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Facebook Rapunzel: Is living happily ever after with my prince. Free at last! WallPhotosFlairBoxesRapunzelLogout View photos of Rapunzel (5) Send Rapunzel.

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Presentation on theme: "Facebook Rapunzel: Is living happily ever after with my prince. Free at last! WallPhotosFlairBoxesRapunzelLogout View photos of Rapunzel (5) Send Rapunzel."— Presentation transcript:

1 facebook Rapunzel: Is living happily ever after with my prince. Free at last! WallPhotosFlairBoxesRapunzelLogout View photos of Rapunzel (5) Send Rapunzel a message Poke Rapunzel Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write something… Share Information Networks: Germany Birthday: The day with thousands of paper lanterns in the sky Political: none Religion: None Hometown: Hanau, Germany Friends PrinceMother Gothel Pascal PenelopeBelle Rapunzel: Alone, once again. I am stuck in a desert and all I can do is sing and re- grow my hair. =[ Cinderella Mother Gothel to Rapunzel: WICKED CHILD! You have deceived me! I am going to cut off your hair and you will never have the luxury of your own tower again. Rapunzel: Something wonderful just happened! Today as I reluctantly let down my hair, and a PRINCE climbed up. Hopefully this is only the first visit of many. Rapunzel: these daily visits from Mother Gothel are really starting to get old. Especially since she never pulls her own weight. Rapunzel: Nothing to do but grow my hair and sing to myself. Rapunzel to Mother Gothel: Why is it that you are so much heavier for me to draw up than the kings son? Prince to Rapunzel: Ever since I heard you singing from your tower I knew I loved you. I watched and saw Mother Gothel climb up and speak those words “Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your long hair!” I imitated her and then I met you. Ever since you’ve been sent away I’ve been roaming the world blind. Just a while ago I heard your beautiful singing and I knew it was you. I went towards you and you hugged me and cried. Your tears cured my blindness and I am so glad to have found you again. Now starts our happily ever after.

2 Personal Information facebook Rapunzel: is living happily ever after with my prince. Free at last! WallPhotosFlairBoxesRapunzelLogout View photos of Rapunzel (5) Send Rapunzel a message Poke Rapunzel Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Networks: Germany Birthday: The day with thousands of paper lanterns in the sky Creator: The Brothers Grimm Name: Rapunzel Hometown: Hanau Germany Photos Creator: The Brothers Grimm Sex: Female Birthday: The day with thousands of paper lanterns in the sky. Hometown: Hanau, Germany Relationship Status: In a relationship with the Prince / Flynn Rider Hair style: Long golden locks or a short shaggy brown cut. (I prefer my blonde hair.) Name Origin: Rapunzel means Rampion which is what my father stole from the witches garden in exchange for me. Activities: Singing, painting, healing, thinking, wishing, hair growing, weaving. Interests: Adventure, the world outside her window, music, people, love. Favorite Music: Dave Mathews (Rapunzel) Sara Bareilles (Fairy Tale) and Lady GaGa Favorite Movies: Tangled, Shrek 3, Barbie as Rapunzel, and Inkheart Groups: Disney Princesses, Fairy tale characters, hair lovers, blondes have more fun, blonde moments, saved by a prince. Favorite Books: The Brothers Grimm fairy tales. The Family Updated 10 years ago 2 Albums My Prince Charming! Updated two days ago Contact Information Address: The tallest tower in the middle of the woods. Phone Number: I’m not allowed to have a phone. =[

3 facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesRapunzelLogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of Rapunzel 7 Photos Rapunzel’s Albums 2 Photo Alums The Family 5 photos My Prince Charming 5 photos Profile Pictures 1 photo Rapunzel: is living happily ever after with my prince! Free at last!

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