Fight To The Bitter End Dorothea Dix continued to travel the country until 1881, when her health turned for the worst. Dix checked herself into one of her own hospitals in Trenton, New Jersey. Dorothea remained there for six years until her death on July 17, 1887.

14 Conclusion Dorothea Dix spent her life helping others. Dix went from teaching young girls, to improving conditions for mentally insane, and taking care of the nation’s wounded. Without the dedication that Dorothea had towards helping those with mental disorders, none of the help that people have now would be possible.

15 Questions?

16 References Alyssa DesRochers, “Dorothea Dix: Mental Health Reformer and Civil War Nurse,” Smithsonian Institution Archives, 29 March 2012; Available from; Internet; Accessed 21 November 2014. Courtney Bellizzi, “Mori Arinori: Japanese Statesman,” Smithsonian Institution Archives, 30 May 2013; Available from; Internet; Accessed 23 November 2014. Dorothea Dix, “Memorial to the Massachusetts Legislature,” Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, 1843; available from; Internet; Accessed 23 November 2014. Dorothea Dix, Remarks on Prisons and Prison Discipline in the United States (Philadelphia: Joseph Kite & Co., printers, 1845). 13-24, 32-40, 44-48. “Dorothea Dix,” Soylent Communications, 2014; Available from; Internet; Accessed 24 November 2014. “Dorothea Dix & Franklin Pierce,” National Public Radio, n. d.; Available from; Internet; Accessed 24 November 2014

17 References Cont. “Dorothea Lynde Dix,”, 2014.; Available from; Accessed 23 November 2014. Staff, “Dorothea Lynde Dix,” A+E Network, 2009; Available from; Internet; Accessed 23 November 2014. Jenn Bumb, “Dorothea Dix,” Webster University, n. d.; Available from; Internet; accessed 21 November 2014. LaDonna Ghareeb, “Dix, Dorothea,” Grand Valley State University, n. d.; Available from; Internet; Accessed 23 November 2014 Steven Laurence Danver, Revolts, Protests, Demonstrations, and Rebellions in American History: An Encyclopedia,” 8 vols., ed. Steven Laurence Danver et al (ABC-CLIO, 2011), I, chap. Dix, Dorothea (1802-1807), 487.. Wayne Viney, “Dorothea Dix,” Unitarian Universalist History & Heritage Society, 3 January, 2003; Available from; Internet; Accessed 23 November 2014.

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