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EE359 – Lecture 13 Outline Annoucements Midterm announcements No HW this week (study for MT; HW due next week) Midterm review Introduction to adaptive.

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Presentation on theme: "EE359 – Lecture 13 Outline Annoucements Midterm announcements No HW this week (study for MT; HW due next week) Midterm review Introduction to adaptive."— Presentation transcript:

1 EE359 – Lecture 13 Outline Annoucements Midterm announcements No HW this week (study for MT; HW due next week) Midterm review Introduction to adaptive modulation Variable-rate variable-power MQAM Optimal power and rate adaptation Finite constellation sets

2 Midterm Announcements Midterm Thur Nov. 7, 6-8pm, Thornton 110 Open book/notes (bring textbook/calculators) Covers Chapters 1-7 No computers Short review today OHs this week: Andrea: Tuesday 5-6pm and Wednesday 6-7pm Mainak: Mainak’s: Tues 6-7 pm, Packard 364, Wed 7-8pm Packard 106, Thurs 1:30-2:30 pm, Packard 106 No HW this week (new HW posted Thurs) Midterms from past 3 MTs posted, 10 pts for taking one and solns to all exams

3 Review of Last Lecture Maximal Ratio Combining MGF Approach for Performance of MRC Transmit diversity With channel knowledge, similar to receiver diversity, same array/diversity gain Without channel knowledge, can obtain diversity gain through Alamouti scheme over 2 consecutive symbols

4 Adaptive Modulation Change modulation relative to fading Parameters to adapt: Constellation size Transmit power Instantaneous BER Symbol time Coding rate/scheme Optimization criterion: Maximize throughput Minimize average power Minimize average BER Only 1-2 degrees of freedom needed for good performance

5 Variable-Rate Variable-Power MQAM Uncoded Data Bits Delay Point Selector M(  )-QAM Modulator Power: P(  ) To Channel  (t) log 2 M(  ) Bits One of the M(  ) Points BSPK 4-QAM 16-QAM Goal: Optimize P(  ) and M(  ) to maximize R=Elog[M(  )]

6 Optimization Formulation Adaptive MQAM: Rate for fixed BER Rate and Power Optimization Same maximization as for capacity, except for K=-1.5/ln(5BER).

7 Optimal Adaptive Scheme Power Adaptation Spectral Efficiency  kk  Equals capacity with effective power loss K=-1.5/ln(5BER).

8 Spectral Efficiency Can reduce gap by superimposing a trellis code

9 Constellation Restriction Restrict M D (  ) to {M 0 =0,…,M N }. Let M(  )=  /   *, where   * is later optimized. Set M D (  ) to max j M j : M j  M(  ). Region boundaries are  j =M j   *, j=0,…,N Power control maintains target BER M(  )=  /   *  00  1 =M 1  K * 22 33 0 M1M1 M2M2 Outage M1M1 M3M3 M2M2 M3M3 MD()MD()

10 Power Adaptation and Average Rate Power adaptation: Fixed BER within each region l E s /N 0 =(M j -1)/K l Channel inversion within a region Requires power increase when increasing M(  ) Average Rate

11 Efficiency in Rayleigh Fading Spectral Efficiency (bps/Hz) Average SNR (dB)

12 Main Points Adaptive modulation leverages fast fading to improve performance (throughput, BER, etc.) Adaptive MQAM uses capacity-achieving power and rate adaptation, with power penalty K. Comes within 5-6 dB of capacity Discretizing the constellation size results in negligible performance loss.

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